Title: Clients with Graphical User Interfaces
1Clients with Graphical User Interfaces
2Javas Abstract Windows Toolkit
- Java provides classes for graphical components in
the package java.awt - abstract windows toolkit
- the sub-package java.awt.event has classes for
handling Graphical User Interface (GUI) events - need to import both packages to use them
- import java.awt.
- import java.awt.event.
- java.awt is the original Java GUI API
3Java Swing
- AWT had some problems
- It supported everything you could do in an HTML
form, free standing frames, menus, and other
objects, but more complex GUI features were more
difficult - It was heavyweight There were some portability
problems because it relied heavily on the runtime
platforms native user interface components and
it wasnt always possible to hide differences in
the way these components behaved - Swing was introduced to address some of these
problems - based on awt, but Swing has more components
- (e.g. selectable list)
- contained in package javax.swing
- written entirely in Java (i.e. lightweight)
- awt could only incorporate lowest common
denominator capabilities present on every
platform - Swing's capabilities are platform-independent
- Flexible you can change the look and feel
- a JFrame is a window with a title bar
- can add the other components to it
- JMenuBar, JButtons, JTextFields.
- make the client application class a subclass of
JFrame - inherit JFrame's attributes and methods
- add our own method to set up and add the GUI
components - call it from the constructor
- add other methods to interact with rest of the
5Simple Example of a JFrame
import java.awt. import java.awt.event. import
javax.swing. public class MyClient extends
JFrame public MyClient()
super( "SavingsAccountRemote EJB Client" )
createGUI() setDefaultCloseOperation(
EXIT_ON_CLOSE ) setSize( 600, 300 )
setVisible( true ) private void
createGUI() public
static void main( String args )
MyClient myMyClient new MyClient()
6Simple Example of a JFrame
7Layout Managers
- The position of graphical components is
controlled by a Layout Manager - The default layout manager for a JFrame object is
BorderLayout - Alternative layout managers
- FlowLayout
- GridLayout
- GridBagLayout
- components can be added to one of five regions
- only one component per region
- to add more, define a JPanel object, add the
components to the JPanel, then add the JPanel to
the region
9BorderLayout Example
import java.awt. import java.awt.event. import
javax.swing. public class MyClient extends
JFrame private JButton okButton
private JLabel helloLabel public MyClient()
super( "Border Layout Example" )
createGUI() setDefaultCloseOperation
( EXIT_ON_CLOSE ) setSize( 220, 150 )
setVisible( true ) private void
createGUI() okButton new
JButton("OK") helloLabel new
JLabel("Hello") setLayout(new
BorderLayout()) Container contentPane
getContentPane() contentPane.add(
helloLabel,BorderLayout.CENTER )
contentPane.add( okButton,BorderLayout.SOUTH )
public static void main( String args
) MyClient myMyClient new
- Note you need to get a Container object
(contentPane) before adding component objects to
it - Weve also introduced JLabel and JButton objects
10Using Components
- Declare components as attributes
- Create components in constructor
- Add listeners to active components
- Add components to the frame
- Write actionPerformed() method (see later) for
active components - Write any methods called by these methods
- JButtons can be added to any subclass of
JContainer - Need to declare JButtons as attributes
- private JButton addButton,saveButton,deleteButton
,findButton - In the constructor (or a method called by it)
- create the buttons
- register them with an action listener (see later)
- add them to a JPanel object
- add the panel to the JFrame object content pane
12BorderLayout Example
import java.awt. import java.awt.event. import
javax.swing. public class MyClient extends
JFrame private JButton okButton
private JLabel helloLabel private JPanel
p1,p2 public MyClient() super(
"Border Layout Example" ) createGUI()
setDefaultCloseOperation( EXIT_ON_CLOSE )
setSize( 220, 150 ) setVisible(
true ) private void createGUI()
okButton new JButton("OK")
helloLabel new JLabel("Hello") p1 new
JPanel() p2 new JPanel()
p1.add(okButton) p2.add(helloLabel)
setLayout(new BorderLayout())
Container contentPane getContentPane()
contentPane.add( p2,BorderLayout.CENTER )
contentPane.add( p1,BorderLayout.SOUTH )
public static void main( String args )
MyClient myMyClient new MyClient()
- Its better to add the components to a JPanel
object and then add the JPanel object to the
container - So far the OK Button doesnt do anything
- Displays the components from left to right in the
order they are added - Centres the line of components
- Wraps to next line when first line is full
- The example below shows the effect of resizing
the window with the JPanel p3 set to FlowLayout
p1 new JPanel() p2 new
JPanel() p3 new JPanel()
p1.add(okButton) p2.add(helloLabel)
p3.setLayout(new FlowLayout())
p3.add(p2) p3.add(p1)
Container contentPane getContentPane()
contentPane.add( p3)
- Places components in rows and columns
- Fills up left to right by row
- setLayout(new GridLayout(2,3))
- Allows precise placement of components on a grid
of cells - Components can occupy more than one cell
- Component can occupy entire cell, or be padded
with white spaces - Flexible but complicated!!
16Events in Java
- When a user interacts with a graphical system, an
event is generated - mouse click on interface component
- key press
- Events can also be generated externally
- display needs to be repainted
- java.awt.event and javax.swing.event. contain
classes to deal with events
17Events in Java
- Every time an event occurs, a new object of the
appropriate class is generated - WindowEvent
- window opening and closing, window activation
- ActionEvent
- component actions such as button presses, menu
and checkbox selection - AdjustmentEvent
- moving of scrollbars
- KeyEvent
- key presses
- MouseEvent
- mouse clicks, moves, drags
- We need to register an event listener for each
active component - When a component generates an event object, it is
sent to the registered listener - Two ways to program
- The class must implement the appropriate listener
interface - WindowListener
- ActionListener
- AdjustmentListener
- KeyListener
- MouseListener
- Or we can use anonymous inner classes
19Example implementing the Action Listener Interface
public class MyClient extends JFrame implements
ActionListener private void
createGUI() okButton new JButton("OK")
p1 new JPanel() p1.add(okButton)
okButton.addActionListener(this) Container
contentPane getContentPane()
contentPane.add( p1) public void
actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
message() public void message()
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"OK Button
- Note you have one actionPerformed() method and
must distinguish between the different action
events in the actionPerformed() method body
20Example using an anonymous inner class
public class MyClient extends JFrame
private void createGUI() okButton
new JButton("OK") p1 new JPanel()
p1.add(okButton) okButton.addActionListener(
new ActionListener() //anonymous inner
class public void actionPerformed(
ActionEvent event ) message()
) Container contentPane
getContentPane() contentPane.add( p1)
public void message() JOptionPane.showMess
ageDialog(this,"OK Button hit")
- Note you have an actionPerformed() method for
every ActionListener
21Dialog Boxes
- A simple way to
- get input from the user
- confirm actions
- output messages
- JOptionPane class has several standard dialog
boxes - call static methods to show
22Dialog Boxes- JOptionPane.showInputDialog()
String primaryKeyString JOptionPane.showInpu
tDialog(this, "Please enter a
Record id")
- used for simple input of one data item
- String parameter the prompt
- can also specify title and icon as parameters
- if the user clicks OK button, the input is
returned as a String - if the user clicks Cancel button, returns null
23Dialog Boxes- JOptionPane.showInputDialog()
- To input integers or doubles
- convert the returned String using a parse method
- use Double.parseDouble() for doubles
- Use Integer.parseInt() for Integers
- Integer id Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInpu
tDialog(this, "Please enter a Record id" )
24Dialog Boxes- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog()
- Used to output a message or warning
- Parameters
- parent frame (usually this)
- message to output
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,Add Record
Button hit")
25Dialog Boxes- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog()
- Can have additional parameters
- title
- String to display at top of dialog
- message type
- Integer code
- Icon
- image to display
- each message type has a default icon
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Item "
itemID " not found", "Not found",
26Message types
27Dialog Boxes- JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog()
- Confirm whether an action should proceed
- Can choose which buttons to display
- Returns an integer corresponding to option
CLOSED_OPTION - int confirm JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this,
"Are you sure you want to delete?", "Confirm
order delete", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION)
- Menus can be added to any subclass of JFrame
- Need to declare the active components as
attributes - private JMenuRecord mitmAddRecord,
mitmSaveRecord, mitmDeleteRecord,
mitmFindRecord, mitmExit - In the constructor (or a method called by it)
- create the menu components
- add an action listener to them
- add them to the JFrame object
public void addMenu() // create a menu bar
and put it at the top of the frame JMenuBar
mBar new JMenuBar() setJMenuBar(mBar)
// create and attach a pull-down menu to deal
with items JMenu mnuItem new
JMenu("Record") mBar.add(mnuItem) //
attach menu items to menu mnuItem.add(mitmAddRe
cord) mnuItem.add(mitmSaveRecord)
mnuItem.addSeparator() mnuItem.add(mitmExit)
------- ------- -------
// adding action listeners using anonymous inner
classes mitmAddRecord.addActionListener(ne
w ActionListener() public void
actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
) mitmSaveRecord.addActionListener(ne
w ActionListener() public void
actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
) mitmDeleteRecord.addActionList
ener(new ActionListener() public
void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
) mitmFindRecord.addAct
ionListener(new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
getSavingsAccount() )
mitmExit.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(
ActionEvent event )
System.exit(0) )