Title: Trusted Adults Empowering Kids to Build Bold Boundaries
1Trusted Adults Empowering Kids to Build Bold
2Conservative Estimates One out of four girls
and one out of seven boys fall prey to sexual
abuse before the age of eighteen.
3IT- Insidious TouchingInsidious is acting in a
seemingly harmless and subtle manner with the
actual intent to deceive, entrap, and harm.
4Only 8 of abusers are strangers.Teaching
children about Stranger Danger does not protect
them from 92 of sexual abuse.
5High Trust and Power Players
364 Unknown or other type of perpetrator-Survivor
6NAMBLA North American Man/Boy Love Association
7They have intense sexual fantasies involving
children and misuse their adult authority to
manipulate and prey on the childs normal need
for affection. Institute of Criminology
Conference Pedophilia Policy and Prevention help
April 1997
81863 OCSex offender pics
9The priest searched his congregation for
submissive children.
10A boy who was spontaneous, affectionate,
playful who seemed to maybe need somebody to
care for him.
11I'm not saying that he necessarily had family
problems but seemed to identify with me as
somebody who he could trust, who he
could come to, who was willing to take care of
12(No Transcript)
13Physical SIGNS
- Wetting the bed
- Struggling with bowels
- Bruising or bleeding in private areas
- Complaining about urinary tract or yeast
infections - Reoccurring sore throat
- Losing or gaining weight
- Struggling with sexual orientation
- Engaging in self-mutilation
- Regressing in behavior
- Possessing unexplained gifts
14E-Motional SIGNS
- Early sexual activity and/or overactive curiosity
with sexual topics - Excessive knowledge about sexual subjects
- Exaggerated emotions and/or personality
- Engaging in self-mutilation
- Extreme sensitivity to injury, spatial
orientation - Emmediate reluctance to spend time with an
individual - Extreme look of vacancy
15Kelsey Briggs
- Report if you have reasonable suspicion. It is
not your job to investigate, you can actual
impede the investigation and judicial process.
17What can PTA do to stop sexual abuse?
- Provide training for students, teachers,
administration, and school boards - Purchase educational materials for teachers and
libraries - Create places of visibility
18Truth Changes Lives
19Build Bold Boundaries