Debugging, Creating Executable Files, and Distributing a Windows Application - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Debugging, Creating Executable Files, and Distributing a Windows Application


Describe the difference between syntax, logic, and run-time errors ... and Intellisense displays a description of the error when the mouse hovers over ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: steve1751


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Debugging, Creating Executable Files, and Distributing a Windows Application

Chapter 8
  • Debugging, Creating Executable Files, and
    Distributing a Windows Application

  • Describe the difference between syntax, logic,
    and run-time errors
  • Find syntax errors during design time
  • Fund run-time errors and logic errors during run
  • Set breakpoints
  • Execute one statement at a time by stepping

  • Set the next statement to execute
  • Evaluate variables using DataTips
  • Evaluate variables and expressions using the
    QuickWatch and Watch windows
  • Change values of variables using debug tools
  • Use the Autos, Locals, and Me windows to examine
    variables and objects

  • Use the Command window to execute commands
  • Set the icon for an executable file
  • Create an executable file
  • Create a setup program to distribute a Windows

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Starting Visual Basic .NET and Opening an
Existing Project
  • Insert the Data Disk in drive A
  • Start Visual Basic .NET. When the Start Page
    appears, click the Open Project button
  • Double-click the Chapter8 folder on the Data Disk
  • Double-click the Todays Sales Check folder. If
    necessary, click the Todays Sales Check solution
  • Click the Open button

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Visual Basic .NET Error Types
  • Syntax Errors
  • Code violates a rule of the Visual Basic .NET
  • Logic Errors
  • Code executes, but program results are incorrect
  • Run-time Errors
  • Program halts during run-time due to an invalid
    statement or operation (divide by zero)

Syntax Errors
  • Occur when the code violates a rule of the Visual
    Basic .NET language
  • Misspelled keywords
  • Misspelled variable names
  • Missing keywords
  • Visual Basic .NET underlines syntax errors, and
    Intellisense displays a description of the error
    when the mouse hovers over

Finding and Fixing Syntax Errors Using the Task
List Window
  • Click View on the menu bar, select Other Windows,
    and click Task List
  • Double-click the third task in the Task List
  • Double-click the fourth task in the Task List
  • Click line 169 and enter Dim sngTotalAdvertised
    As Single as the new line of code. After
    entering the code, click a different line to move
    the insertion point to another line of code
  • Double-click the first task in the Task List

Finding and Fixing Syntax Errors Using the Task
List Window
  • Right-click the word, Check in line 148 on the
    left side of the assignment statement
  • Click the ListMembers command
  • Double-click the property, Checked, in the
    Members list. Click another line in the code
  • Double-click the value, Fales, on line 148. Type
    False to correct the spelling mistake. Click
    another line in the code window

Using Breakpoints with Stepping and DataTips
  • Click the Start button on the Visual Basic .NET
    Standard toolbar
  • Click the Close button in the Todays Sales Check
    window to close the window. Click the Todays
    Sales Form.vb tab in the main work area
  • Scroll to the frmTodaysSalesCheck_Resize event
  • Click the column at the left side of the code
    window, directly to the left of line 213

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Using Stepping and DataTips with Breakpoints
  • With a breakpoint set at line 213, click the
    Start button on the Standard toolbar to enter run
    time. When the execution halts at line 213,
    click the Breakpoints tab
  • Move the mouse pointer over the property,
    Me.Width, on line 213. Move your mouse pointer
    over intColumn0Width on line 213
  • DataTip displays with the property or variable
    name, along with their current value
  • Press the F8 key to step through the statements

Disabling a Breakpoint and Correcting a Logic
  • Right-click anywhere in line 213. When the code
    window shortcut menu appears, click the Disable
    Breakpoint command
  • Click the Stop Debugging button on the Debug
    toolbar. Use the code window scroll bar to
    scroll the code window to the right, until the
    end of line 213 displays. Click after the text,
    lstTodaysSales.Columns(2).Width. Enter -
    lstTodaysSales.Columns(3).Width and then press
    the SPACEBAR

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Breaking on a Run-Time Error and Using a
  • Click the Start button on the Standard toolbar to
    run the project
  • Click the Enter Todays Sales button. Enter the
    test data in table 8-4 on page VB 8.26
  • Click the OK button after entering the second
    item, without entering a description in the Item
    Description text box
  • Click the Total Todays Sales button
  • Click the Break button in the Microsoft
    Development Environment dialog box

Breaking on a Run-Time Error and Using a
  • Right-click the variable, intIndex, in line 174,
    the last line executed before the line that
    causes the error, to check the value of the
    variable prior to the error. When the code
    window shortcut menu appears, click the
    QuickWatch command
  • Click the Close button in the QuickWatch window.
    Repeat the previous process with the intListCount
    variable in line 174
  • Click the Close button in the QuickWatch window

Adding a Watch to the Watch Window
  • With the application in break mode and paused on
    line 175, right-click the intIndex variable on
    line 174. When the code window shortcut menu
    appears, click the Add Watch command
  • Repeat the process above with the
    property on line 175, and the intListCount
    variable on line 174.

Adding a Watch to the Watch Window
  • Click the Stop Debugging button on the Debug
  • Click to the left of line 175 to set a breakpoint
    at line 175

Watching Variables and Using a Breakpoint in a
  • Click the Start button on the Standard toolbar
  • Click the Enter Todays Sales button. Enter the
    test data in table 8-4 on page VB 8.26 and click
    the OK button after entering the second item,
    without entering a description in the Item
    Description text box
  • Click the Total Todays Sales button

Watching Variables and Using a Breakpoint in a
  • Press the F5 key to resume running the project
  • Press the F5 key (again) to resume running the
  • Click the Stop Debugging button on the Debug

Fixing a Run-Time Error in a ForNext Loop
  • Click the end of line 174. Type 1 to fix the
  • Right-click line 175. When the code window
    shortcut menu displays, click the Disable
    Breakpoint command

Using the Autos Window
  • Click the Start button on the Standard toolbar
  • Click the Enter Todays Sales button. Enter the
    test data in table 8-4 on page VB 8.26 and click
    the OK button after entering the second item,
    without entering a description in the Item
    Description text box
  • Click the Total Todays Sales button to determine
    if the application displays the expected results
    in the Daily Sales Totals message box

Using the Autos Window
  • Click the breakpoint status check box in the
    Breakpoints window to enable the breakpoint on
    line 175
  • Click the Todays Sales Check application button
    on the Windows taskbar. When the Todays Sales
    Check window displays, click the OK button in the
    Daily Sales Totals message box. Click the Total
    Todays Sales button. When VB .NET enters break
    mode, press the F8 key eight times
  • Click the Autos tab at the bottom of the IDE

Fixing a Logic Error
  • Click the Stop Debugging button on the Debug
  • Change the index of the SubItems item in line 185
    from the value, 2, to the value, 3
  • Right-click anywhere in line 175 and then click
    Disable Breakpoint on the code window shortcut

Using the Locals Window to Evaluate Variables
  • Click the Start button on the Standard toolbar
  • Click the Enter Todays Sales button. Enter the
    test data in table 8-4 on page VB 8.26 and click
    the OK button after entering the second item,
    without entering a description in the Item
    Description text box
  • Click the Total Todays Sales button to determine
    if the application displays the expected results
    in the Daily Sales Totals message box

Using the Locals Window to Evaluate Variables
  • Click the breakpoint status check box in the
    Breakpoints window to enable the breakpoint on
    line 175
  • Click the Todays Sales Check application button
    in the Windows taskbar. When the Todays Sales
    Check window appears, click the OK button in the
    Daily Sales Totals message box. Click the Total
    Todays Sales button, and click the Locals tab at
    the bottom of the IDE
  • Scroll the variable list in the Locals window
    until the intListCount variable displays. Press
    F8 nine times

Fixing an Assignment Logic Error
  • Click the Stop Debugging button on the Debug
  • Select the variable, sngTotalAdvertised, on the
    right side of the assignment statement in line
    186. Type sngItemSales to replace the variable,
  • Right-click anywhere in line 175 and then click
    Disable Breakpoint on the code window shortcut
  • Test and save the project, using the test data on
    page VB 8.26 in table 8-4

Using the Command Window Entering Commands
  • Right-click the filled red circle icon to the
    left of line 175 and then click Disable
    Breakpoint. Click the empty red circle icon to
    the left of line 213 to enable the breakpoint at
    line 213, and press F5 to enter run time
  • Click the Debug menu and point to the Windows
    command. Click the Immediate command on the
    Windows submenu
  • At the insertion point in the Command window,
    type ?intColumn0Width and then press the ENTER key

Using the Command Window Entering Commands
  • Press the F8 key to execute line 213. Type
    ?intColumn0Width in the Command window and then
    press the ENTER key
  • Type gtcmd in the Command window and then press
    the ENTER key
  • Enter Debug.sto in the Command window, as shown
    in figure 8-54 on page VB 8.53
  • Click the Debug.StopDebugging command in the
    Intellisense list and then press the ENTER key

Creating an Executable File
  • Click the Todays Sales Check project in the
    Solution Explorer window. Click the Property
    Pages icon on the Properties toolbar in the
    Properties window. When the Todays Sales Check
    Property Pages appear, click the Build item in
    the Command Properties folder
  • Click the Application icon ellipsis button.
    Select the CHECKMRK.ICO file located in the same
    folder as the project file, and click Open
  • Click the Configuration Properties folder
  • Click the OK button

Creating an Executable File
  • Click the Solution Configurations box arrow on
    the Standard toolbar. Select Release in the
    Solution Configurations list. Click Build on the
    menu bar
  • Click the Build Solution command on the Build
  • Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the folder,
    A\Chapter8\Todays Sales Check\Todays Sales
  • Click the Windows Explorer Close button. In the
    VB .NET IDE, click File on the menu bar and then
    click Close Solution

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Creating a Setup Project and Adding an Executable
  • With the Todays Sales Check solution closed,
    click Project on the New submenu of the File
    menu. When the New Project dialog box appears,
    select Setup and Deployment Projects in the
    Project types box. Enter Todays Sales Check
    Setup in the Name text box and then click the
    Setup Project icon in the Templates box

Creating a Setup Project and Adding an Executable
  • Click the OK button. After VB .NET creates the
    new project, right-click the Application Folder
    folder in the File System window. When the
    shortcut menu appears, point to the Add command
  • Click the File command on the Add submenu. When
    the Add Files dialog box appears, navigate to
    A\Chapter8\Todays Sales Check\Todays Sales
    Check\bin and select the executable file (with
    the checkmark icon)
  • Click the Open button

Creating a Startup Menu Shortcut
  • Right-click the Users Programs Menu folder in
    the Folders window. Click the Add command on the
    Users Programs Menu shortcut menu
  • Click the Folder command. When the new folder
    displays in the Folders window, type Todays Sales
    Check as the folder name and then press the ENTER
  • Right-click anywhere in the Files window

Creating a Startup Menu Shortcut
  • Click the Create New Shortcut command. When the
    Select Item in Project dialog box appears,
    double-click the Application Folder folder
  • Click the OK button. In the Files window, type
    Todays Sales Check as the name for the shortcut
  • Click the Icon property value in the Properties
    window. Click the Icon property box arrow and
    then click Browse in the Icon property values list

Creating a Startup Menu Shortcut
  • When the icon dialog box appears, click the
    Browse button. When the Select Item in Project
    dialog box appears, double-click the Application
    Folder folder
  • Select Executable Files (.exe) in the Files of
    type list. Click the Todays Sales Check.exe file
    and then click the OK button
  • Click the OK button in the Icon dialog box

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Setting Options and Building a Setup Program
  • Click the Todays Sales Check Setup project in the
    Solution Explorer window. Then, click the
    Property Pages button in the Properties window
  • When the Property Pages window appears, click the
    Bootstrapper box arrow
  • Click None in the Bootstrapper list. Click the
    OK button

Setting Options and Building a Setup Program
  • When the Property Pages window closes, click the
    Build Solution command on the Build menu
  • When the Output window indicates that the build
    is complete, close Visual Basic .NET

Testing a Setup Program
  • Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the folder,
    A\Chapter8\Todays Sales Check Setup\Todays Sales
    Check Setup\Debug
  • Double-click the Todays Sales Check Setup Windows
    Installer Package icon
  • Click the Next button in the three subsequent
    dialog boxes

Testing a Setup Program
  • When the Todays Sales Check Setup dialog box
    displays the Installation Complete message, click
    the Close button
  • Click the Start button on the taskbar and then
    point to All Programs on the Start menu. When
    the All Programs submenu appears, point to the
    Todays Sales Check command

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  • Describe the difference between syntax, logic,
    and run-time errors
  • Find syntax errors during design time
  • Fund run-time errors and logic errors during run
  • Set breakpoints
  • Execute one statement at a time by stepping

  • Set the next statement to execute
  • Evaluate variables using DataTips
  • Evaluate variables and expressions using the
    QuickWatch and Watch windows
  • Change values of variables using debug tools
  • Use the Autos, Locals, and Me windows to examine
    variables and objects

  • Use the Command window to execute commands
  • Set the icon for an executable file
  • Create an executable file
  • Create a setup program to distribute a Windows

Chapter 8 Complete
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