Title: Kettle Chips Sampling Campaign
1Kettle Chips Sampling Campaign
- Campaign Debrief
- 28th October 11th November 2005
2key findings
- Sales grew by 405 during campaign
- Peaks of uplift match sampling activity timings
- Weekly sales increased by an additional 3846
during the campaign - Additional 7692.46 gained through campaign
- Product Line performance
- Competitor comparison
- Category analysis
- Market Analysis
- Market Share
- Conclusions
3definitions within the report
- Host the Coop Group, United Cooperative
Society and Anglia Cooperative Society - Company Kettle Foods
- Brand Kettle Chips
- Timings refer to the following
- Before 26th October 2005 and earlier
- During 27th 28th October 2005
- Post 29th October and later
4activity overview
Space . 60 store days in 60 stores across the
United Estate over a 1 week period. Rate
5695.00 Ex VAT This rate was discounted as part
of the first sampling trials across
United. Briefing A full campaign brief was
delivered to the demonstrators and to United
Head Office for communication to the stores ahead
of the campaign.
5product line performance
significant uplifts in sales
Product Line performance
6product line performance
significant uplifts in sales
Product Line performance
This would mean additional revenue of 7692.46
across all the active stores during the sampling
7product line performance
Overview of sales for the whole period
Product Line performance
8Next Steps
Recommendations A 2 day tasting campaign in the
Top 100 stores in the final week of the radio
ad Shelf edge barkers in category plus cross
category barkers through out the three week
period Till TV campaign where possible driving
awareness Leaflet with a coupon in store
throughout the campaign and handed out by the
promotional staff A dedicated branded FSDU
should be used and sited in the foyer area with
promotional staff dressed in branded t-shirts
offering a tasting experience to all
customers Please contact Rob Saunders Account
Manager for further information.