Title: SIS
1SDI Workshop Stockholm, 9-12 February 2004
Implications of an ageing society Pas
cal WOLFF Eurostat E5
2SDI Workshop Stockholm, 9-12 February 2004
- Purpose
- Review proposed indicators for theme Ageing
Society. - Approach
- Context
- Policy goals
- Sub-themes and areas
- Coherence with other works
3SDI Workshop Stockholm, 9-12 February 2004
- Context
- Profile of IPSE and Soc. Prot. statistics
remains high and continues to grow - Within EU, big impetus from Lisbon process
and Open Method of Coordination. - Now streamlining with employment, health,
etc - Work of SPC Indicator Subgroup
- Within Eurostat, re-launch IPSE WP 1998,
launch SILC - Key proposals Eurostat, Laeken portfolio,
Str. Ind., NAPs/pens 2002, JPR, ISG progress
report 06/2003
4SDI Workshop Stockholm, 9-12 February 2004
- Headline objectives
- Adequacy of pension and health care systems,
while maintaining sustainability of public
finances and inter-generational solidarity ?
? FINANCIAL SUSTAINABILITY - Address the demographic challenge by raising
employment rates, reducing public debt and
adapting social protection systems, including
pension systems ? DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGES - Increase the average EU employment rate among
older women and men (55-64) to 50 by 2010.
5SDI Workshop Stockholm, 9-12 February 2004
- Sub-themes and areas
- Preventing social exclusion
- ? Risk of poverty for people aged 65 and
- Enable people to maintain living standards
- ? Replacement ratio (comparison of
household income between 65 and lt65) - Promoting solidarity within and between
generations - ? Inequality of income distribution (under
in ISG - JPR
6SDI Workshop Stockholm, 9-12 February 2004
- Sub-themes and areas
- Population structure
- ? Dependency ratio (65 and vs. 15-64)
- Life expectancy
- ? Life expectancy (at age 0, at age 65)
- Fertility
- ? Fertility rate
- Migrations
- ? Net inwards migrations (aged 15-64)
7SDI Workshop Stockholm, 9-12 February 2004
Dependency ratio
8SDI Workshop Stockholm, 9-12 February 2004
- Sub-themes and areas
- Employment levels
- ? Effective average rate of withdrawal from
labour market - ? Employment rates for people aged 55-64
- Sustainability of pension systems
- ? Pensions expenditures as a of GDP
- Sustainability of health care systems
- ? Health care expenditures as a of GDP
9SDI Workshop Stockholm, 9-12 February 2004
Dependency ratio
10SDI Workshop Stockholm, 9-12 February 2004
- Coherence with other works
- SDI framework is in line with ISG proposals
- Key indicator in pensions adequacy theme is
at-risk-of-poverty rate for 65 rather than
replacement rate (median household income) - Demographic change adds indicators on fertility
rate and migration. Demographic structure taken
as level 1 indicator (for ISG it is pensions
adequacy). - Employment of older workers appears under
economic theme instead. Projected expenditure on
healthcare added.
11SDI Workshop Stockholm, 9-12 February 2004
- Remaining shortcomings
- Some areas are still under development (best
needed indicators) wealth indicators,
theoretical replacement ratio, public
expenditure on care of the elderly - (Short-term) monetary poverty does not
necessarily lead to low living conditions - Pensions or health care expenditures (even as a
of GDP) does not give an evaluation of
financial sustainability