Title: Analysis of BLC Calibration Data at GSFC
1Analysis of BLC Calibration Data at GSFC
- S. Sturner, C. Shrader, G. Weidenspointer, B.
2BLC Data Analysis
- SPIHISTO used to create most spectra of BLC data.
- SPIHIST used to create simulated spectra from
MGEANT. - IDL software tools used for data comparison.
- Simple linear channel-to-energy conversion.
- Standard 1 keV/channel spectra created.
- Detector resolution not included in simulations.
- Singles and PSD spectra added.
- For SPIHISTO spectra components of multiples
stored separately (energies not added). - SPIHIST modified to produce samespectra as
SPIHISTO. - Approximate (3) deadtime correction included.
3BLC Data Analysis (cont.)S. Sturner, C.
Shrader, G. Weidenspointer, B. Teegarden
- 6 dual-processor Linux boxes procured.
- Runs are computationally intensive
- Runs with isotropic beams typically were 24 hr
long running 10 processors.
4BLC - SPI Mass Model for MGEANT
5Early Simulations
- Early simulations had marked differences with
the BLC data, including - Low data/sim photopeak ratios, 0.85
- Very narrow simulated Ge backscatter lines
- Very low simulated continuum(singlesPSD),
particularly in the passive backscatter region - ACS veto artifacts in simulated spectra
- gt Changes in GEANT physics, the simulated ACS
veto, and the SPI site mass models
6Modeling the SPI ACS
- Modelling has progressed through 4 stages.
- 1. Simple step function threshold with same value
for all segments. - 2. Error function threshold with same value for
all segments. - 3. Same as 2. Except measured values of ACS
threshold parameters used. - 4. Energy losses checked in up to 3 shield
segments. (Previously only total shield energy
loss was used.)
7Effect of Varying the ACS Threshold
Black - Es 100 keV Orange - Es 200
keV Purple - Es 300 keV
- Varying the threshold can have a large effect
on the continuum spectrum - gt good calibration of the ACS is essential
8Modeling the SPI ACS (cont.)
- Findings
- Error function veto adds significant wings to Ge
backscatter line - Changing from fixed 100 keV threshold to true
thresholds for each block had little effect. - Adding the extra information on energy losses in
up to 3 blocks has little effect on the final
result. - Changing the mean threshold on all blocks from
100 to 200 or 300 keV has a significant effect on
the compton continuum.
9The Mass Model
- 535 different volumes, many repeated several
times. - Most inputs came from drawings supplied by CESR,
CNES, MPE. - Cryostat model from Euclid CAD files provided by
Saclay. - Many refinements over the past several months.
- New information on Ge crystal masses included.
- Total mass in mass model today is 1100 kg.
- Almost all missing mass is outside shield
(probably structural). - Mass model continues to be updated.
10SPI Mass Model
12Detector Capsule
Mave 950.91 g
13Detector Modelling
- Single fixed model for detector capsule (repeated
19 times). - Ge crystal area set to mean area of the 19
detectors. - 2 variation in area
- Ge crystal length adjusted to make mass avg.
detector mass. - Mass variation 5.
- Detector mass and area variations to be included
in response function by using table of correction
14Mass Budget
15The 8 m Collimator Model
16Effects of the Collimator on the Continuum
16o beam, no collimator
- Isotropic runs have 3e9 triggered photons
17Collimator Effects
- Earlier simulations did not take collimator
effects properly into account. - Leakage and scattering from collimator have
significant effects on SPI spectra. - Scattering from collimator support structure is
important. - Scattering from walls of room is important.
18Latest Simulation Results - 137Cs, 8 meters, no
____ BLC Data ____ MGEANT Simulations
- 3 dead time applied to simulations
19Latest Simulation Results - 60Co, 8 Meters,no mask
____ BLC Data ____ MGEANT Simulations
- 3 dead time applied to simulations
20Latest Simulation Results - 137Cs, 1.8 Meters,mask
____ BLC Data ____ MGEANT Simulations
- 3 dead time applied to simulations
21Latest Simulation Results - 54Mn, 8.3 m, ISDC
Processing, Mask
Doubles Triples
____ BLC Data ____ MGEANT Simulation
22Latest Simulation Results - 137Cs, 8.3 m, ISDC
Processing, Mask
Doubles Triples
____ BLC Data ____ MGEANT Simulation
23Latest Simulation Results Efficiency and
Effective Area
24Latest Simulation Results - Photo-Peak
25Accelerator Target Branching Ratios
26137Cs - 8m, no mask photopeak (661.6 keV) all
events ? 0, ? 0
27137Cs - 8m, no mask all multiples ? 0, ? 0
28137Cs - 125m, mask photopeak (661.6 keV) all
events ? 0, ? 0