Gestalt Therapy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Gestalt Therapy


Impasse ('stuck point' ... The impasse. The implosive. The explosive. Contact ... The Impasse: The point where we are stuck in our own maturation. We feel dead ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Gestalt Therapy

Gestalt Therapy
  • EDCE 655
  • Theories Techniques II

Fritz Perls
  • Realized the importance of viewing humans as a
    whole rather than as a sum of discretely
    functioning parts through his work at the
    Goldstein Institute for Brain-Damaged Soldiers in
  • Established the New York Institute for Gestalt
    Therapy (1952)

Gestalt View of Human Nature
  • Therapy aims at integrating the sometimes
    conflicting dimensions within all people
  • Individuals are capable of dealing with their
    life problems themselves, especially if they are
    fully aware of what is occurring in the present
  • Gestalt Theory of Change
  • The more we try to be who what we are not, the
    more we stay the same

Therapeutic Goals
  • Attaining awareness of self senses coupled with
    greater choice responsibility
  • Assuming ownership of experiences
  • Developing skills acquiring values that will
    permit the satisfaction of needs without
    violating the rights of others
  • Moving from outside support to increased internal

Gestalt Propositions
  • A person tends to seek closure
  • A person will complete Gestalts in accordance
    with his/her own needs
  • A persons behavior is a whole which is greater
    then the sum of its parts
  • A persons behavior can be meaningfully
    understood only in context
  • A person experiences the world in accordance to
    the principles of figure ground

Counselors Function Role
  • Assist the client in developing their own
    awareness experiencing how that are now
  • Focuses on the clients feelings, awareness at
    the moment, body messages, energy, avoidance,
    clocks to awareness
  • Paying attention to body language
  • Be aware of gaps in attention awareness of
    nonverbal expression
  • Incongruence between verbal nonverbal messages
  • Emphasize relationship between language patterns
  • It talk
  • You talk
  • Questions
  • Language that defines power
  • Clients metaphors

Counselor / Client Relationship
  • Emphasis on person-to-person relationship between
    counselor client
  • Genuine I/Thou relationship
  • Both counselor client are changed by their

Clients Experience in Counseling
  • Clients are ACTIVE participants who make their
    own interpretations meanings
  • Client Integration Sequence
  • Discovery
  • Clients achieve new realizations about themselves
    or acquire a new perspective
  • Accommodation
  • Clients recognize that they have a choice
  • Assimilation
  • Clients learn how to influence their environment

  • Emphasis on the here now
  • power is in the present
  • Counselor utilizes what how questions to
    focus clients on the present
  • Counselors goal is to help clients make contact
    with their experience in a vivid immediate
    manner rather than simply talking about it
  • Counselor are interested in the past if it
    directly impacts their feelings behaviors
  • experiences in the past are brought into the
    present as much as possible

Unfinished Business
  • Unfinished Business Unexpressed feelings
  • Remains to interfere with the effective contact
    with oneself others until one faces deals
    with the unexpressed emotions
  • Expressed frequently in some blockage with the
  • Impasse (stuck point)
  • Situation in which people believe themselves to
    be incapable of supporting themselves
    subsequently seeking support from others

  • A method that people employ to prevent themselves
    from facing unfinished business from
    experiencing the uncomfortable emotions
    associated with it
  • Counselors encourage the expression in the
    present moment those emotions that have never
    been directly experienced before

Layers of Neurosis
  • The phony
  • The phobic
  • The impasse
  • The implosive
  • The explosive

Contact Resistances to Contact
  • Effective contact with the environment stimulates
    inevitable change
  • Resistances to contact challenged in Gestalt
  • Introjection
  • Projection
  • Retroflection
  • Deflection
  • Confluence

Energy Blocks to Energy
  • Emphasis on where energy is located, how it is
    used, how it can be blocked
  • Blocked energy is perceived as a type of
  • Client attention focuses on how their resistance
    is expressed in their body, then clients
    exaggerate the bodily symptoms to gain insight on
    how their energy is being diverted in these

The Gestalt Experiment
  • Counseling sessions are perceived as a series of
    experiments which are a creative adventure
    developed collaboratively between counselor
  • The experiment is a method to reveal an internal
    struggle by making the struggle an actual process
  • The experiment is a medium through which clients
    experience the emotions associated with the
    internal struggle rather than merely talking
    about them

Preparation for Gestalt Experiments
  • Counselors should personally experience the power
    of Gestalt experiments feel comfortable
    implementing them in therapy
  • The counselor relationship the necessity of
    trust are the foundations for utilizing any

Role of Confrontation
  • By using Gestalt techniques, counselors must be
    willing to be active at times challenging
  • Self-confrontation by clients as they challenge
  • It is imperative in effective confrontation to
    RESPECT the client

The Dialogue Exercise
  • A role playing technique
  • Encourages the dialogue between 2 opposing poles
    in ones personality
  • Promotes a higher level of integration
    acceptance of the 2 polarities
  • i.e., parent vs. child ego states

Making the Rounds
  • Group Technique
  • Requires asking a person to approach others in
    group to either say or do something
  • Promotes
  • Individual confrontation
  • Risk taking
  • Disclosure of self
  • Experiment with new behavior
  • growth

I Take Responsibility for
  • Counselor asks a client to make a statement
    then adds
  • and I take responsibility for it
  • Promotes
  • Increased recognition acceptance of the
    clients feelings
  • Decreased projection of their emotions onto others

Playing the Projection
  • Counselor asks client to role play certain
    assertions that he/she makes about other people
  • Increases awareness of how he/she sees clearly in
    others the very things he/she does not want to
    see accept in the self

Reversal Technique
  • Counselor asks the client to role play the
    opposing side of the personality
  • Permits the contact with pieces of the self that
    have been denied submerged

Rehearsal Exercise
  • Counselor asks client to share his/her internal
    rehearsing to make him/her aware of how much
    energy preparation is involved in bolstering
    their social roles

Exaggeration Exercise
  • Client is asked to exaggerate a nonverbal
    movement or gesture repeatedly which intensifies
    the emotions connected to it
  • Wants clients to become aware of the subtle
    signals they are communicating through body

Staying with the Feeling
  • Counselor encourages the client to stay with the
    retain unpleasant feelings from which the client
    would prefer to escape

Gestalt Dream Work
  • The royal road to integration
  • The counselor encourages the client to relive
    act out the dream in the present tense
  • Each part of the dream is understood as a
    projection of the self
  • All the different parts of the dream are
    expression of ones contradictory inconsistent
  • By entering a dialogue between the opposing
    sides, one becomes more aware of the range of
    ones emotions

Gestalt Cycle of Experience
Mobilization of Energy
Layers of NeurosisPealing the Onion of Adult
  • It is necessary to strip off 5 layers of neurosis
    to reach the true personality
  • The Phoney
  • Living up to the fantasy someone else has created
  • One reacts to others inauthentically
  • When one gets past this stage he/she experiences
  • The Phobic
  • An attempt to avoid pain of seeing self clearly
  • Resistance to accepting self the way we are pops
  • The Impasse
  • The point where we are stuck in our own
  • We feel dead
  • Nothing can get past this but must in order for
  • The Implosive
  • We experience this deadness
  • We implode into ourselves
  • Expose our authentic selves
  • The Explosive
  • We let go of phoney roles pretenses
  • Release energy we have been using to be fake

Contributions to Multicultural Counseling
  • Can be advantageous if appropriately timed
  • Experiments can be tailored to fit the unique way
    in which an individual perceived interprets
    his/her culture
  • Gestalt techniques can allow the client the
    counselor to break down certain cross-cultural
    barriers between them
  • Effective in helping people integrate the
    polarities within themselves

Limitations to Multicultural Counseling
  • Some clients who have been culturally conditioned
    to keep their feelings reserved may not do well
    with the high level of intense feelings brought
    about by the techniques used
  • Some clients are culturally conditioned that they
    are not to express their emotions to their
  • As in the empty chair technique may require

Limitations Criticisms of Gestalt Therapy
  • The classic style of GT has a deemphasis on the
    cognitive factors of personality
  • GT discourages the counselor from teaching
  • Why should counseling exclude information giving,
    making suggestions, cognitive processing,
    explanations, interpretations?
  • The counselor must have a high level of personal

Cautions about Techniques
  • Techniques are not for all clients
  • when, with who, in what situation?
  • Techniques may be problematic if used with less
    organized, more severely disturbed, or psychotic
  • There is a potential danger in using these
    techniques because they are powerful
  • The counselor must be sensitive, use appropriate
    timing, use inventiveness, exhibit empathy
    respect for the client
  • GT takes much skill should be used cautiously
    with much training from experienced individuals

Linda In Crisis Over Her Pregnancy
  • Assume that you are a counselor in a community
    mental-health clinic, that you have a Gestalt
    orientation, that the counselor at the local
    high school tells you about Linda, a 15-year-old
    client he has seen several times. He feels that
    she needs further counseling, but he is limited
    by a school policy that does not permit personal
    counseling of any duration. Here is what you lean
    about her from the counselor.
  • Linda comes from a close-knit family, in
    general she feels that she can seek her parents
    out when she has problems. But now she says that
    she just cannot turn to them in this time of
    crisis. Even though she her boyfriend had been
    engaging in sexual intercourse for a year without
    using birth control measures, she was convinced
    that she would not get pregnant. When she did
    lean that she was pregnant, she expected that her
    16-year-old boyfriend would agree to get married.
  • He did not agree, he even questioned whether he
    was the father. She felt deeply hurt angry over
    this. On the advice of a girlfriend she
    considered an abortion for a time. But she
    decided against it because she felt that she
    could not deal with the guilt of terminating a
    life within her. But she felt this to be totally
    unacceptable, because she was sure she could not
    live knowing that she had created a life then
    abandoned the child. She considered having her
    baby becoming a single parent. Yet when the
    counselor pointed out all the realities involved
    in this choice, she could see that this potion
    would not work unless she told her parents
    lived with them, which she was sure she could not
    do. Her pregnancy is moving toward the advanced
    stages, her panic is mounting

Questions for Reflection
  • What do you imagine would be your initial
    reactions responses to the counselors account?
    What might your first words me to Linda after you
    were introduced to her? What do you think you
    would most want to say to her?
  • What might be some of your goals with Linda?
  • As some point you might work with Lindas
    feelings of anger hurt toward her boyfriend.
    What Gestalt techniques can you think of to help
    her explore these feelings? What techniques could
    you use to work with her feelings of guilt over
    not having lived up to her parents high
    expectations? What other Gestalt approaches might
    you use (with what expected outcomes) to explore
    with Linda her other feelings associated with
    being pregnant?
  • As you proceed you become aware of the following
    body messages
  • Whenever she talked about her fear of telling her
    parents expresses her guilt over letting them
    down, her voice changes to a very soft almost
    pleading tone.
  • Her mouth is extremely tight when she mentions
    her boyfriend her eyes become moist
  • She often has teary eyes a slight smile at the
    same time
  • Can you think of Gestalt techniques that you
    would build on to work with the body messages?
    How might you use her nonverbal cues as a way of
    helping her experience her feelings more fully?
  • What are the limitations, if any, of staying
    within a Gestalt framework in this case?
  • What are some advantages of using a Gestalt
    perspective in this case?
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