Title: Importing records into BURO
1Importing records into BURO
2Importing Records into BURO
- This presentation takes you through Importing
Records into BURO from other internet-based
sources - Importing is simple. You can import journal
articles using unique identifiers (IDs) OR you
can import all forms of publication from a
reference database such as EndNote - For non-journal articles, or if you dont have a
reference database, you can still input
references into BURO manually
3Importing Records into BURO
- BURO allows you to import items using the
following unique identification (ID) numbers - DOIs Digital Object Identifiers
- PubMed IDs
- and these reference databases/formats
- EndNote
- BIBTEX if you dont know what BIBTEX is, ignore
this. For BIBTEX users, you know what to do! If
you want to know more, visit www.bibtex.org
4What do I need to know?
- Unique identifiers (IDs) are numbers that are
assigned to journal articles by publishers. Using
these numbers you can locate articles via the
internet - BURO can use IDs (DOIs and PubMed IDs) to locate
and import references - Want to know more? There are two articles on DOIs
and PubMed IDs in Wikipedia
5How do I find DOIs?
- Search for your article in a bibliographic
database, for example SCOPUS, Web of Science or
Science Direct, or a specialist database on your
topic - Cut and paste the DOI into a document for later
use in BURO
6How do I find a PubMed ID?
- Search for your article in PubMed
www.pubmed.gov - Cut and paste the PubMed ID into a document for
later use in BURO
PubMed ID
7Importing Records into BURO
BURO homepageeprints.bournemouth.ac.uk
- Start at the BURO homepage
- Click Login
Login button
8Importing Records into BURO
- Login using your normal desktop username and
password, for example - bobama
- president44
9Importing Records into BURO
Manage deposits
10Importing Records into BURO
- Click on Import items. From this page, follow the
instructions in the next sections of this
presentation to import records into BURO using
DOIs, PubMed IDs or EndNote
Import items
11Importing records into BURO using a DOI
12Importing Records into BURO using a DOI
- From the dropdown menu, choose DOI (via CrossRef)
- Cut and paste previously saved DOIs into the text
box. Put one DOI on each line - Click the Test run button to check that the DOIs
you have entered are valid
Enter one DOI per line
Choose DOI (via CrossRef) from the dropdown menu
Test run button
13Importing Records into BURO using a DOI
- If the test is successful you can then click Test
run Import - DOIs that are not valid are identified as errors.
You need to check these again. You can continue
and import valid DOIs. Invalid DOIs are ignored
Test run Import
14Importing Records into BURO using a DOI
- Imported articles are transferred to your Manage
deposits page - You still have to edit these records. You need to
add at least your email address, research group
and subject terms
15Importing records into BURO using a PubMed ID
16Importing Records into BURO using a PubMed ID
- From the dropdown menu, choose PubMed ID
- Cut and paste previously saved PubMed IDs into
the text box. Put one ID on each line - Click the Test run button to check that the
PubMed IDs you have entered are valid
Enter one PubMed ID per line
Choose PubMed ID from the dropdown menu
Test run button
17Importing Records into BURO using a PubMed ID
- If the test is successful you can then click Test
run Import - PubMed IDs that are not valid are identified as
errors. You need to check these again. You can
continue and import valid PubMed IDs. Invalid
PubMed IDs are ignored
Test run Import
18Importing Records into BURO using a PubMed ID
- Imported articles are transferred to your Manage
deposits page - You still have to edit these records. You need to
add at least your email address, research group
and subject terms
19Importing records into BURO using EndNote
20Importing items into BURO using EndNote
- If you have an EndNote library of your own
publications, start from EndNote and Export your
library using the EndNote Export style - Save the EndNote Export file onto your computer
to Import into BURO
Select EndNote Export style
Choose Export from the File menu
21Importing items into BURO using EndNote
- From the dropdown menu in BURO, choose EndNote as
your Import format - Browse to find your saved EndNote Export file
- Click the Test run button to check that the file
you have selected is valid
Browse to select import file
Select EndNote from the dropdown menu
Test run
22Importing items into BURO using EndNote
- If the test is successful you can then click Test
run Import - Files or records that are not valid are
identified as errors. You need to check these
again. You can continue and import valid records.
Invalid records are ignored
23Importing items into BURO using EndNote
- Imported articles are transferred to your Manage
deposits page - You still have to edit these records. You need to
add at least your email address, research group
and subject terms
24End of presentation
- To visit BURO, go to eprints.bournemouth.ac.uk
- Need more help? Could this presentation be
improved? Contact Matt Holland mholland_at_bournemou