Title: Embrace Change with Innovations
1Embrace Change with Innovations
24 years ago Raising the Bar
- When Jack Blount became CEO of Dynix in 2002 he
spent the first 3 months traveling the world
visiting with customers to understand what they
need from their system vendor. - The consistant message was that all ILSs are old
and have become equal in features but lacking in
new technology benefits. - Libraries need their ILS vendor to invest in RD
to stay current with technology trends around
security, database, performance, electronic
content, e-commerce and more.
3They wanted a new, next generation, Web-based ILS
Dramatic Technology Changes
Online Interactive Systems
Traditional ILS/LMS systems
- Federated Search Portal
- Open URL Link Resolver
- Enriched Content
- ERM (Electronic Resource Management)
- Digital Library
- Digital Rights Management
- Acquisitions
- Circulation
- Cataloging
- Serials
- Reporting Tools
4Standards Technologies That Matter
IP LANs/WANs Telephony Digital Broadcast Wireless
WiFi WiMax RFID E-commerce VIP ILL End-user Messag
ing SMS Email
- Open-source
- uPortal
- Linux
- Lucerne
- Shibboleth
- Open Standards
- Kerberos
- Web Services
- Java, J2EE
- Application Servers
- Unicode
5Dramatic Development Process Changes
Waterfall process
What needs to be done
Design and build solution
SCRUM process
What needs to be done
Design and build solution
6SCRUM Process Revolution
- Agile
- Do it and do it quicklyDesign, Implementation,
and Test - Iterative
- Implement small set of featuresdefined by use
cases or stories - Fine grained tasks
- Risc finding
- Measure frequently the progress
- Change something when there is a risk
72 years ago Situational analysis
- We were not moving fast enough
- We couldnt serve you effectively
- We couldnt be the world-class company you
deserve - We lacked the resources to move ahead
- WE were NOT satisfied
- That was true for any system vendor!
8Like many companies in most industries, we
concluded a merger of industry leaders is the
right strategic move.
9The result is a technology company dedicated to
libraries, which is on its way to becoming
10Unparalleled resources
- Experienced staff of 650 employees
- Average employment tenure is 7.4 years 35 with
tenure of 10-15 years or more - 200-person RD staff
- Largest staff devoted to designing and developing
new technologies and products for libraries - 400-person service and support organization
- Worldwide infrastructure for serving our
11Global reach global strength
- 3,900 clients worldwide (central systems)
- 7,000 independent libraries and consortia
- 20,000 library outlets
- 350 million potential sets of eyes served by
SirsiDynix clients
12Now, were positioned to excel
- Develop innovative cross-platform solutions
- Continue to enhance our operations to better
serve you - Work with you to respond to todays challenges
and opportunities for libraries
Be on the forefront of innovations a true leader
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14Stephen AbramVice President of Innovation
- Inspires and directs product management
- Watching trends
- Analysing trends
- Creating trends
- Main TrendLibraries have a clear future in the
Google world
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17The Long Tail of QUESTIONS
18 The power of libraries
- Delighting the Real Users Personas in Action
- The Kids are Alright Millennials and their
Information Behaviors - Born With A Chip Growing Up in a Google World
- Bridging the Gap What Information Providers Need
to Know about Information Use - A Futures Forum for Libraries
- Web 2.0, Library 2.0, Librarian 2.0
- Real Measurements for Libraries in an Internet
AgeA Report on the Normative Data Project - The Coming Technology and Collaboration
20Inventing Future