Title: Visualization in the DARPA Virtual Soldier Project
1Visualization in the DARPAVirtual Soldier Project
- Stewart Dickson, Richard Ward
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- This work was supported by a grant from the
DARPA, executed by the U.S. Army Medical Research
and Materiel Command/TATRC Cooperative Agreement,
Contract W81XWH-04-2-0012.
- University of Michigan/Center for Biological
Information - University of California, San Diego
- University of Washington
- Crowley-Davis Research
- University of South Carolina
- University of Utah
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory
3Virtual Soldier Phase I Demo
- P-Tag, CODEC, Holomer Display HotBox
(Holographic Stereo Display) - 2. Statistical Reasoning
- Backward from Effect to Cause
- 3. Multi-Scale Modeling
- Physiologic Predictive Model
- 4. Causal Reasoning
- Forward from Cause to Effect
4Part 1
- P-Tag
- 2 Gigabytes Baseline Medical Data
- Automatic CT Volume Segmentation
- Holomer Display
- HotBox
- Interface to Virtual Soldier Knowledge Base
- (Holographic Stereo Display)
5P-Tag, CODEC Data Flow -- CDR
6Imaging and Segmentation -- GE
7Imaging and Segmentation -- GE
8Imaging and Segmentation -- GE
9Imaging and Segmentation -- GE
10Virtual Soldier Knowledge Base
11Holomer Display -- Utah/ORNL
12Holomer Display -- Utah/ORNL
3-D Cursor
13HotBox -- ORNL
14HotBox -- ORNL
15HotBox Data Sources
- Anatomical Labels from Segmentation
- Adjacency Relations from Segmentation
- Entity Bounding Boxes from Segmentation
- Injury List from Causal Reasoning
- Surface Geometry from Segmentation
- Physiological Data from HIP Simulation
- Foundational Model of Anatomy
16HotBox User Feedback
- Highlights Selected Tissue in 3-D Anatomy
- Updates Adjacent Tissues to Selection
- Updates Structural Relationships to Selection
- Alerts to Injured Tissue
- Visually Indicates Probability of Injury
- Dynamically Displays Physiological Data
- Associated with Selection
17Part 2 Statistical Reasoning
- Backward from Effect to Cause Using
- Automatic CT Scan Segmentation and Labeling
- Morphometric Markup
- High-Integration Parameter Simulation (HIP)
- Virtual Soldier Knowledge Base (VSKB)
- Forecast Survival or Time to Death
- Estimate Injury Location Severity
18Statistical Reasoning Data Flows
19Decision Space Display -- U. Michigan
20Probable Injury Display
21Part 3 Multi-Scale Modeling
- Anatomical and Physiologic Predictive Model
- Circulatory physiology combined with
- Anatomically and Biophysically detailed
- 3D Models of Ventricular Electromechanics
- Model physiological signals not measurable in the
field - Database covers more cases than possible with
experimental data alone
22Multi-Scale Modeling Data Flows
23Material Point Method -- Utah/UCSD
24MPM Cardiac Penetration Trauma
25EdgeWarp -- University of Michigan
26EdgeWarp -- University of Michigan
27Part 4 Causal Reasoning
- Help the Medic make Triage Decisions
- Given two anatomically similar wounds
- Reason from Cause to Effect
- Deduce Differences in Pathological
- Consequences
- Simulate Differences in Pathophysiological
- Outcomes
28Causal Reasoning Data Flows
29Simulated Cardiac Wound - Strain
30Simulated Cardiac Wound - Pressure
31Highly Integrated Physiology (HIP)
Models Available at http//nsr.bioeng.washington.
32Physiology Data Display -- U.Mich.
33Causal Reasoning -- U. Washington
34Foundational Model of Anatomy
35Coronary Circulation Simulation
36Bullet-Proof Heart -- UCSD/Utah