Title: Color Invariance
1Color Invariance
2What we passed till now
- Cause to shadows, and what shadows means for us
(the interpretation of shadows in human brain). - How to create shadows graphically.
- Some shadow detection techniques
3This lecture Overview
- Intro
- Shadows
- Invariance and color invariance
- Shadow classification
- Shadow segmentation
4Intro - Shadows
- Generation of shadows
- Shadows Types
- Cast shadows
- Self shadows
5Intro - Invariance
- Invariant
- A feature (quantity or property or function) that
remains unchanged when a particular
transformation is applied to it. - What it used for
- Invariance in images
- Matlab demo
6Intro Shadow detection techniques
- Shadow detection techniques classification
- Model based
- Property based
7Shadow identification and classification using
invariant color models
- Elena Salvador, Andrea Cavallaro,
- Touradj Eebrahimi
- 2001
- Goal
- Constraints
- Color Invariants
- Algorithm steps
- Results
- Conclusions
- Extraction and classification of shadows in color
- A simple environment assumed where shadows are
cast on flat or nearly flat non textured surface. - Objects are uniformly colored.
- Only one light source illuminates the scene.
- Shadows and objects are within the image.
- The light source must be strong.
11Color Invariants
- Photometric color invariants
- Definition
- Models of photometric color invariants
- Normalized rgb
- Hue (H) and saturation (S)
- (C1,C2,C3) and (L1,L2,L3)
12Color Invariants - cont
- C1C2C3 color invariant features defined as
( Color Based Object Recognition Theo Gevers and
Arnold W.M. Smeulders 1999 )
13Algorithm steps
- Shadow candidates identification
- Edge detection
- Finding the outer points of the edge map
- Intensities used as reference
- Morphological processing used to close contours
of the edge map.
14Algorithm steps - cont
- Shadow classification
- Applying photometric color invariants
- Edge detection
- Classification
15Algorithm steps - summary
- This method succeeds in detecting and classifying
shadows within environmental constraints that are
less restrictive then other methods. - Need to define strategy to describe the object
color discounting the effect of self shadow.
18Cast shadow segmentation using invariant color
- Elena Salvador, Andrea Cavallaro and
- Touradj Ebrahimi
- 2004
- Goal
- Constraints
- Spectral properties of shadows
- Dichromatic reflection model
- Photometric color invariants
- Algorithm steps
- Results
- Detection of cast shadows on video and on still
- The ambient light assumed to be a proportional to
direct occluded light. - Inter-object reflection among different surfaces
not taken in account. - Video
- The camera is not moving.
22Dichromatic reflection model
- Radiance of light
- When object obstructing the direct light we have
- Let to be a
spectral sensitivities of R,G and B sensors of
color camera.
23Dichromatic reflection model - cont
- The color components of reflected intensity that
reaching the camera sensors are - Sensor measurements in direct light
- For a point in shadow the measurements are
24Dichromatic reflection model - cont
25Color invariance
- The color invariants are the same as in previous
26Algorithm steps
- Hypothesis generation
- Dichromatic model
- Accumulation of evidence
- Color invariance test
- Geometric properties test
- Decision
27Hypothesis generation
- Still images
- Find edges with Sobel operator.
- Use reference pixels to find shadow suspected
areas. - Video
- Analysis performed only in areas that identified
by motion detector - The reference image represents the background of
the scene. - To obtain more robustness the analysis performed
on window
28Hypothesis generation - cont
- Result of the first level
- The candidate shadow points belonging to the
edge map
29Accumulation of evidence overview
- Color invariance property used to strength or
cancel the hypothesized shadow areas. - Checking the existence of shadow line and hidden
30Accumulation of evidence Still Images
- Color edge detection performed in the invariant
space. - Morphological dilation applied on the edge map.
- Isolated pixels removed.
31Accumulation of evidence in video
- Compute invariant feature values by
- Geometric property test
- Position of shadow with respect to the object is
32Information integration
- Results of integrating all stages.
- Shadow identification and classification using
invariant color models. Elena Salvador, Andrea
Cavallaro, Touradj Eebrahimi 2001 - Cast shadow segmentation using invariant color
features. Elena Salvador, Andrea Cavallaro and,
Touradj Ebrahimi 2004 - http//www.mathworks.com/access/helpdesk/help/tool
35The End
36Sobel operator
- Performs a 2-D spatial gradient measurement on an
image and so emphasizes regions of high spatial
gradient that correspond to edges. - Basic Sobel convolution mask
37Pseudo-convolution kernels in general
- We can use a pseudo convolution operator to
perform these to steps in one step.
G (P12P2P3)-(P72P8P9)(P32P6P9)-(P
38Morphological dilation of images
39Examples of photometric color invariants
( Color Based Object Recognition Theo Gevers and
Arnold W.M. Smeulders 1999 )