Medico Legal Aspects of Injuries - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Medico Legal Aspects of Injuries


Medico Legal Aspects of Injuries. Dr Vina Vaswani MD (Forensic Med & Toxicology) ... act knows that it is so imminently dangerous that it must in all probabilities ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Medico Legal Aspects of Injuries

Medico Legal Aspects of Injuries
  • Dr Vina Vaswani MD (Forensic Med Toxicology)
  • M.Phil Hospital Health Systems Management
    (BITS, Pilani)
  • MA (Erasmus Mundus Master Bioethics, Europe)
  • Professor Head, Dept of Forensic Medicine
  • Yenepoya Medical College, Deralakatte, Mangalore

Forensic Medicine
  • Welcome
  • A journey of a thousand miles begins with one
  • Forensic derives from Forum

Glad tidings from
Dept of Forensic Medicine Toxicology
  • To get acquainted to the injury related
    medicolegal sections of the Indian Penal code and
    Criminal Penal Code
  • To apply the above principles in contextualizing
    the cases

The Plan
  • Injury Sec 44 IPC
  • Hurt Sec 319 IPC
  • Simple Grievous Sec 320 IPC
  • Assault Sec 351 IPC
  • Battery
  • Homicide Lawful, Unlawful
  • Culpable Homicide sec 299IPC
  • Murder Sec300 IPC
  • Punishment for Murder Sec 302 IPC
  • Attempt to murder 307 IPC
  • Sec321,322,323,324, 325,326
  • 304A IPC Rash and negligent act

Some Definitions
  • Injury(S 44 IPC) any Harm whatever illegally
    caused to any person in body, mind, reputation or
  • Injury is an act contrary to law
  • The term Illegal is applicable to everything
    which is an offence or, prohibited by law. It
    furnishes ground for legal action

  • Hurt (S 319 IPC) Who ever causes bodily pain,
    disease or infirmity to any person is said to
    cause hurt
  • Act neither intended nor likely to cause death is
    hurt, even though death is caused. (Kicking,
    causing death in presence of splenomegaly)
  • Many hurts can also be classed under assault.
    Hurt can also be caused by acts that are not
    assaults (lacing tea with poison)

  • Assault(S.351 IPC) Whoever makes any gesture, or
    any preparation intending or knowing it to be
    likely that such gesture or preparation will
    cause any person present to apprehend that he who
    makes that gesture or preparation is about to use
    criminal force to that person, is said to commit
    an assault.

  • Battery It is the assault brought to execution.
    It is the actual injury to a person
  • Simple Hurt Which is neither extensive nor
    serious and heals without leaving a permanent

Aggravated forms of Hurt
  • By dangerous weapons
  • To extort property or to constrain to do illegal
  • By means of poison to commit offence
  • To extort confession
  • To deter public servant from his duty

Grievous Hurt, 320 IPC
  • 1. Emasculation Loss of Masculine Power.
  • 2. Permanent Privation of sight of either eye
  • (Like corneal scarring, retinal detachment)
  • 3. Permanent Privation of hearing of either ear.
    (Permanent loss of hearing. TM rupture)

Grievous Hurt
  • 4. Privation of any member or any joint (Member
    is any organ or tissue capable of independent
  • 5. Destruction or permanent impairing of power of
    any member or joint
  • 6. Permanent disfiguration of Head or Face
  • 7. Fracture Dislocation of Bone or tooth

Grievous Hurt
  • 8. Any Hurt which endangers life
  • or
  • which causes the sufferer to be during the
    space of 20 days in severe bodily pain,
  • or
  • unable to follow his ordinary pursuits.
  • Any dangerous hurt is grievous. An act neither
    intended nor likely to cause death is hurt even
    though death is caused.

Homicide, Culpable Homicide
  • Causing death by Human Agency
  • Lawful Excusable and Justifiable
  • CH (s 299 IPC) Who ever causes death by doing an
    act with the intention of causing death, or with
    the intention of causing such bodily injury as is
    likely to cause death, or with the knowledge that
    he is likely by such an act to cause death,
    commits CH

  • Explanation 1 A person who causes death of
    another labouring under disorder, disease,
    infirmity which accelerates his death, is deemed
    to have caused his death.

Culpable Homicide Contd
  • Expl 2 Where death is caused by bodily injury
    the person who causes such bodily injury shall be
    deemed to have caused the death although death
    would have been prevented by skillful treatment.
  • Expl 3 Causing the death of a child in the
    mothers womb is not homicide. It may amount to
    homicide to cause the death of a living child if
    any part of the child has been brought forth,
    though the child may not have breathed or
    completely born.

Unlawful Homicide
  • Culpable Homicide not amounting to Murder (S. 299
  • Murder (S. 300 IPC)
  • Rash and Negligent Homicide(304 A)
  • Dowry Death (304 B)
  • Suicide (305, 306)

Culpable Homicide is Murder..
  • CH is murder if the act by which the death is
    caused with the intention of causing death,
  • or it is done with the intention of causing such
    bodily injury as the offender knows to be likely
    to cause death of the person
  • or it is done with the intension of causing
    bodily injury inflicted is sufficient in the
    ordinary course of nature to cause death.
  • That the person committing the act knows that it
    is so imminently dangerous that it must in all
    probabilities cause death, or such bodily injury
    as is likely to cause death, commits CH amounting
    to Murder

CH is not Murder..
  • Exception1 The offender while deprived of self
    control by grave sudden provocation, causes the
    death of another person who gave the provocation,
    more any other by mistake /accident provided the
    provocation is not voluntarily sought.
  • 2. If the offender exercising good faith in right
    of private defense exceeds the powers given to
    him and causes the death of the person without

CH is not Murder.. Exceptions
  • Ex 3 If the offender being public servant in
    advancing of public justice exceeds the powers
    given to him and causes death without ill will
    towards the person whose death is caused.
  • Ex 4 If committed without premeditation in
    fight, in heat of passion without taking undue
    advantage and acting in a cruel manner
  • Ex 5 If person whose death is caused being above
    the age of 18 years suffers death or takes the
    risk of death with his own consent

Punishment for Murder
  • Sec 302 IPC Punishment for Murder. Whoever
    commits murder shall be punished with death,
    imprisonment for life or shall also be liable to
  • 304A IPC Rash and Negligent Act. Whoever causes
    death of any person by doing rash and negligent
    act not amounting to homicide will be punished
    with imprisonment of either description for a
    term which may extend to 2 yrs or fine or both.
    (No intention/knowledge to cause death)

S 304 B IPC (1), (2)
  • Dowry Death (1) Death of a woman caused by burns
    or bodily injury or occurs otherwise than normal
    circumstances within seven years of her marriage
    and it is shown that before her death she was
    subjected to cruelty or harassment by her husband
    or relative of her husband in connection with
    demand for Dowry, shall be deemed to have caused
    the death.
  • (2) Whoever commits Dowry death shall be punished
    with imprisonment of not less than 7 yrs, may
    extend to life imprisonment.

Sec 322-328 IPC
  • 321- Voluntarily causing hurt
  • 322- Voluntarily causing greivous hurt
  • 323- Punishment for voluntarily causing Hurt (1
    year /- Rs 1000/-)
  • 324- Voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous
    weapons or means (shooting, stabbing cutting or
    any weapon of offence or means i.e. fire, heated
    substance, poison, corrosive or explosive)

  • 325- Punishment for voluntarily causing GH (7
    years /- fine)
  • 326- Punishment for voluntarily causing GH by
    dangerous weapon or means (10 year /- fine)
  • 327- Voluntarily causing hurt to extort property
    or constrain to an illegal act (10 years)
  • 328- Causing hurt by means of poison with intent
    to commit an offence (10 years)

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