Title: An Introduction to TQM: Team Management Effective Meetings
1An Introduction to TQMTeam Management /
Effective Meetings
- Dr. Diane Schaub
- September 24, 2007
2Todays Agenda
- A Brief Historical Review of Quality in the
Business World
- How to become an Effective and Productive Team
- Preparing for and Holding Effective Meetings
3Historical Review of QualityWhats in a Name?
- First of All, What is TQM?
- TQM Total Quality Management
- Also called CCI, CQI, and numerous other titles
including Six Sigma
- CCI Commitment to Continuous Improvement
- CQI Continuous Quality Initiative
- Started out as a function of the Quality
department, now everyone in the company is
responsible for producing a quality product or
4Building Foundation LayersFour Major Quality
- Insp Inspection (1800s)
- SQC Statistical Quality Control (1930s)
- QA Quality Assurance (1950s)
- TQM Total Quality Management (1980s)
- SixSigma Black Belts (mid 1990s)
5Historical Review of QualityOrientation and
- Insp Inspects in quality/ Product uniformity
- SQC Controls in quality/ Product unif, reduced
- QA Builds in quality/ Use entire production
- TQM Manages in quality/ Voice of customer
- SixSigma Project oriented DMAIC problem solving
(Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control)
6Historical Review of QualityMethods Utilized
- Insp Gauging and measurement
- SQC Statistical tools and techniques
- QA Program and Systems
- TQM Strategic planning, goal-setting and
mobilizing the organization
- Six Sigma Use of black belt specialists
7Historical Review of QualityRole of Quality
- Insp Inspection, sorting, counting, grading
- SQC Troubleshooting and application of
statistical methods
- QA Quality measurement, quality planning and
program design
- TQM Goal-setting, education and training
- Six Sigma Black belt consultative work
8How to Begin
Team Dynamics - Meetings - Roles
Team Methodologies - Approaches - Tools
9Building TeamworkBasic Rules
- Communicate goals
- Ask for ideas
- Involve everyone
- Reinforce participation and teamwork
- Provide active support
10Using the TQM Approach to Solving Problems
- Creating a problem statement
- Use effective meeting criteria
- Involve customers throughout the effort
- Make data driven decisions
11Basic Understanding of the Function of a Team
- Team meetings are a time to share information
and plan for a concerted effort by the team.
- Team meetings are not a place to work on
individual assignments.
- Team meetings should be well organized, and make
good use of time.
- Team meetings should not be too long, ad-hoc
12How to Have Effective Meetings
- Making an agenda
- Meeting roles
- Code of conduct
- Parking lot
- Meeting effectiveness survey
- Have fun!
13Making a Meeting Agenda
- What Provides a overview of what is to be
covered during the meeting
- Why To keep on-track and on-time, plus provides
a record of progress
- When Before the meeting starts, creating the
agenda for the NEXT meeting should be the last
agenda item in the CURRENT meeting
- How -Includes where/when meeting is held.
- Lists items and times to be discussed.
- Records deliverables, who, what, when
14 Project Update Meeting Agenda September 24, 200
7 200 300 P.M. Vision Conference Room 3rd
Flr., Rm. 3.04.01
15Roles for Meetings
- Scribe Gets ideas to flipchart, board or
- Timekeeper Keeps group to the agenda
- Team Leader Executes the agenda. Helps
eliminate barriers. Provides meeting planner.
- Process observer Enforces the code of conduct.
- Recorder Takes and publishes meeting notes.
Should not be the Team Leader.
- Spokesperson Communicates group accomplishments
to other groups.
- Monitor Assure TQ methodology used for solving
problems and improving processes.
- NOTE Not all roles required for all meetings!
16How to Have Effective Meetings
- Making an agenda
- Meeting roles
- Code of conduct
- Parking lot
- Meeting effectiveness survey
- Have fun!
17Here is one example of a form that you could use
18How to Have Effective Meetings
- Making an agenda
- Meeting roles
- Code of conduct
- Parking lot
- Meeting effectiveness survey
- Have fun!
Have a meeting in your favorite restaurant!