Title: Motivation
- Businesses spend up to 100 billion each year to
train workers. Yet estimates are that less than
10 of this training transfers to the job. So
business wastes 90 billion each year....
- Review on US training effectiveness (Detterman
2School vs Workplace Learning
3Identified Learning Processes
- Reflection-in-action (Schon)
- Domain Construction (Sumner)
- Perspective Taking (Boland Tenkasi)
- Application of Enrich to modelling and simulation
of dynamic systems (e.g. fluid, electrical,
mechanical) for traditional and distance learning
- Facilitate reuse of simulation models
- Enable SMEs to carry out simulation of dynamic
systems - Simulation tools are expensive
- Simulation knowledge is scarce
5RichODL Architecture
Knowledge Editor (WebOnto)
Students query (Lois)
Knowledge Server
Simulation Server
Simulation Server
6Ontologies and KB
Ontology Examples
(def-class example (publication)
problem-description ((has-objective-of-computa
tion type objective-of-computation)
(has-excitation type excitation)
solution (has-model type model-description)
(has-result-of-computation type
form-of-result) important-feature
(has-interesting-part type part)
(has-interesting-mapping type
modelling-mapping) (has-coding-technique
type coding-technique) (has-numerical-computa
tional-problem type numerical-computati
on-problem) referenves (has-www-textbook-ref
erence type www-textbook-reference)))
Modelling tricks
Multipole model
Coding tricks
kW10 workpiece stiffness bW17 workpiece
damping bf3.7 equiv stiffness m37 mass of
workpiece FbfvBbWvBkWxB hydraul-modul(C,D,F)
Simulation code
Simulation code
Figures from Sevcenko, 1998)
7Summary (1/2)
- Workplace learning not the same as school
learning - reflection-in-action, domain construction,
perspective taking - Knowledge Representations
- informal structured (text, diagrams, discussion
spaces) - formal (ontologies and knowledge bases)
- artifacts (models as MatLab simulations, VRML
etc) - Ontology Tools
- OCML - operational knowledge modelling language
- WebOnto - web based knowledge model
browsing/editing tool - Lois - query interface automatically generated
from the ontology
8Summary (2/2)
- Applications areas
- Fault logs (coal mine)
- Project Planning tool (British Aerospace)
- Telephone help desk (Siemens)
- Web based newsletter (KMi)
- Medical guidelines
- URLs
- Http//rich-odl.open.ac.uk (RichODL System)
- Http//webonto.open.ac.uk (WebOnto System)
- Http//kmi.open.ac.uk/projects/enrich/ (Overview
of Enrich Project) - Http//kmi.open.ac.uk/knowledge-modelling/
(background material on tools)