Title: Miklos A' Vasarhelyi
1Measuring the Web
2A New Set of Measurements is evolving
- It has dynamic characteristics
- It is quite different from traditional measures
- The ethical implications are particularly
daunting - Laws are very different country to country
- Interesting cross-product implications
3Who knows what?
- The merchant
- click path
- financial data
- personal data
- buying habits
- link to other databases?
- The user
- cookies
- tmp files
- files
- The ISP
- logs
- click paths
- What are cookies?
- Are pieces of information that foreign Web sites
leave in the users computer for future
identification, information, etc. - The standards are contingent on the browser used
(e.g. Netscape / Internet Explorer) - Some security features apply (not too well)
5 Netscape HTTP Cookie File http//www.netscape.
com/newsref/std/cookie_spec.html This is a
generated file! Do not edit. www.etrade.com FA
LSE /cgi-bin/gx.cgi FALSE 931660324 etmember www.h
bo.com FALSE /schedule/bin FALSE 951267600 hbo .v
alueclick.com TRUE /cgi-bin/ FALSE 926286999 bc a0
010162 e12.zdnet.com8080 FALSE /clear FALSE 94668
4799 cgversion .zdnet.com TRUE / FALSE 946684799 b
rowser 0C4F013 .preferences.com TRUE / FALSE 11821
40421 PreferencesID www.businessweek.com FALSE /
FALSE 942189160 NGUserI e-care.att.com TRUE / FALS
E 946684799 CustId T.036793 .altavista.com TRUE /
FALSE 946641600 AV_UID d498199f .quicken.com TRUE
/ FALSE 1262390399 TID 234365523 .doubleclick.net
TRUE / FALSE 1920499140 id 76ea42fet4hf c
6The User
- Identified or not identified to the Net
- the pentium III imbroglio
- Cookies
- PC media undercarriage a la Nielsen
- Many forms of identification (willing or
7The ISP
- May control the Domain Name Server
- if not, there is an additional player
- Has most information of any of the elements of
the chain - Strong ethical rules, and enforcement, must
eventually arise
8The Hop
- Many hops are the path of most Web activities
- Packets by themselves are of limited value
- Spoofing may be generated in any hop
- Busy hops drop packets
- Lost packets are foten retransmitted
- Certain protocols are tolerant
9The Commerce Site
- separation of functions / secure / less secure
- identifiability of users
- IP identification
- ppp / slip
- make site password protected
- password management pros and cons
- click tracking
- usability
- linkage with databases / scanner data/ financial
- For many reasons Web activity measurement is a
major issue - Great new opportunities for Marketeers
- Great issues with privacy
- Managers must have a wide view of the
technological issues