Title: 50% of residents
1 2Groundwater Use and Supply (2)
- Problems
- Overdrafts
- Pollution (later)
Figure 12.13
3Water Uses (1)
- Offstream use Removal or diversion from its SW
or GW sources temporarily, e.g., irrigation,
thermoelectric, industrial use - Consumptive use Type of offstream use of water
without intermediate return to the SW or GW, such
as transpiration and human use - Instream use Navigation, fish and wildlife,
recreational uses - Water law
- Riparian (you touch it, you use it east of 100th
meridian) - Appropriation (first in time first in right
4Trends in Water Use (2)
- So what do we do about it?
- Environmentalism
- Reduce
- Reuse
- Recycle
- New Environmentalism (Andy Posner, Huffington
Post, 8/03/08) - Invent
- Invest
- Implement
Figure 12.20
5Water Management (1)
- Challenges for water management
- Increasing demand for water use (population and
economic development) - Water supply problems in semiarid and arid
regions - Water supply problems in megacities of humid
regions - Water traded as a commodity Capital, market, and
6Management of the Colorado River (1)
7Significance of water
- Hoover Dam/Lake Mead
- Water to ImperialValley, LA
- Power to CA, AZ, NV
9Multipurpose Dam(n)s
- Irrigation 48
- Electricity generation 36
- Water supply 36
- Flood control 39
- Recreation/fisheries 29
- Inland navigation 5
10Water and Ecosystems
11Emerging Global Water Shortage
13Case History NC Bay of Pigs
14Common Pollutants (1)
15Common Pollutants (2)
16Common Pollutants (3)
17The Dead Zone
- Combination of BOD and fertilizer
18Common Pollutants (4)
19Common Pollutants (5)
20Breached waste ponds
21Common Pollutants (6)
22Common Pollutants (7)
23Common Pollutants (8)
24Surface Water Pollution and Treatment (1)
- Point sources of pollution
- Point sources are discrete, confined, and more
readily identifiable - Common sources Landfills, discharge from
wastewater treatment plants, discharge from
industries, power plants, storm water runoff,
etc. - Identify sources, on-site treatment
andmitigation, prevention - Bozeman area? Montana Superfund sites
25Surface Water Pollution and Treatment (2)
26Groundwater Pollution and Treatment (2)
27GW Treatment (3)
- Extraction wells
- Pump-and-treat Bozeman solvent site
- Bioremediation
- Land-farming Gallagator Trail
- Vapor extraction Livingston Rebuild Site
- Let it clean itself(?)
28Water Quality Standards
29Wastewater Treatment
30Septic Tank Sewage Disposal System
- Whos on septic?
- I am!
- Im not.
- I dont know
- Wheres the well?
Map view
Section view
31Idealized Diagram for Wastewater Treatment Plant
32Wetlands as WW-Treatment Sites
33WW Renovation and Conservation Cycle
34Applied and Critical Thinking Topics