Title: FTS Networx Public Forum Strategy
1GSA FTS Network Services Conference
- FTS Networx Public ForumStrategy
- Karl Krumbholz
- Networx Program Manager
Smarter Solutions
2Program History
- Third in a series of major competitive full
service telecommunications acquisition programs - Leverage the volume of government requirements
- Provide the lowest prices in the
telecommunications marketplace - FTS 2001 provides eight-year pricing that has
saved over 1.6 billion to date - Agencies today carry 3-5 times more traffic at
30 less cost on FTS2001 than at contract award - Non-mandatory Networx Program is being developed
in close partnership with Federal Agencies
through the Interagency Management Council (IMC)
3FTS Networx Relationships
FTS Commissioner Sandra Bates
GSA Legal Office
Assistant Commissioner Regional Services Margaret
Assistant Commissioner Service Development/Deliver
y John Johnson
Assistant Commissioner Acquisition Keith Sandridge
Legal Officer Michelle Harrell
Contracting Officer Jack Braun
Networx Program Manager Karl Krumbholz
Technical/Pricing Requirement Fred Schobert
Operations Planning Debbie Hren
Business Acquisition Larry Shafer
Billing Ordering James Clatterbuck
Contractor support Mitretek
4FTS Networx Progress
Agency requirements
Agency Concurrence
FTS Research and Strategy Development
Initial Networx Strategy
Stakeholder Feedback
Stakeholder Feedback Program Revision
Revised Networx Strategy
Draft RFP
Complete Draft RFP
Industry Response
Evaluations and Negotiations
FTS Networx Awards
Issue RFP
Proposals Received
Agency Fair Consideration
Transition Complete
Agency Vendor Selected
5IMC/FTS Networx Relationship
Interagency Management Council (IMC)Jan Lilja
(Chair) Department of Agriculture
FTS CommissionerSandra Bates
AC For Service Development and Delivery John
Program Information
Networx Project Teams
Program Direction
FTS Networx Program Manager Karl Krumbholz
Strategy Working Group
Technical Requirements Working Group
Transition Working Group
Operations Planning Working Group
Operations Planning
Technical Requirements
6FTS Networx Program Goals
- Service continuity
- Highly competitive prices
- Full service vendors
- High quality service
- Alternative sources
- Operations support
- Billing
- Transition support
- Inventories
- Performance based contracts
7FTS Networx Strategy Update
- Networx RFI released for industry comment in
October of 2003 - FTS conducted an extensive review of industry
suggestions to improve the acquisition .. We
Heard You,.and we made changes. - Specifically, we readdressed the following
- Entry criteria
- Number and timing of acquisitions
- Billing and Ordering
- Use of Multiple Award Schedules
- We conducted extensive research and analysis in
developing our revised strategy - Revised Strategy does not sacrifice agency goals
8Entry Criteria
- Concern Do the entrance criteria restrict
competition to traditional long distance
companies only? - Revised Strategy
- Changed requirement from service to all wire
centers nationwide, to only those required to
serve Government Customers - Reduced pricing
requirement by 70 - Redefined Switched Voice requirement to
voice, thereby providing opportunities for
alternate technologies
9Number of Acquisitions
- Concerns
- 1. Does the second acquisition contain enough
business? Will it be awarded? - 2. Will phasing preclude the opportunity for
transition business? - 3. Can you better defined the second
acquisition? - Revised Strategy
- Two Acquisitions
- Universal (Full Service)
- Enterprise (Expanded Service)
- Simultaneous awards
- Clearly defined entry Criteria for both Networx
Universal and Enterprise
10Networx Strategy - Universal
- Designed to meet the needs of Agencies for
Continuity and Full Service - Provides for all services to all locations
currently served by FTS2001 nationwide service
and geographic continuity - Most services will be mandatory to bid
- Length of contract 4 years with 3, 2 year
options - MRGs Small relative to FTS2001
- Small business strategy still being developed
- Number of awards Multiple The number of
awards will depend on the quality of the offers
11Networx Strategy - Enterprise
- Awarded at the same time as Universal
- Designed to meet the needs of Agencies for
alternative sources - Requires offerors bid to a specified nationwide
profile of locations to which offerors must
deliver IP service at the T3 level. - Some services will be mandatory to bid, most will
not. - Length of contract 4 years with 3, 2 year
options - MRGs Small relative to Enterprise
- Small business strategy still being developed
- Number of awards Multiple The number of
awards will depend on the quality of the offers
12Billing and Ordering
- Concerns
- Are the number of billing and ordering
elements and the suggested formats excessive? - Revised Strategy
- Reduced set of elements to agencies but will be
more acceptable to industry, having agreed that - There are no billing and ordering commercial
standards - Government requires certain unique elements in
order to meet fiduciary and mission requirements
13Use of Schedules
- Concern Are Multiple Award Schedules an
alternative to competed Government wide
acquisitions? - Revised Strategy
- FTS Networx and Multiple Award Schedules are
complementary and each can be used as Agency
customers desire - The two contracting alternatives represent
different approaches commonly used by Government
to acquire services - FTS and FSS are working together to expand
service on the Multiple Award Schedules - Other GSA contracts
14FTS Full Service Options
- Universal
- Continuity
- Full Service
E- Government
Embedded Security
Comprehensive End-to-End Solutions
- Enterprise
- Expanded Choice
- New technology
- Existing Contracts
- Multiple Award Schedules
Federal Enterprise Architecture
New Business Processes
15Simultaneous Acquisitions
16Strategy vs. Program Goals
17Source Selection Process
- To get business, offerors must win a Networx
Contract and an agency order - Agencies will evaluate awardees on each
acquisition to determine which acquisition or
acquisitions they want to use to compete
follow-on services - Universal Only
- Enterprise Only
- Universal and Enterprise separately
- Agencies conduct fair opportunity process
- Current services may be transitioned to either
contract and to one or more vendor
18FTS Networx Schedule
- Networx Draft RFPs Released November 1,
2004 - Networx Final RFPs Released April 1, 2005
- Networx Awards April 2006
- What has changed?
- Nine month gap eliminated
- Ubiquity now continuity, 70 reduction in
mandatory wire center pricing - Billing requirements refined
- Switched Voice now Voice Service
- Second procurement, Enterprise, now fully defined
- What has not?
- Networx is a comprehensive program designed to
provide agencies the best value and most advanced
technologies available.
20For more information regarding this
presentation Contact Karl Krumbholz
Networx Program Manager 703 306-6601
Smarter Solutions