Title: Agent Information Service AIS
1Agent Information Service (AIS)
- Government Online Group Meeting
Paul Tillig - Project Manager Michael Lawrence -
Technical Team Leader August 2000
2AIS Project Presentation Purpose
- To describe WorkCovers use of a PKI architecture
in the context of the AIS Project and its
architecture - To consider some of the lessons learnt about
security over the Internet
3AIS Project Workers Compensation in Victoria
- WorkCover regulates the Scheme
- 11 insurance companies act as agents providing
workers compensation insurance to employers - 11 Agents are connected to claims, premiums and
reporting systems outsourced to CSC - CSC are under contract to WorkCover
4AIS Project Environment
- Current Environment
- 1500 report and data extract programs
- Running on MVS against a DB2 database
- Connected using leased lines
- New Environment
- Same number of programs users
- WebFOCUS running on HPUX against an Oracle
database - Agents connected over the Internet
5AIS Project Service Functions
- Develop and run reports against the Data
Warehouse over the Internet using WebFOCUS - Upload and download compressed files between the
Data Warehouse server and their own environment
using standard Windows Explorer drag and drop
features - Schedule the automatic extraction and delivery of
files as encrypted e-mail to any registered user
via the Internet - both colleagues and employers - Move data to a directory to be automatically
burned to CD for collection as an on demand
service - Browse report output using a standard browser
- Receive encrypted mail
6AIS Project Security
- Key security issues
- Exposure of the Internet
- Risk of information arriving inadvertently at the
wrong destination as e-mail
7AIS Project Project Partners
Hewlett-Packard (for Design Technology
KPMG (for PKI)
Information Builders (for WebFOCUS implementation)
8AIS Project Design Objectives
- Open standards
- Minimal impact on clients
- Agents Employers
- Flexibility (expansion, direction)
- Encompass future e-commerce activities
- Utilise smart card storage for certificates
- Centralised management
9AIS Project Architecture
Major Components...
CLIENT Web Browser CONNECT client S/MIME client
Directory Services
SECURITY Application Proxying Digital
Certificates Username / Password
Internet Infrastructure
10AIS Project PKI What is it?
Public Key Infrastructure
- Public Key Infrastructure is a service for
managing Encryption Keys and Digital Certificates
to ensure the security of electronic information. - Encryption Keys - a pair of keys (PUBLIC key and
a PRIVATE key) used to encrypt and decrypt data - PUBLIC key is widely available and is typically
used by others to encrypt data for you - PRIVATE key is kept secure by the owner and is
used to decrypt messages encrypted using the
PUBLIC key or to create a digital signature - Digital Certificate - a document (software file)
containing information that binds a PUBLIC key to
a person, application or service (ie. like a
passport). The certificate is obtained from a
trusted body known as the Certification Authority
11AIS Project PKI Application
- Authentication of individuals
- Browser session (WebFOCUS)
- CONNECT client session (File Management)
- Privacy and Integrity of data
- Mail (S/MIME)
- Browser (SSL)
12AIS Project PKI Structure
13AIS Project Lessons Learnt
- There is a degree of risk which is difficult to
measure and manage (reflected by immaturity of
product and vendor knowledge) - Although security is a core component of
web-based products, integration can be affected
significantly by product version - Uncertainty and acceptance of current PKI
offerings (will they last? will it operate with
other solutions? whats everyone else doing?)