Title: Dynamics of the electrooptic response of chargedensitywave conductors
1Dynamics of the electro-optic response of
charge-density-wave conductors L. Ladino, M.
Freamat, M. Uddin, R.C. Rai, J.W.
Brill University of Kentucky
Samples from R.E. Thorne, Cornell U.
2This CDW strain (df/dx) profiles were measured in
NbSe3 by transport (Cornell) and x-ray (Grenoble)
measurements. Note since xj ja d cos(qx
f), df/dx ?q
Time after current reversal
current conversion Into sliding CDW
contact strain
bulk polarization
bulk polarization
3Electro-transmittance of blue bronze (K0.3MoO3)
- For photon energies less than the CDW gap
and voltages near threshold, the infrared
transmission (T) increases at the positive
current contact and decreases at negative. - (DT/T 0.5 for 5mm thick sample (T 3) and
transverse polarization.) - The spatial variation was similar to the NbSe3
strain variation, and we assumed that DT/T a
Extra strain near ( 100mm) contact for V gt VT
(dc current threshold).
DT / T ()
Linear variation for V VT polarization of CDW
(when depinned in interior)
4Broadband changes in transmission due to
intraband absorption of thermally excited
electrons screening the CDW deformation. Also
phonons affected (DG Dn 0.01 cm-1) by the CDW
strain these changes dominate the
E ? conducting chains
5Use the electro-optic response to measure the
frequency, voltage, and spatial dependence of CDW
repolarization (without multiple contacts).
IR Microscope
Electro-Reflectance DR R(V) R(V-)
Electro-Transmittance DT T(V) T(V-)
6 TaS3T 80 K, n 860 cm-1, parallel
polarization, w/2p 253 Hz
left contact
150 mV
95 mV
60 mV
Spectra and spatial dependence may be affected by
diffraction effects and irregular (micro-faceted)
7TaS3, 1,
Frequency of peak in quadrature and shoulder in
in-phase component increase with increasing
voltage ? CDW repolarization time decreases with
increasing voltage. DR/R (DR/R)0 / 1
(w/w0)2 (-iwt0)g (g lt 1 distribution of
relaxation times (t) broadens.)
8- Relaxation time t0 strongly V dependent.
- Delay time ( 100 ms) not strongly V-dependent.
- Delay time greater for positive repolarization
than negative. - Delay and relaxation times much longer than for
Time after current reversal
Reverses rapidly at contact but more uniformly in
center strain reversal driven by local strain
and CDW current,
Delay few ms (away from contact). No delay at
contact. (We have 50 mm resolution.)
DR/R (DR/R)0 / 1 (w/w0)2 (-iwt0)g
- t0 ? V-p, p 1.5, with no (obvious) divergence
near dc thresholds. - t0 increases away from contact, where strain
(?f/?x) decreases. (Similar to NbSe3 results
repolarization is driven (partly) by local
strain.) - g decreases (distribution of ts broadens) as
approach onset. - Inertia has no strong voltage dependence and
increases (slightly) away from contact.
w0 / 2p (kHz)
11Blue Bronze, Crystal 1, 80 K, n 850 cm-1, 25 Hz
Contact strain only 50 mm
Bulk strain
Zero strain position depends on voltage
12Blue Bronze 1, T 80 K, R 850 cm-1 T 820
cm-1 50 mm resolution
253 Hz, x0
X0, 2VT
253 Hz, 2VT
DR/R and DT/T have same frequency, position,
voltage dependence ? CDW strain (and current)
uniform through cross-section.
- quadrature
13Blue Bronze 1 Electro-Transmittance, T 80 K,
n 820 cm-1
Fits to DT/T (DT/T)0 / 1 (w/w0)2
(-iwt0)g (w0 strongly position dependent)
(doesnt include decay for frequencies lt Wx/2p
50 Hz)
14Blue Bronze 2, T 80 K, n 890 cm-1
? Time constants (t0, w0-1) an order of
magnitude larger than for crystal 1 !! ?
15(No Transcript)
16Blue Bronze, T 80 K DT/T (DT/T)0 / 1
(w/w0)2 (-iwt0)g
- t0 V-1 (1),1/V-2 (2)
- ? time scales much longer for 2 than 1 ?
- g 1 for 1, but decreases (distribution of
relaxation times broaden) at small voltages for
2. - Relaxation time increases slightly away from
contact - Delay time (w0-1) increases rapidly as move away
from contact. (Inertia is NOT a contact effect.)
2, 1 ?, ? x 0 ?, ? x 100 mm ,
x 200 mm
Expected response to low-frequency square-wave
Wx/2p is cross-over frequency (no clear V or x
18The CDW strain is not expected to decay (and no
decay was observed in NbSe3 transport). However,
the CDW force (gradient of decay) was found to
decay (tdecay 20 ms). Could the electro-optic
response have a contribution from the CDW force
(mechanism ???)
Adelman, et al
- We used electro-optic response as a
non-perturbative probe of CDW repolarization
dynamics in blue bronze and TaS3. The response
is governed by three (voltage, position, and
sample dependent) time constants - Relaxation time 100 ms ? 20 ms
- t0 V-p (p1-2) why
dependence so weak? -
- Delay time w0-1 lt 40 ms ? 3 ms ?
Why so long ? -
- Decay time Wx-1 2 ms ? gt 80 ms ?
What is this ?
20Critical Measurements ? Must overcome unstable
peak (1) or increase in g (2)
Blue Bronze 2
Blue Bronze 1