Title: Module 2:
1- Module 2
- GIS Data Sources
2Raster Data Examples
Digital Elevation Models Each cell represents
height above vertical datum Digital Orthophoto
Quads (DOQ) One-meter resolution digital
orthophotos produced by USGS
Produced by USGS
Digital Raster Graph Scanned USGS 7.5 Digital
Line Graph
3- USGS 7.5 Digital Line Graph
- GIS vector data produced by many agencies such
as - Transportation Agencies
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Many others
USGS maps made at different scales
4GIS Data is available on the National, State,
Regional and Local Scale The following are some
of the most useful GIS data sources on the web
5US Geological Survey (USGS)
http//www.usgs.gov/ http//edc2.usgs.gov/geodata
- Digital Elevation Model
- Land Use/Land Cover
- Hydrography
- Digital Line Graphs
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National Level
6US Fish and Wildlife Service
- National Wetland Inventory
7National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Ocean and marine data
- Atmospheric data
- Charting and Navigation
National Level
8National Geodetic Survey (NGS)
- Control Points Coordinates
- Geoid and gravity data
- Nautical maps and data
National Level
9Florida Geographic Digital Library
- Data arranged by county
- 350 GIS data layers including
- Land use
- Hydrology
- Transportation
- Environmental Quality
State Level
10Florida Department of Transportation
- Statewide Transportation related data
- Data arranged statewide or by FDOT districts
- Data updated monthly
State Level
Florida Department of Transportation
11Florida Department of Environmental Protection
- Statewide hydrology and water-related GIS data
- Ground water
- Geology
- Drainage basins
- Soils
State Level
12Land Boundary Information Systems (LABINS)
- Statewide miscellaneous GIS data
- Horizontal and Vertical Control
- Land Records
- Water Boundaries
- Digital Ortho Photo Quads Digital Line Graphs
- Digital Elevation Models
- National Wetlands Inventory
- Digital Raster Graphs
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State Level
FDEP, Division of State Lands, Bureau of Survey
and Mapping
13Florida National Areas Inventory (FNAI)
- Statewide natural areas GIS data
State Level
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