Title: Implementing VAT: Problems and Experiences
1Implementing VAT Problems and Experiences
First Global ITD Conference on VAT 15-16 March
2005 Rome, Italy
- Juan Toro
- Commissioner
- Internal Revenue Service of Chile
- (Servicio de Impuestos Internos de Chile, SII)
- What is the VAT to administer?
- What organization is needed to administer VAT?
- What does VAT compliance mean?
- Is there any self-assessment system to administer
VAT compliance? - What are the critical VAT liabilities in a
self-assessment system? - What are the critical areas of non-compliance?
- What are the strategies to control VAT
compliance? - How to measure the effectiveness of VAT
compliance? - Some final comments
31. What is the VAT to administer?
VAT design implies several policy options to be
- Type of VAT consumption product - or income -
type? - Origin or destination principle?
- VAT tax base
- Definition of activities or agents liable for VAT
- Exempt activities
- Stages to be taxed manufacture - retail
multistage? - Thresholds to be liable for VAT or simplified
(presumptive) regimes for small taxpayers? - Rate differentiation single rate or multiple
rates? - Method to determine VAT liability invoice- or
subtraction- or addition method? Cash or accrual
basis? - Treatment of excess VAT credits (input VAT)
- Refunds - carry forward - offsetting?
- Exporters - capital goods - exempt activities?
4VAT in Chile
- In 1975 a consumption-type (destination
principle) VAT was introduced. - Multistage tax on imports, sales of goods and
services, VAT on input credited against VAT on
output. - Exemptions professional services, financial
interests, life insurance, house rental without
furniture, sale of used cars (partial), tickets
for cultural and sport events, providers of
public transportation, education and health
services (partial). - No threshold for VAT small taxpayers could apply
to a special regime output VAT is fixed by the
SII and real input VAT could be credited for
temporary activities the SII assesses VAT
liability. - 19 general rate additional consumption taxes
(VAT-type) for some products house building has
a special credit, in addition to real VAT on
input also credited against VAT debit. - Invoice method on accrual basis to determine VAT
liability - Exporters (g. and s.) are zero-rated, carry
forward for excess VAT credits with refunds after
6 months for purchases of capital goods.
5VAT in Chile,some problems
- Since 1975, VAT has changed mainly because of
compliance problems - 1976 unification of sales and services, tax on
basic and primary products. - 1984 refunds after six months of carry forward
(VAT credit) was eliminated. - 1985 introduction of refunds for capital goods
after 6 months of carry forward. - 1987 VAT on construction sector (first sale of
building). - 2001 VAT on used capital goods.
- Tax base design and exemptions for service sector
make it difficult to control VAT compliance,
especially on export of services. - Method of taxing construction sector induces
re-organization of enterprises sale operations to
reduce VAT liability. - Partial exemptions induce mistakes (or evasion)
by wrong treatment of exempt and taxed sales to
recover VAT credits. - Most public transportation providers have
presumptive regime for Income Tax (ITax) purposes
- no incentive to use invoices. - Invoice method implies control of VAT documents
is crucial (false invoices) self-enforcing
feature is not always effective. - Refunds are a strong incentive to commit fraud
(false exports, or purchases of capital goods, or
invoices to increase VAT credits).
62. What organization is needed to administer VAT
- VAT could be a broad-based and high-yielding tax
to administer, so what is the best organization? - Some alternatives by taxes/ by taxpayer
segments/ function-based. - Chile has a function-based organization with some
tax-segment features. - At National level several divisions are related
to VAT compliance - 2 Audit Divisions (i) VAT Operation (other
similar for ITax), and (ii) Selective and
International Audit (also oversees ITax and other
txs). - 1 Legislative Division Indirect Taxation, in
charge of technically administrative VAT
legislation. - 3 Legal Divisions (i) Prosecution of False
Invoices, (ii) Prosecution of Illegal Trade, and
(iii) Prosecution of Tax Fraud. - At Regional level, 3 departments oversee
compliance with general taxes - Compliance Control (massive checking of VAT
liabilities) - Audit (selective examination through an annual
plan) - Judicial (prosecution of tax fraud at operational
level). - There is also a Large Taxpayers Unit (LTU) that
oversees LT Compliance, including VAT compliance.
Coordination, sharing practices and information,
compatible IT systems, clear orders to regional
level, unified control and audit activities, ARE
73. What does VAT compliance mean?
Model of invoice method for VAT compliance
84. Is there any self-assessment system to
administer VAT compliance?
- Self-assessment means taxpayers have the
responsibility to comply with tax laws and
- VAT compliance is related to several liabilities
and rights
- Registration (including update of register
information). - Use of VAT documents, invoices, final consumption
receipts, goods delivery documents (guías de
despacho) and bookkeeping. - Filing returns and payment of VAT (including
refund claims). - Response to control, audit, penalty procedures
and access to appeal process.
- Three compliance risks under self-assessment
system - There is not enough knowledge-education about how
to comply. - Self-assessment creates risk of non-compliance to
reduce tax burden (run the risk) mistakes,
evasion or avoidance. - Self-assessment could be seen as a lucrative
opportunity to commit tax frauds and cheat the
government (e.g. fraudulent refunds claims).
94. Is there any self-assessment system to
administer VAT compliance?
In Chile, we have three strategic management
pillars to tackle these risks and promote tax
Facilitating Tax Compliance Permanent taxpayer
assistance to maximize voluntary compliance
Strengthening Audit and Prosecution
Capability Systematic surveillance of recurrent
tax avoiders to minimize tax evasion and fraud
Develop Tax Administration With the Vision to
Permanently Contribute to Economic Development To
improve taxpayers competitiveness by reducing
cost of compliance, encouraging productivity
increases and reducing unfair and illegal
competition based on tax evasion and fraud
is a key strategic option to
accomplish these goals
105. Critical VAT liabilities Registration
- Can be mandatory. Tax Administration (TaxAd) can
register automatically un-registered taxpayers.
VAT taxpayers could have a special tax
identification number (TIN) or the same as for
other taxes. - In Chile, our procedures have some pros and cons
- Registration and update of info is mandatory but
subject to self-compliance the SII does not have
the power to register taxpayers - Field detection of un-registered taxpayers is
expensive. - Registration procedure is oriented to register
taxpayers for general tax purposes. - VAT definition puts emphasis on activities to be
taxed (in relation to ITax) instead of taxpayers
to be liable. - Difficult to identify VAT taxpayers, especially
for service providers (e.g. barber shops). - A unique TIN for all taxes and also widely used
for other purposes. - Good for administering and cross-checking
compliance from different taxes and different
sources of information.
115. Critical VAT liabilities VAT-invoices
- Control of VAT docs. is key for good compliance
under invoice-method - How to ensure invoices are correctly and
properly used by taxpayers? - Different options implemented by TaxAds control
of invoice printers, invoice registration, field
activities focus on control of VAT docs. - In Chile, we use a combination of strategies
- The manual approach (paper invoices) the law
establishes the SII must authorize and register
documents to be used in a period of time and
stamping with special seal on them. Old procedure
in retreat stage.
- The new SII-online approach (e-invoices) from
October 2003 we launched the E-invoice System
through which taxpayers may register at
www.sii.cl (our Internet Virtual Office) as
e-taxpayers, allowing them to use electronic
invoices in their commercial activities.
- SIIs field work has a strong emphasis on control
of VAT documents issuance, registration, use on
goods delivery, declaration on VAT returns.
Examples of penalties fines of 100 to US24.000,
close of premises (2 to 11 days)-8.000 in 2004,
200 of non-applicable use of VAT credit.
125. Critical VAT liabilities filing and payment
- Several options for filing and paying VAT How
many forms? Where to submit returns and payments?
What kind of penalties are associated with
non-compliance? - In Chile, we use a combination of strategies
- Unique VAT form (also used for other taxes
excises, additional consumption taxes, and
advance payments). - Submission of returns and payments to banking
system - A modern e-filing system for submitting returns
and payments. We strongly encourage this
e-channel instead of using paper-channel. - The system of penalties for non-compliance with
filing and payments differentiates voluntary
reporting of non-compliance from SIIs
assessment 10 to 30 of non-compliance in the
former, instead of 20 to 60 in case of the
latter plus a penalty interest of 1.5 per month.
136. Critical areas of non-compliance
- Two basic tax behavior for good VAT compliance
- VAT debit (output VAT) declared must reflect all
liable sales made by all liable and properly
registered taxpayers, NO LESS. - VAT credit (input VAT) declared and applied must
reflect all liable purchases related to the
liable sales, made to liable and properly
registered taxpayers, NO MORE. - However, there are several challenges for TaxAd
- Under-declaration of sales
- Sales without VAT documents or to informal buyers
or consumers (no self-enforce feature) - VAT debit registered at purchases/sales book
lower than invoices issued - VAT debit declared lower than sales registered
and invoices issued - Issue of VAT documents modifying figures on
original and copies
- Over-declaration of purchases
- VAT credit registered at purchases/sales book
higher than invoices received - VAT credit declared higher than purchases
registered and invoices received - Modification of VAT documents received to
increase VAT credit - Register invoices for unreal purchases (false
invoices) - Accounting personal purchases as business
147. Strategies to control VAT compliance
- In Chile, we have three main approaches
- Massive control of regular VAT liabilities
- Selective audit of non-compliance
- Prosecution of VAT fraud
- Massive control of regular VAT liabilities
Permanent control of basic VAT liabilities by
carrying out different strategies to all VAT
population. - Computerized control of VAT returns
- Un-registered taxpayers and Stop-filers.
- Accuracy of VAT returns (legal/mathematic/inter-te
mporal checks). - Cross-check of information (sales and purchases
of LT, credit-card). - Control of debit/credit indicator (economic
approach). - Non-responders of SII VAT notices.
- Field control of registration and use of VAT
documents - Detection of un-registered taxpayers
- Proper issue and registration of VAT documents
- Use of VAT documents for transportation and
delivery of goods - Administrative ruling
- Selective VAT withholding regimes to some
products and sector. - Verification of compliance at www.ChileCompra.cl
(government procurement Web site) as a condition
to be a government provider.
157. Strategies to control VAT compliance
- Selective audit of non-compliance In-depth
surveys of compliance from different perspectives
(tax-economic relationship, taxpayers segment
behavior, and VAT related issues) to detect
non-compliance and create control strategies to
be carried at regional level. Several tasks - Preparation and supervision of the Selective
Annual Audit Plan. - Issuance of administrative rulings - join work
with taxpayers association. - Agreements with state agencies to include
verification of compliance as a condition for
private business participation. - Design strategies to control non-profit
organizations, VAT tax expenditure budget
(control of exemptions) and complex VAT issues. - Prosecution of VAT fraud a strong legal action
focus on punishing fraudulent VAT behavior -
issuance and trade of false invoices claiming
fraudulent refunds, clandestine commerce. - Increased penalties for fraud based on false
invoices and special units at Audit and Legal
Department to prosecute crimes based on false
invoice documents and illegal trade. A
false-invoice fraud could have a penalty of 541
days to 5 years of prison. - Since 2001 more than 1.000 criminal demands for
false-invoice and illegal-trade frauds.
Prosecution of these crimes have improve with the
new legal system.
168. How to measure the effectiveness VAT
- There are several methods and indicators to
measure VAT compliance. - In Chile, we regularly measure VAT collection and
VAT Evasion. The latter by using the national
accounts to build several VAT compliance
indicators. - We also applied the fixed-point control method
to measure evasion when final consumption
receipts are issued.
8. Measurement of the effectiveness of VAT
compliance in Chile
Table 1
8. Measurement of the effectiveness of VAT
compliance in Chile
8. Measurement of the effectiveness of VAT
compliance in Chile
8. Measurement of the effectiveness of VAT
compliance in Chile
Table 2 VAT Productivity Indexes (thousand of
millions Chilean nominal currency)
Source SII Survey and Planning Department based
on Central Bank information Input-Output
Matrix 1996 of National Account
System. Notes 1 Provisional figures. 2
Average rate (9 months 18 and 3 months 19).
8. Measurement of the effectiveness of VAT
compliance in Chile
8. Measurement of the effectiveness of VAT
compliance in Chile
239. Some final comments
- VAT design determines VAT administration problems
and vice versa. - Strategy to administer VAT impacts business
efficiency, with a positive correlation. - Good VAT compliance behavior is very profitable
for taxpayers to keep their business in order
(especially small and medium companies). - Self-enforcement feature of VAT is not always
true, TaxAd must have a strong control of
compliance, but same efforts must be put on
facilitating tax compliance. - On-Line TaxAd is a strong option to correctly
deal with a false dilemma between facilitating
and controlling tax compliance both could be
harmonized with the e-government approach, our - Finally, modernizing VAT administration could
have a big impact in economic development by
encouraging global business efficiency e.g.
e-invoice system instead of manual system
Thanks for your attention
and visit
The Virtual Office of the SII at Internet
25SII On-Line (www.sii.cl) the Virtual Office of
the SII at Internet
26SII On-Line (www.sii.cl) the Virtual Office of
the SII at Internet
- Under this concept, we are committed to provide
e-government tax compliance solutions for all
stages of taxpayers life cycle
- From taxpayers registration to taxpayers
termination of business
275. Critical VAT liabilities to administer
Paper model of invoice method for VAT compliance
285. Critical VAT liabilities to administer
electronic model of invoice method for VAT
E -
E -
5. Critical VAT liabilities to administerfiling
and payment
Declaration of VAT through Paper Form
Total Time (step 3 to 9) 25 days
5. Critical VAT liabilities to administer filing
and payment
Declaration of VAT through Internet at www.sii.cl
Total Time just minutes
315. Critical VAT liabilities to administerfiling
and payment
Declaration of VAT through Paper Form vs. Internet
325. Critical VAT liabilities to administerfiling
and payment
Declaration of VAT through Paper Form vs. Internet
Monthly tax returns for VAT and advance payment
for income tax (VAT is about 50 of tax
collection and )
Payment of taxes through www.sii.cl (VAT, Income
tax, excises, property tax, etc.)
5. Critical VAT liabilities to administerfiling
and payment
Declaration of VAT through Paper Form vs. Internet
9. Some final comments
Manual invoice cycle
Print of invoices
SII-seal Stamp
Storage of Invoices to be issued
Issue of invoices
Sending invoices Manually
Manual mailing
Invoices system to auto-print
Storage of Invoices to be issued
Storage of Invoices received
35Paper invoice flow at a enterprise an extreme
but not unreal example
9. Some final comments
9. Some final comments
Timbraje SII
Bodega Facturas Disponibles
Invoices system to auto-print
Impresión Factura
VAT IT system
Bodega Facturas Emitidas
Bodega Facturas Recibidas
However, payment is still mostly made by checks
(paper), should change to e-payment to make more
efficient the business cycle
375. Critical VAT liabilities to administerfiling
and payment