Title: Going Mobile
1Going Mobile
The third night of CA273 Advanced Web Design
2Mobile Background
Some facts and terms
- The term is mobile
- Number worldwide 3.3 billion
- 1/5 the market of the PC Internet
Photograph from media wiki for mobile phone
3Mobile Background
Some more facts and terms
Gap Minder data mining application
4Mobile Mindset
A framework for mobile web development
- Users are on the go
- Charged per KB
- Visit same sites more regularly
- May want specific content
5Mobile Mindset
A framework for mobile web development
If content is king then context is the kingdom
The four approaches to going mobile
- Do nothing
- Reduce image and styling
- Handheld CSS
- Mobile-optimized content
The Mobile Web Design Book by Cameron Moll
The four two approaches to going mobile
- Do nothing
- Reduce image and styling
- Handheld CSS
- Mobile-optimized content
The Mobile Web Design Book by Cameron Moll
8Mobile Mindset
The mobile developer mantra
Mobilize, dont miniaturize.
Mobilize, Dont Miniaturize - Barbara Ballard
9Mobile Optimization
What?! More languages? Not really
- (Mobile) CSS
Global template
lt?xml version1.0 ?gt lt!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC
"-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.0//EN
lthtml xmlnshttp//www.w3.org/1999/xhtml
gt ltheadgt lttitlegtXHTML-MP Template
Pagelt/titlegt ltheadgt ltbodygt ltpgtHello mobile
device! Lookrsquos like I know
XHTML-MPlt/pgt lt/bodygt
XHTML MP Document Structure
Confront limitations. Exploit opportunities.
- Cache control
- Phone number links
- Location based features
ltmeta http-equivCache-Control
contentmax-age600 /gt
lta hrefteltel12405675000 gtCall (240)
12Mobile CSS
Confront limitations. Exploit opportunities.
- font-size will be ignored by most browsers
- font-family will also be ignored by most
browsers - background-image support is marginal
- border-style support overall is sketchy
- margin and padding support is decent, though
very poor on some devices use cautiously with
small screen real estate
13Testing Mobile Pages
Adobe Device Central
14The Opera Mini Mobile Web Browser
Let them go mobile for you
- Mobilizes your site
- Intuitive Interface
- iPhone compatible
Mobify Mobilizing Service
Let them go mobile for you
- Mobilizes your site
- Intuitive Interface
- iPhone compatible
JQTouch jQuery plugin for iPhone Development
17Going Mobile
Exercise Create a mobile version of the menu
- Open up the mobile-menu.html and menu.html files
- Create an mobile version of the menu.
- Experiment with some simple mobile.css
- Try mobify.com (if we can upload)
18Wrap Up
We could go mobile, if we wanted to
- Two options all or none
- Mobilize, dont miniaturize
- Confront limitations, exploit opportunities
- Taking advantage of external services