Title: SEC Meeting
1SEC Meeting
2April 9
- Purchase Order Cutoff Date for the District
- Have all orders in BEFORE Spring Break
- Talk with Supervisor if you will need funds after
that date.
- Notice of Team Meeting
- Homebound Form
4Revised Ntc. Team Mtg Form
5Notice of Team MeetingRevised Text
A member if the IEP team may be excused from
attendance at the meeting, in whole or in part,
if the district and the parent(s) agree that
their attendance is not necessary because their
area of the curriculum or related services is not
being modified or discussed in the meeting.
However, you and the district may excuse a member
from attendance, in whole or in part, when their
area of the curriculum or related services are
involved, if 1) the parent and district agree in
writing to the excusal, and 2) the excused member
submits, in writing to the parent and the rest of
the IEP team, input into the development of the
IEP prior to the meeting. You may invite other
people to the meeting that have knowledge or
special expertise regarding your child, including
related services staff as appropriate. If you
have questions, please contact me. Name Positio
n Telephone
6 Transportation Forms
- Please have parents fill out
- Transportation Forms for NEXT YEAR
- at your spring conferences and/or IEP
- meetings.
- Send the forms to Nilcan Kalpak at ESC after they
are completed -
- Thank you!
7Non-Public Handbook
- Procedure to report assessment hours when student
doesnt qualify - Enter date of evaluation report on Input Form
next to does not qualify. - Put assessment hours on Input Form.
- Claim any time involved except travel time (this
includes phone calls, writing and meeting with
family - Send completed Input Form to Robin Johnson at OGE
- Slight modifications in request form
- Reference to significant change form replaced
with Prior Written Notice of Services Form - Format changes in reason for homebound
9from our friends at MDE
- Co-morbid or co-existing conditions are possible
and occur - This includes EBD, ASD and DCD
- Team decision on criteria
- Team must base decision on data and results of a
comprehensive evaluation
10from our friends at MDE
- In some cases if criteria met in 2 or more
disability areas, consider eligibility under
Severe Mulitple Impairment (SMI) - ESCE
- Language of DD and ASD do not reflect
exclusionary rule out - May be possible to meet eligibilty in both
- If ASD was met, what would the benefit of DD
eligibility be over ASD
11Evaluation Timeline
- Begin with the last Evaluation Report minus 31
school days - Day 1 The day after permission is received
- Day 10 Schedule Eligibility Determination
meeting by Day 25 - Day 15 NOTM sent out
- Day 25 Draft ER and Eligibility. Meeting held
- Day 30 ER is mailed
- Day 31 The ER is in the parents hands
12IEP Timeline
- The annual IEP is due one calendar year from the
last IEP Meeting Date - Monitoring looks at this date to determine
compliance - IEP Meeting Date (Day 1)
- Day (school) 11 new IEP is sent out
- Start Date on page 2 Add 15 calendar days to the
date the IEP is sent out -
13Elementary Academic Instruction for Students with
- Primary Instruction should occur in general
education setting - Providing additional remediation and practice can
occur in the special education setting within the
framework of the students emotional/behavioral
14Elementary Academic Instruction for Students with
- Academic goals are not written. The instruction
is within emotional/behavioral framework - Page 2 of IEP reflects EBD and Curriculum support
- March 2nd Case Manager Lists to be verified,
corrected and sent back to Jane Wiecher at ESC by
March 2nd. - March 15th ESY Program Proposals and ESY
Transportation forms sent to IEP Managers. They
are to be reviewed and approved with parents at
conferences or over the phone. - ESY Postings are in the FirstClass Special Ed.
conferences. April 10th is the application
- Summer Blast is not a component of ESY
- If parents choose to have kids participate in
Summer Blast, Summer Spectrum, or other summer
programming, they can do so, but that is outside
of our ESY programming. We do not make
arrangements between programs for ESY to be met
through other programs. We also do not provide
staff or transportation for other programs.
18 Discussion
- When do we look at Center based Services?
- DCD students and LRE
19IEP Update
- A very preliminary peek at the Navigational
Tools of the new IEP Database - There are three Navigation Tabs
Tab 1 points to students demographic
information, including non-custodial parent
info. Tab 2 points to caseload and forms Tab
3 points to search engine.
20First TabDemographic Info.
21Second TabForms
22Third TabSearch
- If you have use for any of the following for
either special ed students or staff, contact - Judy Kersten.
- Slot-load iMacs
Keyboard and mousecan use with iBook
- HTC Checklist
- Non-Public Handbook
25Next SEC Meeting
- March 23, 2007
- At ESC
- Treats by
- Hillcrest and Washburn
26High School Team FacilitatorsMinnesotas
Summary of Performance
- SOP required
- Under re-authorization of IDEA
- When graduating or exceeding age of eligibility
27High School Team FacilitatorsMinnesotas
Summary of Performance
- SOP must include
- Academic achievement
- Functional performance
- Recommendations on how to assist student in
meeting postsecondary goals
28High School Team FacilitatorsMinnesotas
Summary of Performance
- Completion of SOP is dependent on post secondary
goal - Student may need when applying for Higher
Education or state agency - Must be completed for each student
29High School Team FacilitatorsTeam Taught Classes
- What classes will be team taught next year?
- Teachers --- Paraprofessionals
- Essential Standards How does it work?