- One must wait until the evening to see how
splendid the day has been. - Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
- 3.1 The Law of Mass Action
- 3.2 Rate Constants and Temperature
- 3.3 Reaction Order and Testing Reaction Rate
Expressions - 3.3.1 Zero-Order Reactions 3.3.2 First-Order
Reactions - 3.3.3 Second-Order Reactions 3.3.4 Other
Reaction Orders - 3.3.5 Michaelis-Menton Enzyme Kinetics
- 3.4 Consecutive Reactions
- 3.5 Reversible Reactions
- 3.6 Parallel Reactions, Cycles and Food Webs
- 3.7 Transition State Theory
- 3.8 Linear Free-Energy Relationship
- Problems
- 1867, Guldberg and Waage
- The rate of a reaction is proportional to the
product of the concentration of each substance
participating in the reaction raised to the power
of its stoichiometric coefficients
- chemical concentration (activity) in
solution - If the reaction proceeds to chemical equilibrium,
the rate of the forward reaction becomes equal to
the reverse reaction
4- Elementary reactions occur in a single step
the law of mass action holds - Simple unimolecular reaction where 1 mole of
chemical A decomposes to form 1 mole of B
- Bimolecular elementary reactions
- Trimolecular elementary reactions are less common
and and more complicated stoichiometric equations
than trimolecular do not occur.
- The rate constant carries its own units necessary
to convert the mass law expression into a
reaction rate
- For the first-order decay reaction, the units on
k are inverse time (T-1)
- But for the 2nd-order reaction, k L3M-1T-1(L
mol-1 s-1 or L mg-1 d-1)
- Â In Eyring's transition state theory, a reaction
must overcome an activation energy before it can
proceed. Figure 3.1 shows, that the reactant
mixture has a certain energy content (internal
energy) derived from its chemical potential at a
given temperature and pressure. If the reaction
occurs, the system proceeds through a peak in
energy, a metastable transition state that may
involve an activated complex (ABC)
6Figure 3.1 Diagram for transition reaction A BC
? AB C. The free activation energy ?G is
necessary to form the activated complex ABC,
which is in equilibrium with the reactants. The
products ABC are formed from the dissociation of
7- Reaction rates increase with increasing
temperature - Svante Arrhenius the relationship between the
reaction rate constant and temperature
- A is a constant that is characteristic of the
reaction, Eact is the activation energy (J mol-1
or cal mol-1), T is the absolute temperature in
K, and R is the universal gas constant (8.314 J
mol-1 K-1 or 1.987 cal J mol-1 K-1). A plot of ln
k versus 1/T reveals the Eact from the slope of
the straight line
- If both temperatures are known in chemical
reaction, the equations for k equated, and the
constant A drops out as follows
- Generally chemical reactions occur in the
temperature range from 0 to 35 ? ? Eact/RT1T2
constant, and the equation simplifies to
- ? is a constant temperature coefficient gt 1.0 and
usually within the range 1.0-1.10, and k20 is the
rate constant at the reference temperature 20 ?
8Figure 3.2 Arrhenius plot of reaction rate
constant at any temperature. Activation energies
for the reaction can be obtained from the slope
of the line.
Figure 3.3 Effect of temperature on reaction
9Example 3.1 Effect of Temperature on Reaction
Rate Constants
- The Q10 rule in biology states that for a 10?
increase in temperature, the rate of the reaction
will approximately double. Solve for the
activation energy and q value necessary for a
doubling of the reaction rate constant from 20 ?
30 ?. . - Solution From the eqs proposed above,
10Table 3.1 Effect of Temperature on Reaction Rate
11- Enzymes are catalysts that speed the rate of
reaction but are not consumed in the reaction.
- S substrate, E enzyme, SE substrate-enzyme
complex, P product - The role of the enzyme is to lower the activation
energy of the reaction in Figure 3.1, resulting
in a greater probability that reactants will
interact successfully to form products. - Homogeneous catalysts are dissolved in the
aqueous phase together with the reactants. - Heterogeneous catalysts are usually solid
surfaces, and surface coordination reactions are
one of the steps in the overall reaction. The
surfaces bind a soluble reactant and create an
activated complex.
Table 3.2 Catalysts in Selected Aquatic Chemical
- In the arbitrary reaction between species A, B,
and C, the overall reaction order is defined as
the sum of the exponents in the rate expression
(a b c). - For a reaction rate that can be written as an
elementary reaction
- The overall reaction would be said to be of order
a b c, but the reaction rate could also be
said to be a order in reactant A, b order in
reactant B, and c order in reactant C . - Most elementary reactions are either zero, first,
or second order. - When reactions occur in a series of steps,
fractional order reactions are observed. - Methods for estimating rate constant for these
several kinds of reactions are described below.
133.3.1 Zero-Order Reactions
- If we consider irreversible degradation, reaction
rate does not depend on the concentration of
reactant in solution. k is the rate constant of
the zero-order reaction .
- For a zero-order reaction, integration of the
rate expression results in a straight line, and
the rate constant k0 can be determined as the
slope of the line. - From the results of the batch experiment, we can
determine two important facts about the reaction.
. - The proposed rate expression is correct if the
line is straight (the measurements fall on a
straight line to within some acceptable
statistical limit). . - The rate constant can be obtained from the slope
of the line.
143.3.2 First-Order Reactions
- FOR the reaction rate is proportional to the
concentration of the reactant to the first power
- Solving the above equation for A by separation of
varlables and integrating
- Equation for B can also be integrated, but it is
one ordinary differential equation with two
unknowns (A and B). So, substituting for known A
and solving,
- The solution for exponential growth reaction
15Figure 3.4 Summary of simple reaction kinetics
from batch reactor
16- Examples of FOR
- Radioisotope decay.
- Biochemical oxygen demand in a stream.
- Sedimentation of noncoagulating solids.
- Death and respiration rates for bacteria and
algae. - Reaeration and gas transfer.
- Log growth phase of algae and bacteria
(production reaction). - Probably the only one that is "exactly" first
order is radioisotope decay. But the other
reactions may be sufficiently close to
first-order reactions that we may assume the
reaction mechanism as an approximation.
173.3.3 Second-Order Reactions
- For the second-order reaction with one reactant
- Nonlinear ordinary differential equation
- 1/A versus time will yield a straight line with a
slope of k2. - Second-order reaction with two reactants
- A plot of ln(A/B) versus time should yield a
straight line with the slope of -k2(B0 A0)
18Figure 3.4 Summary of simple reaction kinetics
from batch reactor
19(No Transcript)
203.3.4 Other Reaction Orders
- If the reaction is not elementary but multi-step
one, It may be fractional order (0 lt n lt 1) or
some other noninteger order. Fractional order
kinetics occur in precipitation and dissolution
reactions. - For example, in the dissolution of oxides and
aluminosilicate minerals during chemical
weathering, the reaction is surface-controlled by
the slow detachment of the central metal ion
(activated complex) into solution .
- ?OH hydrous oxide or aluminosilicate mineral z
charge on the central metal ion and the number
of protons bound to the central metal atom M
central metal ion of valence z ? renewed
213.3.5 Michaelis-Menton Enzyme Kinetics
- Enzyme kinetics often result in rather
complicated rate expressions. The classic case of
Michaelis-Menton enzyme kinetics follows a
two-step reaction mechanism as follows.
- E is the enzyme, S is the substrate, ES is the
enzyme-substrate complex, and P is the product of
the reaction. - Note that the enzyme is a catalyst that speeds
the rate of the reaction (lowers the activation
energy) but is not consumed in the reaction. - The rate of formation of ES complex
- Rate of formation of products is first order in
the ES complex. Â
- Steady state dES/dt 0, k3 ltlt k2
22- Total enzyme in the system (E ES) ? E ET ES
- The total enzyme ET is seen to increase the rate
of the reaction (catalyze it), but it is not
consumed in the reaction. The formation rate of
product increases with increasing ET
concentration. . - If the product P is cellular synthesis (cell
biomass), then k3ET represents the maximum
growth rate of the product, and we obtain the
final expression for Michaelis-Menton kinetics - µmax the maximum growth rate of the product
- The reaction rate expression in the above
equation is intermediate between the 1st and 2nd
order cases. . At low substrate concentrations
(Sltlt KM), it is second order overall. At high
substrate concentrations (SgtgtKM) it is first
order overall and represents a log-growth phase.
23- The growth rate is a maximum when SgtgtKM (the
substrate concentration is very large), and it is
first order with respect to substrate
concentration for small substrate concentrations.
Figure 3.5 is a plot of the growth rate as a
function of substrate concentration.
24Figure 3.5 Michaelis-Menton enzyme kinetics
showing maximum growth rate µmax and
half-saturation constant (Michaelis constant) KM.
25Figure 3.6 Lineweaver-Burk plot to linearize
data using Michaelis-Menton enzyme kinetics to
obtain the parameters µmax and KM. It is a
double-reciprocal plot of growth rate and
substrate concentration.
- Nitrification and carbonaceous biochemical oxygen
demand (CBOD) in a stream are examples, where D
is the dissolved oxygen deficit that is created
when CBOD exerts itself. Ammonia-nitrogen is
oxidized to nitrite-nitrogen, which is, in turn,
oxidized to nitrate-nitrogen. Because etch
species is expressed in terms of nitrogen, the
stoichiometric coefficients are unity. Bacteria
catalyze the reactions in the above equations.
For consecutive nitrification reactions,
Nitrosomonas spp. mediate the first reaction and
Nitrobacter spp. mediate the second reaction. The
overall balanced chemical action for
nitrification is
- 1 mole of ammonia combines with 2 moles of oxygen
to form 1 mole of nitrate, overall. On a mass
basis, 1.0 gram of ammonia-nitrogen consumes 4.57
grams of oxygen to form 1.0 gram of
- A is the ammonia-nitrogen concentration, B is the
nitrite-nitrogen concentration, and C is the
nitrate-nitrogen concentration. The above
equations represent a set of three ordinary
differential equations that must be solved
27- The concentration of biodegradable organic
material can be measured using a biochemical
oxygen demand test. It measures the concentration
of dissolved oxygen that is consumed via
microbial oxidation of the organics. This process
results in a dissolved oxygen deficit in
equation (52). The deficit, in turn, reaerates
away due to the absorption of oxygen from the
atmosphere to the stream. Instead of forming a
product, the deficit goes to zero as atmospheric
reaeration proceeds to chemical equilibrium
(saturation). - (????).
Csat is the saturated concentration of dissolved
oxygen in equilibrium with the atmosphere, and
D.O. is the dissolved oxygen concentration. Csat
depends on temperature and salinity of the water
- To solve the above simultaneous equations, we
must start from ammonia-nitrogen equation.
- Substitute A concentration into the
ammonia-nitrogen equation
- Solving equation for B by integration factor
- p(t) is integrating factor, q(t) is
nonhomogeneous forcing function
28- The above equation can be the classic D.O. sag
curve of Streeter-Phelps.
- Solution for nitrate can be found by the
following equation. NT is the total moles of
species A, B, and C or the sum of their initial
- k1 can be obtained from a semilogarithmic plot ln
A versus t. - k2 can be estimated by using experimental data in
nonlinear least-squares fit. It also can be found
through the following equation.
29Figure 3.7 Concentration of ammonia-nitrogen,
nitrite-nitrogen, nitrate-nitrogen versus time in
nitrification reaction
- Many physical chemical reactions that occur in
nature are results of forward and reverse
reactions coming into a chemical equilibrium.
Some examples of reversible reaction are
acid-base reactions, gas transfer,
adsorption-desorption, bio concentration-depuratio
The total concentration of chemical is constant
throughout time.
- It is solvable by the integration factor method
or by the use of integration tables and
separation of variables.
- At steady state the equilibrium is reached dA/dt
- B and A are steady-state concentrations and
Keq is the equilibrium constant - We can obtain solution for A at t 8
31Figure 3.8 Reversible reaction showing the
mixture of products and reactants at chemical
equilibrium (t 8)
- In the nitrification of ammonia, parallel
reactions might include the uptake of ammonia by
algae and the stripping of ammonia from the water
body to the atmosphere at high pH.
- The pathway that ammonia disappears from the
environment, then, depends on the relative
magnitude of the rate constants k1, k3, and k4. A
rate expression must include all three reactions
- Sulfur cycle five state variables and eight
33Figure 3.9 The example of elemental cycle
sulfur cycle. Each reaction has a rate constant
and reaction rate expression.
34- Heavy metals, nitrogen, carbon, sulfur, and
phosphorus are elemental cycles that can be
modeled at the microscale, mesoscale, or even
global scale using chemical reaction kinetics.
. - Food webs are similar to elemental cycles for
carbon or biomass. In a lake, one might be
interested in modeling the transport and
transformation of a contaminant (e.g.,
polychlorinated biphenyls or PCBs) as they move
through the aquatic food web, etc. - The entire system is driven by primary production
involving photosynthesis (the sun's energy) and
the uptake of carbon dioxide by algae and rooted
35Figure 3.10 Food web of an ecosystem
demonstrates the interconnectedness and cycling
of elements in natural waters.
- Transition state theory considers the free-energy
requirements of a chemical reaction. - Rate expressions based on transition state theory
provide an important bridge between
thermodynamics (energetics and equilibrium
reactions of Ch.4) and rates of reactions
(kinetics in Ch. 3).
- Formation of activated complex
- Dissociating into products, irreversibly
- The higher the activation energy (standard free
energy of activation), the less is the
probability that the reaction occurs, and the
smaller is the rate of reaction. kB is
Boltzmanns constatn (1.38x10-23 K-1), h is
Plancks constant (6.63x10-34 J s-1), T is is the
absolute temperature (K).
37- The activated complex, ABC, is in equilibrium
with the reactants
- Using this constant, the reaction rate is
- The standard free energy of activation is defined
- ?H is the standard enthalpy of activation, and
?S is the standard entropy of activation.
- Quantitative relation can be established between
reaction rate constant and equilibrium constant.
For two related reactions, the following
relationship can be established
- Linear free energy relation in terms of
- ?G2 and ?G1 - free activation energies, ?G2o
and ?G1o free energies of the related
reactions. For a series of i reactants, the final
linear free energy relationships are
- a the slope of the linear plot, ß the
39- Figure 3.11 Linear free-energy relationship for
the oxidation of various Fe(II) species (Fe2,
FeOH, and Fe(OH)20) with O2(aq) and the
equlilbrium constant for the reaction - the rate expressions follow the law of mass
action as the product of the Fe(II) species times
the molar oxygen concentration in solution
- Three points representing the rate constant
versus the equilibrium constant for the reactions
are shown. The rate constant in each case is
defined by
- Derive the analytical solution of 0, 1, 2,
catalyst, and nth order reactions. - Derive the solution of three simultaneous
equations of nitrification. - Explain the D. O. Sag Curve using the above
solution. - Explain the theory of transition state and the
relation of linear free energy. - Explain the activation energy in terms of
enthalpy and entropy. - Explain all the models in my web site.
- Explain p7, p8, and p9 in groundwater textbook.
- Make the English table for composite multiphase
groundwater model.