Title: MLMP Data Entry Tutorial http:www'mlmp'orgdataentry'asp
1MLMP Data Entry Tutorialhttp//www.mlmp.org/datae
- Created by Ted Sands
- For Karen Oberhauser
Most of the buttons and links in the images on
the following slides are active. If you click on
them, they will take you to the place you would
go exactly like you are on the web site
http//www.mlmp.org. You can use this slide show
as a basic tutorial. Once finished with this, you
can check out the tutorial site on our web site
at http//www.mlmp.org/tutorial/. This part is
identical to the regular data entry portion
except that the tutorial data arent stored. This
is completely for your practice. Ignore the
Address bar in the images from the browser. This
presentation was made on a local computer. To get
to the appropriate page, substitute www.mlmp.org
in place of localhost. Images with a red line
through them have a piece missing in order to
show the top and bottom. Refer to the web site to
see the entire page.
3Introduction (continued)
Every piece of data that you enter can be
modified later. If you enter something that you
have to delete, contact Ted at tsands_at_mlmp.org. On
any page of the data entry, you can click the
logout in the top right of the page. Clicking on
the Data Entry tab will always bring you back to
your member page if you are logged in. If you
have done nothing on the site for 20 minutes, you
will have to log back in. This will be evident
when you get the error page.
4Logging In
Either click on the Sign Up link on the right -
or - Enter your username and password. Your
username and password has to be at least 4
alphanumeric characters long. You can download
the most recent browsers from this location.
If you forgot your password, click the link on
the right to have it emailed to you.
5Signing Up
To join our team, start here and choose a
username and password. Your username and password
has to have at least 4 alpha-numeric characters.
Click Register to continue or Cancel to cancel.
6Member Page
From this page, you can go to any data entry
form. First you must choose a site. If you do not
have any sites, you will need to first add a
site. You can change your password by clicking on
the link on the left. Once logged in, click
logout to end your session.
7Personal Profile
Here you can enter volunteer information. The
required fields are - Username- First Name-
Last Name- Address- City- Zip code You can
also add notes about yourself to give us a better
idea of who you are. The links on the side help
navigate this form.
8Site Information
When you add a site, you need to give it a name
so you can identify it later. Enter as much as
you can. There is a link to find your latitude
and longitude. The required fields are marked
with asterisks. The links on the side help
navigate this form.
9Monarch Density
This form allows us to calculate monarch
densities at your site. Youll enter the number
of plants you observed, and the number of
monarchs on these plants. To edit an entry,
select it and click the Edit Monarch Density
link. To add milkweed characteristics, click on
the link after selecting the desired monitoring
date. Click on the Results tab at the top to view
graphs of data for this site.
10Choose Monarch Density Date
When you click on Activity 4 from the member
page, you come here. This is because you need to
associate milkweed characteristic information
with a date on which you monitored for monarch
density. Select the date and click the Select
button. To go back to the member page, click the
Cancel button
11Milkweed Characteristics
You can enter for random plants or plants with
monarchs. These are kept separately for data
mining purposes.
To toggle between the random and the monarch
plants, click the links on the top right. To edit
milkweeds already entered, click the edit link to
the left of the plant you wish to edit. In order
to save en entry, you need to at least enter the
height of a plant.
12Editing a Milkweed
Depending on if you are editing a random milkweed
or a milkweed with monarchs, one of these forms
will appear. Fill this out and Submit or Cancel
it before going back to the milkweed
characteristics page. The height of the plant is
the only required field. Fill in as much
information as you can. There are guides
available on the web site to help identify the
condition and herbivory.
13Milkweed Density
You can fill in the area and the number of plants
if known. Otherwise, use the sampling
method. When finished, click Submit to add
values and return to your member page Add to add
values and then add more Done to just return
without adding values
Here you can enter your parasitism data. To edit
a parasitism datum, select it and click the link
below the data list, to the right. When entering
parasitism data and using the add button, the
dates remain the same from entry to entry to make
it easier to do multiple entries. These can be
If you collect rainfall data, here is where you
can enter it. When you enter the data, make sure
to indicate whether it was collected in inches or
centimeters. The page will convert it to
centimeters automatically. You can add notes
about the rainfall collection data as well.
16Change Password
Type in your old password. Type in your new
password. Re-type your new password to make sure
you typed it right. Click the submit button to
change the password or the cancel button to
cancel the change and leave your password the same
The results page will have different ways to
display the data dynamically. The graphs shown
are from monarch density collected by P. S.
Oberhauser. To return to data entry, click on the
Data Entry tab.
18-- Start Over --