Title: Stress Corrosion Cracking SCC
1Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC)
2First SCC Inquiry
- 1985-1992 one company 5 SCC ruptures
- First Inquiry 1993
- Considering current knowledge of SCC
- Concluded that SCC managed properly
3SCC Inquiry 1996
- Two ruptures in 1995
- Evidence SCC widespread on both gas and liquid
pipelines - Since 1977 - 22 failures
- 12 ruptures, 10 leaks
- Provide a forum to share
SCC knowledge - Knowledge shared around world
4Inquiry Report Recommendations in 6 Key Areas
- SCC management program for all pipelines
- Changes to the design of pipelines
- Continued research
- Establishment of SCC database
- Improved emergency response practices
- Continued information sharing
5Post-SCC Inquiry
- SCC Inquiry Report
- NEB SCC Liaison Group
- Community visits
- SCC Management Plans submitted by All NEB
regulated companies reviewed - Meetings with numerous companies
6NEB SCC Liaison Group
- Industry Groups and Regulators
- Monitor progress of implementation of
recommendations - SCC research - funding
- CEPA/CAPP SCC database trending
7Ongoing activities
- Qualitative Risk Ranking of Companies SCC
Susceptibility - SCC Management Plan Updates (1999)
- Company Meetings
- NEB SCC Liaison Group
8Canadian Energy Pipeline Association (CEPA) 2000
SCC Database Trending Report Results
9Significant SCC Reported(December, 2003)
Significant SCC reported to the NEB as per the
requirements of Inquiry report
10Plans and Priorities -SCC Integrity Issues
- Continue to meet with companies
- Continue to monitor incidents of SCC
- Integrate SCC Management with Integrity
Management Plan audits
11SCC in Perspective
Causes of in-service pipeline ruptures 1985-95
General Corrosion
Contact Damage (contact by earth moving
equipment, etc.)
(Geotechnical landslides, etc.)
12On-going Integrity Issues
- SCC is one of many time dependent integrity
concerns - On going monitoring of
- ERW seam problem
- Corrosion -
- General, Narrow Axial
External Corrosion,
Fatigue - Hard Spots
13Management of Integrity Issues
- Management system audits
- Require companies to perform Engineering
Assessments - Information sharing with other Regulators and
Industry - meetings
- conferences
14Common Goal
- NEB regulated facilities and activities are safe
and perceived to be safe
15Copies of SCC Inquiry Report
- Regulatory Support Office
- National Energy Board
- (403) 292-4800