Title: Internet Security
1Internet Security
- How secure is Internet browsing?
- Is private information really kept private?
- Who do we trust?
- Looking at .
- Security Basics
- HTTP authentication
- Single-key encryption
- Public-key encryption
- Digital Signatures and Certificates
- What is Authentication?
- Verifying the identities of the parties involved
- Typical user name and password
- Authentication applies to both client and server
- Client wants to know it is talking to the true
server, not an imposter - Server wants to know the client is a true
client, not an imposter - Problems with user names and password method?
- What is Confidentiality?
- Only the parties involved can understand the
communication - e.g. ensure no one else can intercept the
transmission of credit-card numbers - Relies heavily on cryptography (many forms)
- Using cryptography requires special keys to
encrypt and decrypt data. How and where do users
access these keys? Are the keys secure themselves?
- What is Integrity?
- Content of communication is not altered during
transmission - The alteration can be intentional or
unintentional - Need a mechanism to check if any character has
been changed - This can be accomplished again through
6HTTP Authentication
- Basic HTTP authentication involves a username and
password to access a web site - Most web servers support this (Apache, Tomcat,
IIS, ..) - The use of a HTML form is common on web pages to
send authentication details to a server
ltForm Action/Servlet/LoginHandler
MethodPostgt ltpgt ltInput type text name user
value size 15gt ltpgt ltInput type password
name password value size 15gt lt/formgt
7HTTP Authentication
- The servlet LoginHandler can access the
user/password parameter and maintain session
control for the current session - First, it checks the user name and password
- Then, it sets a new session for the user
- Finally, it redirects the user to the target URL
8Servlet Based Authentication
User accounts database
Yes, valid user go to applications
No! Invalid user Login fails
9Potential Problems
- Access control via password is susceptible to
eavesdropping ? confidentiality not guaranteed - Wiretapping is especially easy in a LAN
environment - Potential Confidentiality and Integrity problems
not solved - Need encryption based methods for
- Confidentiality
- Integrity
- Advanced level of authenticity
- You are what you say you are
10Single Key Encryption
- Background
- aka Private Key Encryption
- Only type of encryption prior to public-key
encryption - By far the most common type of encryption in
general - Converts text to cyphertext
- Also referred to as conventional or symmetric
11Single Key Encryption
- Encryption Algorithm and Key
- single key encryption consists of an encryption
algorithm and a key - the key is a very large number
- the key is independent of the algorithm
- encryption process and decryption process use the
same key - E encrypt(K, M)
- E Encrypted message, K Key, M plain message
12Single Key Encryption
- Level of security depends on
- complexity of encryption algorithm
- Should not be able to decrypt from the text alone
- Assumes that it is impossible to decrypt a
message from knowledge of the text and knowledge
of the algorithm alone - The secrecy of the key
- Does not depend on the secrecy of the algorithm
- NB The key must be kept secret by both parties
to avoid compromising security - e.g. DES (Data Encryption Standard) algorithm
13Public Key Encryption
- Overview
- milestone in the history of encryption
- not based on substitution and permutation like
traditional methods - based on mathematical functions
- known as asymmetric key encryption
- Background
- first introduced in 1976
- NSA (National Security Agency) claimed they also
discovered it earlier !!
14Problems addressed by Public Key Encryption
- Key distribution
- traditional methods use a single key
- communicators use the same key
- public key encryption makes use of two keys, one
private and one public, to address this problem - Authentication
- How to verify (authenticate) who sent the message
- Public key encryption allows for use of digital
signatures to address this problem - We will look at digital signatures later
15Public Key Encryption
- Public key encryption is a way of encrypting
messages in which every user has a public key and
a private key - Messages are sent encrypted with the receivers
public key - The receiver decrypts the message with their
private key - This means the private key is kept private only
to the receiver of a message
16Public/Secret Keys
- Public key P is made public to all
- Secret key S is kept secret by user
- For matched keys Si and Pi
- M Pi (Si (M)) S (Pi (M))
- It is crucial that the secret key cannot be
determined from the public key - This is achieved by having the secret pair be
large prime numbers and the public key be their
product (or some variation)
17Public Key Encryption Example
Bobs public and secret keys
Alices public and secret keys
18Sending Securely
- M ? PA (M) ? ? SA (M) ? M
Bob encrypts with Alices public key
Alice decrypts with her secret key
Only Alice can read the message
19Sending Securely
PA (M)
SA (PA (M))
20Authentication of Sender
- However there is 1 problem with this method
- Previously, Alice does not know that the message
is actually from Bob just because it claims to be
from him. Anyone could have sent it since Alices
public key is publicly available - In order for Bob to prove he sent the message, he
can send another digitally signed message to
Alice using his secret key. Alice can then check
if the two messages decrypt to the same message
21Authentication of Sender
- M ? PA (M) ? ? SA (M) ? M
- M ? SB (M) ? ? PB (M) ? M
Bob encrypts with Alices public key
Alice decrypts with her secret key
Bob resends encrypted with HIS secret key
Alice decrypts with Bobs public key and compares
M to M
M M ?
22Authentication of Sender
PA (M)
SA (PA (M))
SB (M)
PB (SB (M))
M M ?
23Digitally-Signed Encryption
- The previous two methods can be combined so that
the message is both encrypted and authenticated - Bob encrypts with his secret key and Alices
public key - Alice decrypts with her secret key and Bobs
public key
24Digital Signatures
- A digital signature is basically a way to ensure
that an electronic document is authentic, meaning
that you know who created the document and you
know that it has not been altered in any way
since that person created it - Authentication can be handled by
- Password
- Checksum
- Private Key Encryption
- Public Key Encryption
- Digital Certificates
25Checksum Example
1151 / 256 4.496 (round to 4) 4 256
1024 1151 1024 127
26Digital Signature Standard (DSS)
- A National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) standard for digital signatures, used to
authenticate both a message and the signer. - DSS is based on a type of public key encryption
method that uses the Digital Signature Algorithm
(DSA) - DSA has a security level comparable to RSA
(Rivest-Shamir-Aldeman) cryptography, having
1024-bit keys
27Digital Certificates
- To implement public key encryption on a large
scale (e.g. a secure Web Server) requires digital
certificates - A digital certificate is basically a bit of info
that says that the web server is trusted by an
independent source known as a Certificate
Authority (CA) - e.g. Verisign.com
28Digital Certificates
- The CA acts as a middle man that both computers
trust - It confirms that each computer is in fact who it
says it is - It then provides the public keys of each computer
to each other
29Digital Certificates
Excerpted from Verisign.com white paper
- Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
- Popular implementation of public-key encryption,
developed by Netscape, which is designed to
provide secure communications on the Internet. - TCP/IP governs the transport and routing of data
over the Internet, while other protocols (e.g.
HTTP, IMAP) run on top of TCP/IP in the sense
that they all use TCP/IP to support typical
application tasks such as displaying web pages or
running email servers
- SSL protocol runs above TCP/IP and below
higher-level protocols. It allows an SSL-enabled
server to authenticate itself to an SSL-enabled
client - This in turn allows the client to authenticate
itself to the server - Both machines can now establish an encrypted
Application layer
Network layer
Secure Sockets Layer
TCP/IP Layer
- SSL is used to encrypt the data between browser
and server - De facto standard for secure communication on the
Web - SSL support built into both Netscape and IE
browser - Requires a web server to install a digital
certificate - Obtained through Verisign.com, Netscape, etc
- Data encryption and decryption is completely
transparent to programmers - No additional Java coding required
- Only requirement is for Web server to support SSL!
34Security references
- Check out
- http//www.cookiecentral.com
- Contains many FAQ
- Examples
- Good web resource
- We have looked at
- Basics
- Authentication
- Confidentiality
- Integrity
- HTTP authentication
- Single-key encryption
- Public-key encryption
- Digital Signatures and Certificates