Title: RuleBased Runtime Verification
1Rule-Based Runtime Verification
- Howard Barringer
- Allen Goldberg
- Klaus Havelund Koushik Sen
- Run-time Monitoring
- About EAGLE
- Enhanced Formal Testing
- Summary
3NASA Mars Missions
- Missions are becoming frequent
- MER1 (landed) and MER2 (24 Jan)
- By 2009 mobile science lab to land on / near
polar icecap. - Long-range and long-duration
- Demonstrate hazard avoidance
- Smart system
- Autonomous for long periods
- Mustnt die!
4Motivation for Runtime Verification
- Model checking and Theorem Proving are rigorous,
but - Not fully automated
- model creation is often manual
- Abstraction is often manual in the case of model
checking - Lemma discovery is often manual in the case of
theorem proving - Therefore not very scalable
- Applied Testing is scalable and widely used, but
is ad hoc - Lack of formal coverage
- Lack of formal conformance checking
- Combine Formal Methods and Testing
5Run-time Verification
- Combine temporal logic specification and testing
- Specify properties in some temporal logic.
- Instrument program to generate events.
- Monitor properties against a trace of events
emitted by the running program. - Pros
- Formal conformance checking
- Automated
- Scalable
- Cons
- Formulation of properties is hard
- To quote NASA software engineer
- I have absolutely no idea what this
system should satisfy. - Lack of Coverage
6A Model-Based Verification Architecture
test property generation
test inputs
behavioural properties
Implemented system under test
event stream
7Other Work on Monitoring Logics
- Our own previous work propositional future and
past time LTL - MaC Tool (UPenn) past time interval logic
state - Temporal Rover (commercial tool) (future and past
time LTL real-time and some data handling). - Finkbeiner and Sipma statistical future time
LTL. - Simmons et al. (CMU) interval logic.
- See ENTCS online-proceedings for the three
previous - runtime verification workshops RV01, RV02,
RV03. - RV04 Barcelona, Spain (satellite workshop to
ETAPS 2004) - http//ase.arc.nasa.gov/rv2004
8So many logics
- What is the most basic, yet, general
specification language suitable for monitoring?
EAGLE is our answer. Based on recursive rules
over three temporal connectives next, previous
and concatenation. Can encode future time
temporal logic, past-time logic, ERE, µ-calculus,
real-time, data-binding, statistics.
9Introducing EAGLE
- Rule-based finite trace monitoring logic
- User defines
- a set of combinators
- a set of monitoring formulas
- Monitoring formulas are evaluated over a given
input trace, on a state by state basis - Evaluation proceeds by checking facts about the
past and generating obligations about the future.
10EAGLE by example LTL
max Always(Form F) F /\ ? Always(F) . min
Eventually(Form F) F \/ ? Eventually(F) . min
EventuallyP(Form F) F \/ ? EventuallyP(F) . To
monitor the LTL formula ?(xgt0 ? ? y3),
write mon M Always(x gt 0 -gt Eventually(y3)) .
11EAGLE by example data binding
- ?(x gt 0 ? ?k. k x /\ ? y k)
- or written as
- ?(x gt 0 ? let k x in ? y k)
- is expressed in Eagle as
- min R(int k) Eventually(yk) .
- mon M Always(xgt0 ? R(x)) .
12EAGLE by example metric LTL
- Timed operators, such as ?t1,t2
- assume events are time-stamped state variable
clock - min EventuallyAbs(Form F, float t1, float t2)
- clock lt t2 /\
- (F ? t1 lt clock) /\
- ( F ? ? EventuallyAbs(F, t1, t2)) .
- min EventuallyRel(Form F, float t1, float t2)
- EventuallyAbs(F, t1clock, t2clock) .
13EAGLE by example timed automata
y 0
x 0
xlt15 ylt12
x 0
- max N0(double x)
- label in /\ clock lt x5 /\ ?
N1(x,clock) . - max N1(double x,y)
- label out /\ clock lt y12 /\ clock lt
x15 /\ ? N0(clock) .
14EAGLE by example statistical logics
- Monitor that state property F holds with at least
probability p - max Empty() false .
- min Last() ?Empty() .
- min A(Form F, float p, int f, int t)
- ( Last() /\ (( F /\ (1 f/t) gt p) \/
- (F /\ (1 (f1)/t)
gt p)) ) - \/
- (Last() /\ (( F ? ?A(F, p, f, t1)) /\ (F ?
?A(F, p, f1, t1))) . - min AtLeast (Form F, float p) A(F, p, 0, 1) .
15EAGLE by example beyond regular
- Monitor a sequence of login and logout events
at no point should there be more logouts than
logins and they should match at the end of the
trace. - min Match (Form F1, Form F2)
- Empty() \/
- F1 ? Match(F1, F2) ? F2 ? Match(F1, F2)
- mon M1 Match(login, logout)
18Some EAGLE facts
- EAGLE-LTL (past and future). Monitoring formula
of size m has space complexity bounded by m2 2m
log m - EAGLE with data binding has worst case dependent
on length of input trace - EAGLE without data is at least Context Free
- EAGLE logic currently implemented by rewriting as
a Java application
19EAGLE Internal Calculus
- Uses four functions
- init Form X Form X Form -gt Form
- transforms a monitor formula (1st arg) for
evaluation, in particular the primitive ? and ?
are replaced by rules Next and Previous with
history parameters introduced to past-time rules - eval Form X State -gt Form
- applies the given state to the formula yielding
the obligation for the future - update Form X State X Form X Form -gt Form
- updates the past time components in the formula
(1st arg) - value Form -gt Bool
- yields the value of the given formula at the end
of monitoring
20EAGLE Internal Calculus eval - II
- evalNext(F), s update F, s, null, null
- Evaluation of a next time formula Next(F) yields
the obligation to evaluate F in the next state.
Note that any past time args are updated by
application of update - evalPrevious(F, past), s evalpast, s
- Since past is the (possibly partial) evaluation
of F from the previous state, the evaluation of a
previous time formula must just re-evaluate past
in the current state - The cases of eval for rule definitions are
synthesised from the rules
21Correctness of EAGLE calculus
- Theorem
- s1,s2,sn, 1 D F
- iff
- value(eval(eval(eval(init(F,null, null), s1),
s2), sn)) true - for all state sequences s1..sn and formulas F
22EAGLE Simplification rules
- For efficiency, we use the propositional decision
of Hsiang, - where formulas are represented in Exclusive Or
normal form. - We use the following rewrite rules
- F /\ F F .
- false /\ F false .
- true /\ F F .
- F true ? F .
- false ? F F .
- F1 /\ (F2 ? F3) (F1 /\ F2) ? (F1 /\ F3) .
- F1 \/ F2 (F1 /\ F2) ? F1 ? F2 .
23Example Execution
?(x gt 0 ? ? x 0)
Specification max A(Term f) f /\ _at_ A(f) . min
E(Term f) f \/ _at_ E(f) . mon M A( x gt 0 ?
E(x 0)).
Trace x1 x2 x0 x3
24Trace Evaluation
?(x gt 0 ? ? x 0) Formulas A(((x gt 0) /\ E(((x
0) (x 0) /\ Next(E(rec))
Next(E(rec)))) /\ Next(A(rec)) (x gt 0) /\
Next(A(rec)) Next(A(rec)))) state x1 ? x
0 ??(x gt 0 ? ? x 0) E(((x 0) (x 0)
/\ Next(E(rec)) Next(E(rec)))) /\ A(((x gt 0)
/\ E(((x 0) (x 0) /\ Next(E(rec))
Next(E(rec)))) /\ Next(A(rec)) (x gt 0) /\
Next(A(rec)) Next(A(rec)))) state x2 ? x
0 ??(x gt 0 ? ? x 0) A(((x gt 0) /\ E(((x 0)
(x 0) /\ Next(E(rec)) Next(E(rec)))) /\
Next(A(rec)) (x gt 0) /\ Next(A(rec))
Next(A(rec)))) /\ E(((x 0) (x 0) /\
Next(E(rec)) Next(E(rec)))) state x0 ?(x
gt 0 ? ? x 0) A(((x gt 0) /\ E(((x 0) (x
0) /\ Next(E(rec)) Next(E(rec)))) /\
Next(A(rec)) (x gt 0) /\ Next(A(rec))
Next(A(rec)))) state x3 ? x 0 ??(x gt 0 ? ?
x 0) E(((x 0) (x 0) /\ Next(E(rec))
Next(E(rec)))) /\ A(((x gt 0) /\ E(((x 0) (x
0) /\ Next(E(rec)) Next(E(rec)))) /\
Next(A(rec)) (x gt 0) /\ Next(A(rec))
Next(A(rec)))) Warning Property M violated.
25EAGLE Implementation
- Initial implementation as a Java application
- Two phases
- System compiles the rule and monitor
specification file to generate a set of Java
classes, one for each rule and monitor - System then compiles the generated class files to
Java bytecode and runs the monitoring engine on a
given input trace
26EAGLE interface
class State int x,y update(Event e)
x e.x y e.y
User defines these classes
class Observer Monitors mons State state
eventHandler(Event e) state.update(e)
e1 e2 e3
class Monitors Formula M1, M2
apply(State s) M1.apply(s)
class Event int x,y
27K9 Planetary Rover Executive
- Executive receives flexible plans from a planner
for direct execution - Plan is a hierarchical structure of actions
- Branching based on dynamic conditions flexible
start and stop times - Multi-threaded system (35K lines of C)
- Excellent vehicle for case studies on
validation/verification technology essential
for autonomy insertion
28Running X9 Generates Web-Based Output
Model of Plans
plan property generation
plan inputs
behavioural properties
Manual Instrumentation
K9-Rover Executive
EAGLE engine
event stream
29Future Work
- Implementation
- Optimisation of implementation especially
regarding partial evaluation (past time logic
data bindings). - Specification
- Support user-defined surface syntax.
- Consider integration of EAGLE with algebraic
specs, or other spec language, such as ASM,
SpecWare, , Java. - Better means for associating actions with
formulas towards aspect oriented programming,
fault-tolerance. - Experiment with different logics in Eagle
real-time, statistics, ERE, . - Instrumentation
- Incorporate automated program instrumentation.
- Other Case studies
- Analyze log files generated during tests from
planning tool (NASA) - Hardware monitoring for Rainbow (Manchester
- EAGLE is a succinct but highly expressive finite
trace monitoring logic. Can elegantly encode any
monitoring logic we have investigated. - EAGLE can be efficiently implemented, but users
must remain aware of expensive features. - EAGLE demonstrated once by integration within a
formal test environment, showing the benefit of
novel combinations of formal methods and test. - EAGLE can handle very limited form of action in
current version.
31Other EAGLE papers
- Barringer, Goldberg, Havelund, Sen
- EAGLE does Space Efficient LTL Monitoring
- Submitted for publication
- (also http//www.cs.man.ac.uk/cspreprints/PrePrint
s/cspp25.pdf) - EAGLE Monitors by Collecting Facts and Generating
Obligations - (also http//www.cs.man.ac.uk/cspreprints/PrePrint
s/cspp26.pdf) -
- EAGLE for Real (Real-Time and Data Handling) in
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