Title: Professor Joseph Kroll
1Physics 414/521 Lecture 1
- Professor Joseph Kroll
- Dr. Jose Vithayathil
- University of Pennsylvania
- 19 January 2005
- Standard units
- Discussion of errors
- statistical
- systematic
- reminder about error propagation
- Mean Variance
3Standard Units (SI)
see http//physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/units.html
SI Système Internationale International
System of Units
4Examples of Definitions of Standard Units
- Length
- 1 meter length of path travelled by light in
vacuum in 1/299,792,458 seconds - speed of light in vacuum c 299,792,458 m/s
exactly - Time
- 1 second 9,192,631,710 periods of radiation
corresponding to transition between two hyperfine
levels of ground state of Cs-133 - hyperfine level due to interaction of electron
spin and nuclear spin Cesium-133 55 electrons,
54 in stable shells, 55th in outer shell not
disturbed by inner electrons - see http//tycho.usno.navy.mil/cesium.html
(Cesium clocks) - Mass
- 1 kilogram mass of standard Platinum-Iridium
5Measurements Errors
- Consider 3 measurements of speed of light c
- 3 m/s
- 2.96 m/s
- 2.9013 m/s
Which measurement is the best measurement?
6Measurements Errors (cont.)
Depends on what we mean by best
Accuracy how close we are to true value
Precision how exactly is the result measured
this quantity is usually what we are trying to
estimate with our error.
3 m/s is the most accurate
but significant figures implies 2.9013 is the
most precise
Without an error you can not evaluate a
aside is this a measurement in vacuum?
Report measurement of a as a ?a
?a represents estimate of uncertainty on
measurement also use ?a ?a as notation for
Classify errors as one of two types 1.
Statistical (Random) 2. Systematic
Reported error may include both statistical and
systematic or they may be reported separately a
? astat ? asyst
8Statistical Errors
Statistical often called random error
improves (gets smaller) with additional
Example determination of the half-life of a
radioactive substance
Count number of disintegrations N in a fixed
amount of time this single experiment provides
an estimate of the half-life repeat several
times improve the measurement statistically in
this type of example error scales withv N we
will examine quantitatively later
9Systematic Errors
- Come from a variety of sources
- measurement instrument
- e.g., improperly calibrated measurement device
- procedure
- e.g., may need model to interpret data what
happens if you try a different model? (will see
an example later) - mistakes
- Often difficult to estimate
- if you can estimate them may find a way to
eliminate them - May not scale (get smaller) with more statistics
- but sometimes do have a statistical component
- e.g., calibration of measurement instrument may
be based on limited statistics data sample more
calibration data more precise calib.
10Error Propagation
If we have two measurements a ?a b ?b What
is the error on quantity f f(a,b)?
The error on f (?fa) from ?a
The error on f (?fb) from ?b
The total error on f (?f) from ?a ?b
n.b., assumes errors are uncorrelated!
11Error Propagation (cont.)
This is called adding errors in quadrature
Some examples
12Error Propagation (cont.)
Again previous formulas assumed no
correlations, that is, ?a and ?b are independent
This might not be true
Example measuring an area of rectangle A ab
?a and ?b independent
Error is larger!
?a and ?b fully (100) correlated
13Error Progagation (cont.)
What about a ratio r b/a?
If ?a ?b fully correlated ?r increases or
decreases ?
With unknown systematics it is often better to
report result as a ratio
14Mean and Variance
How to combine i 1, , n measurements ai of the
same quantity?
Definition Average or Mean ltagt
Definition Variance s
Here ? is the true value of quantity a
15More on Variance
Usually you dont know the true value ? Use your
best estimate the mean ltagt
N-1 for unbiased estimate
note with a little algebriac manipulation