Title: Strengthening Economic Partnership : Potentials and Opportunities
1Strengthening Economic Partnership Potentials
and Opportunities
- Narongchai Akrasanee, Ph.D.
The 1st Meeting of the Asia Middle East
Dialogue Bangkok 3-4 July 2006
- Historical Perspective
- Current Relations between Asia and Middle East
- Potentials and Opportunities
3I. Historical Perspective
- 1950 1980 -- Trade and investment were mainly
among East Asia (except China) SEA - -- ME trade was largely crude oil
- 1980s -- China, socialist countries in SEA,
entered into trade investment - -- Oil price increases ME construction boom
employment and imports from SA SEA - 1990 -- Most ME Asian countries adopted open
trade and investment policy and practices
4I. Historical Perspective (cont.)
- 1990s -- India, South Asia and West/Central
Asia entered into trade investment - -- ME countries became actively engaged in
trade investment with Asia - 2000 China became dominant economic player
(world factories world market) - 2001 International terrorism became a
- (9/11) trade factor
- 2004 India has been gaining economic prominence
5II. Current relations between Asia and Middle East
- Asia in 2004
- 55.7 share in world population
- 24 share in world GDP
- 26 share in world exports
- Average export growth of 10 during 1995-2004
- 22.8 share in world FDI
6II. Current relations (cont.)
- Middle East in 2004
- 7 share in world population
- 4.9 share in world GDP
- 5.4 share in world exports
- Average export growth of 13 during 1995-2004
- 1.7 share in world FDI
7II. Current relations (cont.)
- Asia and Middle East
- 50 countries in AMED, accounting for 62.7 of
world population, 29 of world GDP and 31.4 of
world exports - 5 of top ten oil exporters are in AMED
- Growing interdependence among ME and Asia
- ME is a major fuel supplier to Asia
- Asia supplies food and other manufacturing
products to ME
8II. Current relations (cont.)
- Merchandise exports in 2003 (Bn of USD)
Source WTO
9II. Current relations (cont.)
- Major Trading Products in 2003
- Most exports of ME to Asia are fuels.
- Major exports of Asia to ME are food (8.8),
automotive products (18), other machinery
transport equip.(14.6), and textiles (10.0).
Source WTO
10II. Current relations (cont.)
- AMED receives 25 of world FDI in 2004.
- Middle East receives only 2.
11III. Potentials and Opportunities
- Different degree of trade policy openness
- Most open
- -- East Asia
- -- Central Asia
- Increasingly open
- -- Southeast Asia
- -- Southwest Asia
- Least open
- -- South Asia
- -- Islamic Africa
12III. Potentials and Opportunities
- Tariff vs. non-tariff barriers in AMED regions
13III. Potentials and Opportunities
- Investment policy is most liberal in East Asia,
followed by - Islamic Africa
- Southwest Asia
- South Asia
- Southwest Asia, and
- Central Asia
14III. Potentials and Opportunities
- Investment barriers in AMED regions/countries
15III. Potentials and Opportunities
- Degree of business-related bureaucracy is
generally liberal but varies among countries,
with no regional pattern
16III. Potentials and Opportunities
- Development of closer economic partnership
- 1967 -- ASEAN Association of SEA Nations
- -- From 5 to 10 members
- -- AFTA since 1993
- -- AFAS since 1995
- -- ASEAN Community in 2020
- 1992 -- GMS
- 1997 -- ASEAN 3, i.e. Japan, China, S.Korea,
with Treaty of Amity -
- 2005, Summit of East Asia
17III. Potentials and Opportunities (cont.)
- 1975 -- Bangkok Agreement A preferential
trading agreement among developing member
countries of the ESCAP Bangladesh, India,
Korea, Lao, Sri Lanka and China (joined in
2001) - 1985 -- SAARC (South Asian Association for
Regional Cooperation) - Bangladesh, Bhutan,
India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka
18III. Potentials and Opportunities (cont.)
- 1993 -- APEC East and Southeast Asia,
Australia and North America - 1995 -- ASEM East Asia and EU
- 1997 -- BIMSTEC Bangladesh India - Myanmar
- Sri Lanka Thailand Economic Cooperation - 2002 -- ACD (Asia Cooperation Dialogue)
- 2002 Many FTAs among countries in AMED
19III. Potentials and Opportunities (cont.)
- Future cooperation
- MEAEC Middle East and Asian Economic
Cooperation ? - Getting to know each other
- Identifying trade impediment issues for
consideration - Organizing trade and investment promotion
activities - Arranging financing for trade and investment --
from Asian Bond to AME Bond ? - Networking among production units
- Etc., etc., ..