Title: A Closer Look at the AdminServer
1A Closer Look at the AdminServer
Reach Your Technical Peak The Final
Ascent Session IV Q4 2003
2What well cover
- What is the AdminServer
- How the AdminServer Works
- How to Work with the AdminServer
- Installation and Upgrade Issues
- Log Files and Troubleshooting
- Security
- Future Directions
- Where to Find Additional Information
3Products Under Development
- This talk includes information about potential
future products and/or product enhancements. - What I am going to say reflects our current
thinking, but the information contained herein is
preliminary and subject to change. Any future
products we ultimately deliver may be materially
different from what is described here. - In other words, you cant believe everything Im
going to say.
4Progress has grown into OpenEdge
proserve sports B 5000 L 2000 .
Database Server
AppServer Internet Adapter
Sonic 4GL Adapter
WebServices Adapter
5What is the AdminServer?
- Version 9 introduced an administrative framework
to provide a consistent interface for managing
Progress products -
- AdminServer is part of that framework
- It is a java application that provides
administrative access to Progress products
installed on your network
6What does the AdminServer do?
It manages
- Unified Broker-
- WebSpeed Transaction Servers
- AppServers
- DataServers (MSSQL, Oracle, ODBC)
- NameServer
- Databases (startup and shutdown)
- WebSpeed Messenger
- Sonic 4GL Adapter
- Fathom
- WebServices Adapter
7Unified Broker Architecture
Application Servers
AppServer Client
Application Broker
8Why is there a NameServer?
- Maintains a list of brokers and the services they
support - Directs client connection requests to the
appropriate AppServer, WebSpeed or DataServer
Broker - Provides
- Location transparency
- Fault tolerance
- Load balancing
- 9.1D introduced the NoNameServer option
Machine A
Inventory 70
Machine C
10AdminServer The Big Picture
Unified Broker
Admin Server
WebSpeed Brokers
11AdminServerThe little picture
Admin Server
12How the AdminServer works
- Adminserver is an extensible framework for
hosting plugins and for managing client
connections - Adminserver exists to load plugins and accept
Progress Explorer connections -
- Plugins provide management functions for a
particular product such as the database,
WebSpeed, or AppServer -
- The real work is in the plugins
13How the AdminServer works
- AdminServerPlugins.dat file
- Text file that contains a list of server plugins
to start - Only those products that are licensed on that
machine will start - Stored in DLC directory
- Treat as read-only do not modify
14Progress Explorer
- GUI tool that provides a way for you to manage
your Progress servers - Explorer connects to AdminServer
- MMC-based in V9
- OE10 will use Fathom Explorer (early 04)
- Only available on Windows platforms
- Can be used to communicate with AdminServers on
remote machines - UNIX or Windows servers
- There is also a command line interface
15How the AdminServer works
The AdminServer and Progress Explorer work
together to let you
- Create and configure instances of Progress
products - Start and stop server processes
- Check the status of processes
- Running, starting, stopped
- Do some management
- For example, trim WebSpeed agents
16How to start the AdminServer
- As Windows service
- Default is autostart
- Use Control Panel/Administrative tools
- Command line
- proadsv
17proadsv command
- To start the AdminServer
- proadsv start port adminport
- Optional port parameters
- -port specifies port used for communication
- between Progress Explorer and
AdminServer - defaults to 20931
- -adminport specifies port used for
- communication between Progress Explorer
- and any database it starts defaults to
18proadsv command
- Other parameters
- -stop stop AdminServer
- -query display status of AdminServer
- -help display command line help
20How does the AdminServer start other processes?
- jvmStart is the root of all auxiliary processes
(DB, WS Broker, AS, NS) - Most run as their own process (execd in their
own JVM) - Database Broker is a C program
- Fathom runs in the same JVM as the AdminServer
21How does the AdminServer Communicate?
- Progress Explorer uses RMI to connect to local or
remote AdminServers - Remote Method Invocation
- (Javas RPC)
- AdminServer binds its name to RMI Registry at
startup - We run our own RMI registry on port 20931
22How does the AdminServer communicate
- Explorer connects to RMI Registry and locates
AdminServer - Communication between Explorer and AdminServer
uses remote RMI methods - RMI is also how AdminServer talks to plugins
- Communication from AdminServer to processes it
launches is primarily one-way
23How the AdminServer works
Progress Admin Server (20931)
24How the AdminServer works
Properties files
- Configuration information used by the AdminServer
and its plug-ins is stored in properties files -
- conmgr.properties for databases
- ubroker.properties for unified brokers
- Text files
- Stored in DLC/properties directory
- Maintained by Progress Explorer
- Connection Manager
- Database broker ( _mprosrv)
- Contains database configuration information
- Startup parameters
- Other processes to start (APW, BIW, AIW, WDOG)
- Can have multiple configurations for a database
- Configurations
- ServerGroups
- Use Progress Explorer to maintain this
- Fathom also updates this file
26Managing a database in the AdminServer
- Progress Explorer
- Autostart
- dbman command line utility
- dbman ltdatabasenamegt -start
- dbman ltdatabasenamegt -stop
- dbman ltdatabasenamegt -query
- Databases will not stop if you stop the
- Properties definitions for
- NameServer
- Unified Broker
- AppServer brokers
- WebSpeed brokers
- WebSpeed messenger
- DataServer brokers
- SonicAdapter
- Lots of comments
- Can remove to improve performance, but make a
backup copy first - Optional and required settings
- Default values
- Sample configurations
- Use Explorer to maintain if at all possible
- If you edit it manually
- Make a backup copy
- Use appropriate config utility to validate
- Environment
- Can specify environment settings for different
brokers - NameServer
- UBroker
- UBroker instances
- Hierarchical structure
- UBroker
- UBroker.AS
- Ubroker.AS.asbroker1
- Ubroker.AS.asbroker2
32ubroker.properties Inheritance
UBroker.AS operatingModeState-reset . . .
srvrMinPort2002 srvrMaxPort2202 . . .
descriptionAppServer Broker
UBroker . . . initialSrvrInstance5
minSrvrInstance1 maxSrvrInstance10 . . .
portNumber3050 autoStart0 . . .
description . . .
UBroker.AS.asbroker2 initialSrvrInstance8
minSrvrInstance2 maxSrvrInstance20
descriptionNew Test ASBroker . . .
33Command line utilities
- man commands
- Start, stop query AdminServer processes
- nsman NameServer
- wtbman WebSpeed
- asbman AppServer
- dbman Database
- oraman Oracle DataServer
- odbman ODBC DataServer
- mssman MS SQLServer DataServer
- adaptman Sonic 4GL adapter
- wsaman WebServices adapter
34Command line utilities
Configuration validation
- config
- Display and validate configuration information
- nsconfig NameServer
- wsconfig WebSpeed
- asconfig AppServer
- dbconfig Database
- oraconfig Oracle DataServer
- odbconfig ODBC DataServer
- mssconfig MS SqlServer DataServer
- aiaconfig AppServer Internet Adapter
- adaptconfig Sonic 4GL Adapter
- wsaconfig WebServices Adapter
36Distributed Architecture
DB Host
Progress Explorer Utilities
properties files
37Installation and Upgrade Issues
- AdminServer is installed when you install any of
the following products - Progress DB
- AppServer
- NameServer
- WebSpeed Transaction Server
- WebSpeed Messenger
- DataServer
- Sonic Adapter
38Installation and Upgrade Issues
- JRE is required
- Java Runtime Environment
- Appropriate version depends on platform and
version of Progress - Included with Progress install on some platforms
39Installation and Upgrade Issues
Upgrading to a newer Progress version
- Back up your conmgr.properties and
ubroker.properties file before you install new
version or more products of existing version - After install, copy files back
- Any necessary conversion will take place next
time you start AdminServer - When you uninstall Progress, these files are
copied to \temp
40Log files and troubleshooting
- AdminServer log file
- admserv.log
- UBroker log files
- Naming convention
- brokername.broker.log
- brokername.server.log
- For example
- asbroker1.broker.log
- asbroker1.server.log
41Logging levels
- Can set how much info you want written to log
files - Level 1 Errors and Information
- Level 2 Terse (default)
- Level 3 Verbose
42Security AdminServer User-Group authorization
- Version pre-9.1D only performed user
authentication - Any user account would allow the AdminServer to
execute operations - Version 9.1D provides optional user-group
authorization - Authorizes authenticated OS user to OSs security
system - Installation will prompt for use of group
authorization and group name list
43User-Group Authorization Option
- AdminServer command line option
- Format -admingroup groupgroup
- Minimum of 1 valid group name required for
startup - Used for both startup and shutdown operations
- Can be specified during installation
- Can create local group if necessary
- Watch out for specifying group authorization
without any users!
44User-Group Authorization Platform Support
- Unix
- Any local or NIS group name
- Microsoft Windows
- Any local or Domain group name
- Supports Domain global groups as members of local
groups - Searches local groups then Domain groups if not
fully qualified
45AdminServer Logging Enhancements
- Specific user authentication and authorization
entries - Default is to log both success and failed
operations - Can change that so only failed logins are
recorded - JVMARGSJVMARGS DLogLevelSecurity 2
46Admin Server Sub-process Startup Authentication
- Enhanced authentication for starting AppServer,
WebSpeed, and Sonic adapter server processes - Uses ubroker.properties hierarchy used to find
user names and passwords - userName
- groupName (UNIX only)
- password (new)
- Default operation userName, groupName and
password fields are optional and may be blank - Progress Explorer enhancements for setting new
password field
47Required Authentication Option
- New AdminServer startup command line option
-requireusername - Authentication for users starting WebSpeed,
AppServer or - SonicMQ 4GL adapter
48Future Directions
- WebServices support
- WebServices Adapter
- Progress Explorer to be replaced by Fathom
Explorer - Early 2004
- After initial 10.0A release
49Where to find additional information
- ubroker.properties file
- 59 pages of fun!
- Installation and Configuration Guide
- UNIX Chapters 5 8
- Windows Chapter 5 7
- Progress Explorer online help
- 9.1D Product Update Bulletin
- Info on security enhancements
50Where to find additional information
- May 2001 SmartNews article on log files
- http//www.progress.com/support/smartnews/may01.ht
m - KnowledgeCenter articles
- P433 - quick reference for commands
- 20002 - mapping explorer properties to command
line startup parameters - P7843 configuring a secondary login broker for
SQL92 in the Progress Explorer