Title: Towards a Sustainable Future Chapter 10
1Towards a Sustainable Future Chapter 10
- The Production and Distribution of Food
2Prior to Industrial Revolution
- Agriculture crops
- Maintained
- Crop rotation
- Planting wide variety of crops
- Prairie hay pastures
- Amuranth
- Etc.
- Returning animal wastes to soil
3Major Patterns of Food Production Past 40 Years
and Next 40 Years?
- Bringing additional land into cultivation
- Industrial Revolution
- Fertilizers
- Chemical pesticides
- Irrigation
- Machinery
- U.S. Corn Yield Fig. 3
4Chemical Pesticides
- Not effective for long term control
- Do not tend to break down easily in environment
- Some pests become resistant
5Major Patterns of Food Production Past 40 Years
and Next 40 Years?
- Substituting new genetic varieties
- Rotating crops
- Growing many different kinds of crops
- Recycling animal wastes
- Grain over animal production
6The Green Revolution
- Introduced high yield staple grains
- Temporarily closed the gap between food
production and need in some countries. - Heavy reliance on irrigation and fertilizers.
- Negative impact on small farmers and culturally
specific crops. - Norman Borlaug received Nobel Peace Prize in 1970
- Development of dwarf hybrid wheat plant
- Produced high yield of wheat in warm weather
- Feed the world
7Subsistence Farming
- Labor intensive
- Technologically based
- Use of marginal lands
- Clearing of tropical rainforests
- Environmental degradation
8Consequences of Animal Farming
- Loss of 70 of grain crops in U.S.
- Overgrazing
- Mismanagement of animal manure
- Methane may contribute to greenhouse effect
- Most widespread source of water pollution
- Source of 3 of greenhouse gases
- Sustainable on rural farms and with pastoral
9Per Capita Food and Grain Production
10Increasing Food Production
- Most important foodstuff in world is grains
- Eat lower on the food chain
- Convert cash crops/animal feed to basic food
production - Eat less
- Increase crop yields
- Help people in need produce their own food
- Produce more food more profitabily
11Increasing Food Production
- Convert animal farms to grain farms
- 70 of grain grown for domestic animals
- Grain most important food in world
- Livestock give off methane
- Anaerobic decay of manure
- Develop alternative foods
- Convert pet food to human food
- The promise of biotechnology
12Genetic Engineering
- Crossbreeds of genetically different plants
- Incorporation of desired traits into crop lines
and animals - Cloning of domestic animals
13Examples of Genetic Engineering
- Not affordable in all countries
- Not considered safe by all consumers
- Major player in the future of agriculture
- Might keep food production in pace with
population growth
14Food Suppliers
- Family personal and family food security
- Country self-sufficiency in food and nutrition
- Globe sustainable food and nutrition for all
15Food Guide
16Hunger, Malnutrition and Famine
- 20 of the people on earth suffer from the
effects of hunger and malnutrition - Children are most at risk
- The root cause of hunger is poverty
- It is more likely that a pet cat will be fed than
an undernourished child
17Causes of Famine
- Civil Wars
- Drought (FEWS)
- Government Incompetence
18Food Aid
- Is a disincentive for poor countries to improve
their own productivity - Undercut nations ag economy and lead to greater
food dependency - Disrupts local economy
- Contributes to ecological deterioration
Give a man a fish you have fed him for today.
Teach a man to fish and you have fed him for a
lifetime." --Old Chinese Saying
19Sustainable Agricultural Systems
- Patterned after natural ecosystems