Title: 1'6 Continuity
11.6 Continuity
2A function is continuous at x c means that
there is no interruption in the graph of f at c.
The graph of f is unbroken at c, and there are no
holes, jumps, or gaps.
3Definition of Continuity
4You can say that a function is continuous on an
interval if its graph on the interval can be
traced using a pencil and paper without lifting
the pencil from the paper.
5Continuity of Polynomial and Rational Functions
- 1. A polynomial function is continuous at every
real number. - 2. A rational function is continuous at every
number in its domain.
6Rational Functions need not be continuous on the
entire real line.
7If a function is continuous at every number in an
open interval except c, then c is a discontinuity
of the function.
8c is a removable discontinuity of f if the
graph of f has a hole at the point (c,L) where L
is the limit of f(x) as x approaches c.
9c is nonremovable discontinuity if the
function cannot be made continuous at x c by
defining or redefining the function at x c.
10Definition of Continuity on a Closed Interval
11(No Transcript)
12The Greatest Integer Function