Title: Assigning Numbers to the Arrows
1Assigning Numbers to the Arrows
- Parameterizing a Gene Regulation Network by using
Accurate Expression Kinetics
- Motivation
- Gene Regulation Networks Background
- Our Goal
- Our Example
- Parameterizing Algorithm
- Results
- Understand regulation factors for different genes
- Can help understand a genes function
- If we can understand how it all works we can use
it for medical purposes like fixing and
preventing DNA damage!
4Background Gene Regulation Networks(1)
- Dynamically orchestrate the level of expression
for each gene - How? Control whether and how vigorously that gene
will be transcribed into RNA (biological stuff)
5Background Gene Regulation Networks(2)
- Contains
- 1. Input Signals environmental cues,
intracellular signals - 2. Regulatory Proteins
- 3. Target Genes
6Our Goal
- Assign parameters to a Gene Regulation Network
based on experiments - - production of unrepressed promoter. the
maximum production - - concentration of repressor at half maximal
repression. The bigger it is the earlier the
earlier the gene becomes active and the later it
becomes inactive again
7Our Example(1)
- Escheria coli bacterium
- SOS DNA repair system used to repair damage
done by UV light - 8 (out of about 30) gene groups (operons)
8Our Example(2)
- Simple network architecture recall what we saw
last week SIM (Single Input Module) - All genes are under negative control of a single
repressor (a protein that reduces gene levels)
9Parametrization Algorithm
- the activity of promoter i in experiment j as
function of time
- effective repressor concentration in
experiment j as function of time
- production rate of the unrepressed promoter i
- k parameter of promoter i
10Parametrization Algorithm 1Trial Function
Why? Michaelis-Menten form a very useful
equation in modeling biological behavior.
11Parametrization Algorithm 2Data Preprocessing(1)
- Smoothing the signals using a hybrid
Gaussian-median filter with a window size of five
measurements - Five time points are taken, sorted and the
average of central three points is taken to be
the signal.
12Parametrization Algorithm 2Data Preprocessing(2)
Some more definitions
- the activity of promoter i as a function of
- GFP fluorescence from the corresponding
reporter as a function of time
- corresponding Optical Density as a function of
13Parametrization Algorithm 2Data Preprocessing(3)
- The signal is smooth enough to be differentiated
- The activity of promoter i is proportional to the
number of GFP molecules produced per unit time
per cell
14Parametrization Algorithm 2Data Preprocessing(4)
- The activity signal is smoothed by a polynomial
fit of sixth order to
- The smoothing procedure captures the dynamics
well, while removing noise - Data for all experiments is concatenated and
normalized by the maximal activity for each
15Parametrization Algorithm 3Parameter
- To determine parameters in equation 1 based on
experimental data we transform it into a bilinear
16Parametrization Algorithm 3Parameter
where N is for genes and M for time points, is
modeled by two vectors of size N
and one vector of size M
17Parametrization Algorithm 3Parameter
Determination(3) some algebra
- The standard method of least mean squares
solution for such a problem
uses SVD (Singular Value Decomposition) - The mean over i of
is removed
18Parametrization Algorithm 3Parameter
Determination(4) some algebra
- A(t) is the SVD eigenvector with the largest
eigenvalue of the matrix - This is the covariance matrix
- Results for A(t) are normalized to fit the
constraints - Alternative normalization add points with A0
19Parametrization Algorithm 3Parameter
Determination(5) some algebra
- Perform a second round of optimization for by
using a nonlinear least mean squares solver to
20Parametrization Algorithm 4Error Evaluation(1)
- The mean error for promoter i is given by
- where T is the total time of the experiment
- This is considered the quality of the data
model in describing the data
21Parametrization Algorithm 4Error Evaluation(2)
- The error estimate for the parameters is
determined by using a graphic method
is plotted vs. A(t)
22Parametrization Algorithm 4Error Evaluation(3)
- From maximal and minimal slopes of the graphs
the error for is determined
- From maximal and minimal intersections with the
y axis the error for is determined
23Parametrization Algorithm 5Additional Trial
- An extension of the model to the case of
cooperative binding a regulator can be a
repressor for some genes and an activator for
others, and with different measures
24Parametrization Algorithm 5Additional Trial
- Hill coefficient for operon i
Hill coefficient? A coefficient that describes
- repression
- activation
- no cooperation
25Parametrization Algorithm 5Additional Trial
Our example good comparison between measured
results and those calculated with trial
function suggest there may be no significant
cooperativity in the repressor action
26Results Promoter Activity Profiles(1)
- After about half a cell cycle the promoter
activities begin to decrease - Corresponds to the repair of damaged DNA
27Results Promoter Activity Profiles(2)
- The mean error between repeat experiments
performed of different days is about 10
28ResultsAssigning Effective Kinetic Parameters
- The error is under 25 for most promoters
29ResultsDetection of Promoters with Additional
- Relatively large error may help to detect operons
that have additional regulation. - Examples
- 1. lacZ very large error (150)
- 2. uvrY recently found to participate in
another system and to be regulated by other
transcription factors (45 error)
30ResultsDetermining Dynamics of an Entire System
Based on a Single Representative(1)
- Once the parameters are determined for each
operon, we need to measure only the dynamics of
one promoter in a new experiment to estimate all
other SOS promoter kinetics
31ResultsDetermining Dynamics of an Entire System
Based on a Single Representative(2)
- The estimated kinetics using data from only one
of the operons agree quite well with the measured
kinetics for all operons - Same level of agreement found by using different
operons as the base operon
32ResultsDetermining Dynamics of an Entire System
Based on a Single Representative(3)
33ResultsRepressor Protein Concentration Profile
- Current measurements dont directly measure the
concentration of the proteins produced by these
operons, only the rate at which the corresponding
mRNAs are produced - The parameterization algorithm allows calculation
of the transcriptional repressor - A(t), directly.
- We can apply the current method to any SIM motif,
in gene regulation networks - The method wont work with multiple regulatory