Title: Embedding Information Skills in the Curriculum
1Embedding Information Skills in the Curriculum
Duncan Grey
3We are drowning in Information but starved of
4The illiterate of the futurewill not be those
who cannot read and write,but those who cannot
learn, unlearn and relearnAlvin Toffler
5Our students need to be information literate,
lifelong learners.
The librarians unique view of the curriculum -
and its resources - places them in the perfect
position to carry out curriculum change
6What has changed? Why do we need to be
Information Literate?
7There are 3 main reasons
- 1. Pedagogy - how teaching and learning have
changed - 2. Information - in increasing amounts
- 3. Skills - to make the most of the information
81. Pedagogical Change, from..
- Teacher orientated, formal,
- quiet, chalk-talk-sit-listen
- Informal, collaborating, negotiating, teacher
as guide
- solo, online, task driven, distancelearning,
learning for life, - e-learning, learning how to learn
112. Information
- Content
- Online
- Internet
- Databases
- Search techniques
- ICT-mediated learning
- More data, less knowledge
12 and more Information
- Communication
- e-mail,
- threading,
- global discussions,
- video conferencing,
- interactive media,
- attachments,
- Chat
- synchronous and a-synchronous talk
- text-to-speech and speech-to-text
13- Leading to Information overload
143. Skills to be taught
15 skills which must be taught
- What methods can a librarian use?
17We are not Guardians of the DeadBookStore
18Where does this leave librarians?
- Helping pupils to learn
- Tell a student and you answer him for today.
Show him how to learn and he learns for ever
19Where does this leave librarians?
- Helping pupils to learn
- Helping teachers with resources
- School librarians have a unique overview of
learning resource needs across the curriculum. We
have this map in our heads already.
20Where does this leave librarians?
- Helping pupils to learn
- Helping teachers with resources
- Working together with teachers
- It has been demonstrated that, when teachers and
librarians work together, students achieve higher
levels of literacy, reading, learning, problem
solving and information and communication
technology skills - UNESCO/IFLA School Library Manifesto 2000
21Where does this leave librarians?
- Helping pupils to learn
- Helping teachers with resources
- Working together with teachers
- Taking charge of the Virtual Library
- With tele-learning a school library becomes a
virtual library location ceases to be a serious
issue. School libraries can transcend inadequate
and poorly sited physical facilities.
22A Librarian is a teacher whose subject is
learning itself
23- The librarians syllabus is Information Literacy
24and apply it to informed decision making.
Information Literacy is the ability to
locate pertinent information,
evaluate its reliability,
analyse and synthesise the information
to construct personal meaning
Pam Berger. Internet for Active Learners.
American Library Association, 1998
25Samuel Johnson
Knowledge is of two kinds
we know a subject ourselves,
or we know where to find information upon it.
26- Asking the right Questions
27- Asking the right Questions
28- Asking the right Questions
29- Asking the right Questions
30We need a hand
31A methodical method
- Ask (the question, confirm the task)
- Find (possible answers or solutions)
- Choose ( select appropriate material)
- Answer(the question/solve the problem)
- Evaluate (performance, strategies)
32 skills which must be taught
KNOWwhat youve done
35Assert your place
Crouching tiger - hidden dragon
36(No Transcript)
37Take Action!
38Spread the Word
- Compile an Info Lit Policy
- Get references to Info Lit in every department
policy - Create a representative Resources working party
- Create Implement a Five Step Plan together
39Spread the Word
- Offer a timetable slot in the Resources Centre
for interested teachers - Offer to teach the first stages of information
literacy - Offer to support teachers with resources
- Offer study support after school
- Monitor pupils progress in using information
40Offer to help
- Find out who is sympathetic and work with them
- Use 5 minute slots in meetings to advertise your
plan - Offer staff training
- Help create curriculum projects with an
information literacy frameworkthroughout the
- Make a curriculum inventory of information
literacy skills - all years - Emphasize the National Curriculum Strand re
Information Literacy - Make sure the Resources Centre features on
Website and Intranet - Link to other initiatives
- Make yourself indispensable!
42Information Literacy
43The Information Curriculum
Variety of Learning Styles
National Curriculum Strand
Colleagues on board
Specific Skills Training
Embedded Research Projects
School Dept Policies
44What a school think of its library is a
reflection of what it thinks of education
Harold Howe
This presentation is available at
45You can change things!