Title: Presentation by
1 Skills Recognition of Hackney Carriage and
Private Hire Vehicle Drivers
- Presentation by
- Roger Silvers MA, LL.M
- Consultant to GoSkills
2The GoSkills project
- GoSkills was awarded a contract by the
Department for Transport in 2005 - The aim of the project is for GoSkills to work
with the industry to identify ways of achieving
consistency of skills and skills development of
taxi and PHV drivers in England Wales
3Project Objectives
- Raise the profile and image of the industry
- Achieve consistency of skills nationally
- Retain existing / encourage new drivers
- Improve experience for visitors and tourists
- Ensure sustainability of this essential service
- Provide opportunity for skills recognition
4National Qualifications
Based on National Occupational Standards for Taxi
- VRQ Level 2 in Road Passenger Vehicle Driver
- NVQ Level 2 in Road Passenger Vehicle Driver
5Skills Recognition
- Disability awareness
- Customer service
- Legislation
- Health and safety
- Managing conflict and difficult situations
- Driving safely and efficiently
- Topographical knowledge
6Optional Skills Units
- Optional units can be taken at the time or at
- a later date
- Transporting children and young persons
- Manage and administer a small business
- Routine cleaning of vehicles
- Transporting parcels and luggage
7Sample of Current activities
- Operators
- Home James Taxis - Wiltshire
- Station Taxis Doncaster
- Salisbury Value Cars
- Delta Taxis - Merseyside
- TaxiBus - Chelmsford
- Trent Cars - Nottingham
- GCDA - London
- Blue Cars - London
- MGM Taxis - Nuneaton
- Dovelin Cars Ashbourne
- Taxifast Plymouth
- Delta Merseyside Crosby
- Blue Line Taxis - Wallsend
8Sample of Current activities
- Local Authorities
- Bournemouth BC
- Poole BC
- Charnwood BC
- Hull CC
- Birmingham CC
- North Devon DC
- Chelmsford DC
- St. Helens MDC
- Leeds CC
- Leicester CC
- Coventry CC
- North Devon DC
- Plymouth CC
9(No Transcript)
10Feedback from Questionnaire - Drivers
11Delivery of NVQ RPVD
- VRQ Level 2 provides the underpinning
- knowledge and evidence of that knowledge
- NVQ Level 2 assesses the driver in the
workplace - Evidence
- Activity reports
- One to one simulations
- In Vehicle observation
GoSkills has worked extensively with the Learning
Skills Council (LSC) and now obtained access to
Train to Gain funding for skills development for
self employed Taxi/PHV drivers We are now able
to offer taxi and PHV drivers the opportunity of
obtaining skills recognition with an NVQ Level 2
Qualification in Road Passenger
Vehicle Driver
13 - Contacts
- Kate Deane
- GoSkills Business Advisor, Yorkshire Humberside
Region - Tel 07771 932820
- Email kate.deane_at_goskills.org
- Cheryl.Rider
- GoSkills Business Advisor, North East Region
- Tel 0751 5576812
- Email cheryl.rider_at_goskills.org
- Roger Silvers
- Consultant to GoSkills
- Tel 0121 635 5870
- Email roger.silvers_at_btinternet.com