Title: A Roughness
1RCA Forum
- A Roughness Geometry Based Truck Ride
Indicator - Mark Owen Transit New Zealand
2Presentation Outline
- Part 1 Development of Transits TRI
- Part 2 Application to State Highway Management
3Development of TRI
- Why the emphasis on truck ride?
- Criteria for determining and prioritising
candidate sites for truck ride improvement.
4Problem Identified
- Truck drivers less satisfied with State Highways
than other users. - Dissatisfaction publicised through NZ Truckings
Worst Roads Quest. - Feature item on TV Current Affairs show.
- Face to face interviews with 300 truck drivers.
- Road undulations highly important issue requiring
5Limitation of NAASRA Roughness
- Reflects roughness observed by occupants of short
wheelbase cars. - Highlights roughness caused by localised
disturbances. - Pitch and roll modes of trucks excited by road
irregularities that are spaced between 5.5m and
17m. - Can be brought about by heave or subsidence of
6Criteria for Truck Ride Improvement
- Criterion 1 (Roughness Related)
- Two conditions must be satisfied
- 100 m lane roughness ? 4 IRI m/km (i.e. 105
NAASRA counts/km). - A difference of 5 IRI (I.e. 130 NAASRA counts/km)
or greater between the maximum and minimum 20 m
wheel path IRI roughness values within the 100 m
7Criteria for Truck Ride Improvement
- Criterion 1 is Transits Truck Ride Indicator
(TRI). - 1 of SH network, corresponding to 213 lane-kms,
satisfies the two conditions of the interim TRI.
8Criteria for Truck Ride Improvement
- Criterion 2 (Length Related)
- TRI conditions satisfied over 2 or more 100m
adjacent lengths. - Criterion 3 (Traffic Related)
- HCV traffic ? 100 v/l/d
9Criteria for Truck Ride Improvement
- Criterion 4 (Truck Rotational Response)
- Resultant pitch and roll response (TRR)
- ? 4.25 deg/s
10Measured Response for SH 4
11Comparison of Measured and Predicted Ride Quality
- R2 0.95, Standard Error 0.25 deg/s
12Test Truck
13Truck Instrumentation
14Ongoing Developments
- Refinement of Selection Criteria for Truck Ride
Improvement Sites - Roughness/IRI
- Lane IRI
- Crossfall
- Speed
- Gradient
15Application to State Highways
- Truck Ride Improvement
- new item funded as Pavement Smoothing
- Expenditure to date
- 2000/01 3.1M 37km
- 2001/02 3.7M 24km
- 2002/03 2.3M 29km
- Total expenditure 9M (to date)
16Procedure Adopted
- RAMM SH database analysed.
- Top sites for each TNZ region.
- Sites inspection to confirm appropriateness.
- Road Transport Associations canvassed.
- Smoothing works costed.
- B/C analysis performed.
- Projects with BCR 4 funded.
- Transit staff also rode in trucks to experience
problems first hand.
17Inputs Required for B/C Analysis
- Structural Number (either FWD or Benkelman Beam
based) or roughness progression over a number of
years. - Existing lane roughness.
- Existing HCV traffic (v/l/d) plus projected
growth. - Average HCV speed.
- Cost of smoothing works.
18Example Truck Ride Site ( SH2 RS243 RP3.2- 4.2 )
19Example Truck Ride Site ( SH57 Tielcey Park )
20Example Truck Ride Site ( SH56 RP 0/4.3-4.9 )
21Characteristics of Truck Ride Improvement Sites
- Settlement
- Slope instability/ground movement
- Peat/Swampy subgrade
- Bridge decks e.g hogging
- Poor road geometry
- Rock/roll
- Warp rates (corners)
- Corrugations
22Typical Repairs
- Grader laid asphaltic concrete.
- Granular overlay.
- Stabilised overlay.
- Typically, less than 100,000 lane-km to achieve
complying B/C.
- Proactive identification of sites
- Trucking concerns being addressed
- SH network smoothness is being improved
- Positive feedback from local RTAs
- Silver ACENZ award
- Plus other Market Research awards
- An innovation focussed on road user requirements
- Ability to respond to trucking needs
- Low cost tool widespread, effective solution
- Continued road user consultation
- Improving SH network ride/comfort