Title: Cedar movie
1Cedar movie
2Cedar Fire - 2003
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Processes so far considered Y(t), 0lttltT
time series using Dirac
deltas includes point process Y(x,y),
0ltxltX, 0ltyltY image includes
spatial point process Y(x,y,t), 0ltxltX,
0ltyltY, 0lttltT spatial-temporal
includes trajectory and more
7Manipulating process data All functions, so can
expect things computed and parameters to be
functions also Operations that are common in
nature Differential equations - Newton's
Laws Systems - input and (unique) output
box and arrow diagrams
8Operations. carry one function/process into
Domain D X(t), t in Rp or Zp Map A.
notice Range Y(.) AX(.), X in D
X, Y may be vector-valued Examples. running
mean X(t-1)X(t)X(t1)/3 running median
Y(x,y) medianX(u,v), u x,x?1, vy?1
gradient Y(x,y) ? X(x,y) level crossings
Y(t) X'(t)?(X(t)-a) t.s. gt p.p.
9Time invariance.
t in Z or R translation operator Tu X(.)
X(.u) Tu X(t) X(tu), for all t operator
A is time invariant if ATu X(t)
AX(tu), for all t,u Examples. previous
slide Non example. Y(t) sup0ltsltt X(s)
10Operator A. is linear if Aa1X1 a2X2
a1AX1 a2AX2 a's in R, X's in
D a, X can be complex-valued complex numbers
zu iv, i sqrt(-1) z sqrt(u2 v2) ,
arg ztan-1 (Re(z),Im(z)) De Moivre expix
cos x i sin x
11Linear time invariant A.. filter
Lemma. If e(t)expi?t, t in Z in DA, then
there is A(?) with Ae(t)
expi?tA(?) A(.) transfer function notice (
) arg(A(.)) phase A(.)
amplitude Example If Y(t) AX(t) ?u
a(u)X(t-u), u in Z A(?) ?u a(u)
exp-i?t FT u lag AX
e?(t) exp(i?t) Ae(tu) AT e(t)
definition Aexpi?ue(t) de
finition expi?uAe(t) linear
Ae(u) expi?uAe(0) set t 0 A(?)
13Properties of transfer function.
A(?2?) A(?), expi2?1 fundamental domain
for ? 0,?
14Vector case. a is s by r Y(t) ?
a(u)X(t-u) A(?) ? a(u)
exp-i?u Continuous. Y(t) ? a(u)X(t-u)du
A(?) ? a(u) exp-i?u
du Spatial. Y(x,y) ? a(u,v)X(x-u,y-v)
A(?,?)?u,v a(u,v) exp-i(?u?v) Point
process. Y(t) ? a(u)dN(t-u) ? a(t-?j )
A(?) ? a(u) exp-i?udu
15Algebra (of manipulating linear time invariant
Linear combination AX BX A(?)
B(?) ? a(t) b(t) successive
application BAX B(?)A(?) ?
b?a(t) inverse A-1X B(?) A(?)-1
16Impulse response. Dirac delta ?(u), u in R
Kronecker delta ?u 1 if u0, 0
otherwise A?(t) a(t) impulse
response a(u) 0, tlt0 realizable
Running mean of order 2M1. Y(t) ? M-M
Difference Y(t) X(t) - X(t-1) A(?)
2i sin(?/2) exp-i?/2 A(?)
18Bandpass Lowpass Smoothers
Quadratic instantaneous. Y(t) X(t)2
X(t) cos ?t Y(t) (1 cos 2?t)/2
Yariv "Quantum Electronics"
20(No Transcript)
21Quadratic, time lags (Volterra) Y(t) ?
a(u)X(t-u) ?u,v b(u,v) X(t-u)
X(t-v) quadratic transfer function B(?,?)
?u,v b(u,v) exp-i(?ui?v)
Fourier. dT(?) ?t Y(t) exp-i?t ?
real ? Y(t) exp-i?tdt Laplace.
LT(p) ?t?0 Y(t) exp-pt p complex
? Y(t) exp-ptdt z. ZT(z)
?t?0 Y(t)zt z complex
23Hilbert. Y(t) ?u a(u) X(t-u)
a(u) 2/?u, u odd 0, u even
?u ?tX(u)/(t-u)du cos ?t gt sin
?t Radon. Y(x,y) R(?,?) ?
Y(x,??x)dx Short-time/running Fourier.
Y(t) ? w(t-u) exp-i?u)X(u)du Gabor
w(u) exp-ru2
24Wavelet. eg. w(t) w0(t) exp-i?t Walsh.
??? (t) Y(t) dt ?n(t) Walsh function
?s(t) ?s(t)?t(s) Chirplet. C(?,?)
? Y(t)exp-i(??t)tdt
25Use of A(?,?).
Suppose X(x,y) ? ?j,k ?jk expi(?j x ?k
y) Y(x,y) AX(x,y) ? ?j,k
A(?j,?k) ?jk expi(?j x ?k y) e.g. If A(?,?)
1, ? ?0, ??0 ? ?
0 otherwise Y(x,y) contains only
these terms Repeated xeroxing
26Chapters 2,3 in D. R. Brillinger "Time Series
Data Analysis and Theory". SIAM paperback