An Introduction to Web Services - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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An Introduction to Web Services


http://localhost:portnumber. Installing Apache Axis ... http://localhost:portnumber/axis/services. View the list ... http://localhost/portnumber/axis/services ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: An Introduction to Web Services

An Introduction to Web Services
  • Dr. Katy Wolstencroft
  • myGrid
  • University of Manchester

Exercise 1 Beanshell Scripting
Beanshell Scripting
  • The beanshell scripting host allows you to add
    simple java scripts to your workflows.
  • The beanshell code is contained within the
    workflow xml file (the scufl file).

  • Open Taverna and load the workflow
  • compareXandYfunctions.xml
  • Look at the diagram. Each brown service is a
    beanshell script
  • In the Advanced Model Explorer (AME)select the
    beanshell GetUniqueIDs
  • Right-click and select configure beanshell

  • Look at the script and see if you can work out
    its function
  • Look at the ports and their types as well as the

Beanshell Background
  • BeanShell is a natural scripting language for
  • Beanshell executes java statements and
    expressions, but not ALL java
  • In the next section you will be asked to write
    your own beanshell script. To get a better idea
    about what you can and cant use in beanshell,
    please use the beanshell manual as a reference
  • http//

Creating a Beanshell Script
  • Load the workflow at
  • http//
  • This workflow collects gene ontology data from
    ensembl relating to a particular disease
  • Run the workflow
  • Each piece of data is in a separate output file.
    This is hard for the user to interpret
  • The other problem is that it generates lists. How
    do you know which outputs from which lists belong

Creating a Beanshell Script
  • In the available services panel, select a
    beanshell scripting host from the Local services
    section and add it to the workflow
  • Right-click on the beanshell scripting host in
    the AME and select configure beanshell
  • Write a simple beanshell script that collects
    each output into a simple report showing
  • Ensembl_ID, GO_ID, GO_description and GO_evidence
  • Before you write the script, you will have to
    define the names of the input and output ports by
    typing them into the textboxes on the port pane

Creating a Beanshell Script
  • Once the script is written, it cannot be tested
    until the workflow is run
  • Connect the outputs of the biomart service to the
    inputs of the beanshell service
  • Create a new output for the beanshell report and
    connect it up
  • Finally, look at the iteration strategy for the
    beanshell script is it appropriate? Does it
    need to be cross product or dot product?
  • Run the workflow to test your script and your
    iteration strategy

Building Beanshell
  • For more beanshell scripting practice, close the
    current workflow and select a new beanshell
  • Write a simple script that takes an input of a
    number and adds 1000 to it
  • Hint you will need to define not just the
    script, but the input and output ports
  • Add an input and output to finish the workflow
    and run the workflow

Beanshell Notes
  • Beanshells are most often used as shim
  • A shim is a service that doesnt do anything
    scientific, but helps two scientific services fit
    together. For example, by changing the format of
    incompatible files or by mapping between database

Beanshell Notes
  • Beanshells are useful within workflows, but
    cannot be shared out of the context of the
    workflow file. If you want to provide a service
    to be easily shared by the community, it is
    better to host a web service

Exercise 2Installing Required software
Installing Tomcat
  • Download tomcat (version 5.0.28) from
  • Unzip and untar
  • Cd into the conf directory and find the
    server.xml file
  • Edit the server.xml file to use a port of your
  • The default is 8080 (so search for 8080 in the
    file) if we are all using the same machine, we
    will need to change this!

Installing Tomcat
  • Cd into the bin directory
  • Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point
    to jsdk
  • Export JAVA_HOME/yourJava
  • Start the tomcat server using
  • ./ start
  • Find the tomcat webpage at
  • http//localhostportnumber

Installing Apache Axis
  • Download the latest version of apache axis from
  • http//
  • Unzip and untar the installation
  • Move the axis directory from webapps to the
    tomcat webapps directory
  • Restart tomcat using ./ stop then
    ./ start in the tomcat bin directory

  • Find out if axis is installed correctly by
    looking at
  • http//localhostportnumber/axis
  • Look at the happy axis page
  • Find and install any missing .jar files

Exercise 3Axis Instant Deployment
Apache-axis Web Services
  • Can use instant deployment
  • Or custom deployment
  • Today simple examples of each
  • Can use native java code, or a JDE of choice

JWS Instant Deployment
  • Java Web Services Files
  • This is the easiest way to deploy a web service
    its just like writing ordinary java code!
  • Write some code to split a list of fasta sequence
    files into single files

  • public class FastaLister
  • public String lister(String file)
  • return file.split("\n(?gt)")
  • or use your own example

  • Compile your java code
  • Copy into your axis installation
  • (this will be /path-to-tomcat/webapps/axis)
  • Copy the java file to
  • Restart tomcat
  • and you are done!

Finding your service
  • The new service can be found at
  • http//localhostportnumber/axis/FastaLister.jws
  • Follow the link to the WSDL
  • Copy the WSDL address
  • Add to the Taverna services panel by selecting
  • Add new WSDL scavenger

Build workflow
  • Use your new web service in a workflow to
    separate the list of fasta files here
  • http//
  • And blast each sequence against the swissprot
  • Save your workflow

Exercise Extension (optional)
  • Build your own Hello World example
  • Write a java script that writes the traditional
    greeting and deploy it using jws

Advice from Axis
  • Important JWS web services are intended for
    simple web services. You cannot use packages in
    the pages, and as the code is compiled at run
    time you can not find out about errors until
    after deployment. Production quality web services
    should use Java classes with custom deployment.

Exercise 4Custom Deployment
Custom Deployment
  • For custom deployment, the code is again like
    writing ordinary java, but this time you need to
    create a Web Service Deployment Descriptor
    (WSDD) file
  • Axis uses the WSDD to direct SOAP calls

WSDD File Example
  • ltdeployment xmlns"http//
  • xmlnsjava"http//
  • ltservice name"MyService" provider"javaRPC"gt
  • ltparameter name"className" value"FastaLister"/gt
  • ltparameter name"allowedMethods" value""/gt
  • lt/servicegt
  • lt/deploymentgt
  • The interesting part is the service section.
  • The service name is the name of the service to
    the client

Writing a service with a WSDD
  • For this exercise we will use the same
    FastaLister example
  • First we need to build a deploy.wsdd file for
    this class

Writing a service with a WSDD
  • Copy the deploy.wsdd file from the previous page
    to the /axis/WEB-INF/ directory
  • Copy the FastaLiser.jws file to the directory
  • /axis/WEB-INF/classes
  • copy FastaLister.jws to and
    compile the code
  • Now we need to add the Jars in the
    axis/WEB-INF/lib directory to the classpath
  • Move to the axis/WEB-INF/lib directory

Setting the Classpath
  • Add the following jars to the classpath (NOTE
    the exact versions of these may be different for
  • Axis.jar
  • Commons-discovery-0.2.jar
  • Commons-logging-1.0.4.jar
  • Jaxrpc.jar
  • Saaj.jar
  • Log4j-1.2.8.jar
  • Wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar

Deploying the service
  • We need to send this file to an Axis server to
    deploy the described service
  • We can use the admin client to do this by typing
    the following
  • java org.apache.axis.client.AdminClient -l
    e deploy.wsdd

Writing a service with a WSDD
  • The service is now accessible by SOAP
  • To test it go to
  • http//localhostportnumber/axis/services
  • You should see your service in the list
  • Click on the wsdl link and copy the wsdl location
  • Add your new service to the service panel in
  • Reload the previous workflow and replace the
    FastaLister in the original workflow with this
  • Run the workflow and look at the results

Exercise 5 SoapLab
SoapLab Notes
  • The following pages describe a hands on soaplab
    exercise, but soaplab can only be installed on
  • You may not have access to a linux/unix server,
    so these exercises will be demonstrated from the
  • Soaplab allows you to wrap legacy code as web
    services and is based on perl rather than java

Installing Soaplab
  • Go to the soaplab web page
  • http//
  • Follow the links to the download site at
    sourceforge by selecting downloads -gt
    distribution site -gt sourceforge
  • Download file analysis-interfaces-2005-04-25.tar.g
    z from the download soaplab page

  • Unzip and untar analysis-interfaces-2005-04-25.tar
  • cd into analysis-interfaces
  • Read
  • Run and answer the questions in the
  • Run ws/delopy-web-services and follow on-screen

  • Soaplab should now be installed and working
  • To test it, we must see if we can run the test
    services in Taverna

  • Find the address of the wsdl files
  • http//localhostportnumber/axis/services
  • View the list of services

Add Soaplab Services to Taverna
  • Open the Taverna workbench and right-click on
    available processors at the top of the services
  • Select Add new soaplab scavenger
  • Copy in the address for the new services
  • Look at the new services at the bottom of the
    panel. Try to invoke them

Soaplab in Taverna
  • You should now have a working soaplab
    installation that you can use with Taverna
  • Now we will look at creating additional services
    to add to the collection
  • Soaplab wraps legacy command-line applications

ACD Files
  • The ACD files describe parameters of command-line
    programs that you want to make into web services
  • You must define
  • The path to the executable
  • The format of the command-line
  • Each command-line parameter, their formats and
    whether they are mandatory or optional

An example
  • appl HelloWorld
  • documentation "Classic greeting from the
    beginning of the UNIX epoch"
  • groups Classic"
  • nonemboss "Y"
  • executable "echo"
  • string greeting
  • additional "Y"
  • parameter "Y"
  • default "Hello World"
  • comment "defaults"
  • outfile output
  • additional "Y"
  • default "stdout"

ACD Application Attributes
  • documentation
  • A string describing briefly the function of the
  • groups
  • This attribute allows to group programs together
    based on their functionality. Its value contains
    the name(s) of the group(s). When an application
    belongs to more then one group, the group names
    must be separated by either a comma or
  • supplier
  • It identifies in a free-text who is supplying
    this application.
  • version
  • A version of this application, a free-text.
  • executable
  • A name of the executable representing this
    application. If missing the application name
    (defined in the appl line) is used instead. It is
    not recommended to put here the full path - that
    would make the ACD file non-portable. The path
    can be added later and elsewhere. An example was
    given above for the hellowold application where
    the executable was the Unix program echo.
  • nonemboss !
  • A boolean parameter that should be always used
    and should have always value Y. By default, all
    ACD files are assumed to describe EMBOSS
    applications. But Soaplab (precisely the
    generator of the metadata XML files) does
    slightly different things for EMBOSS and
    non-EMBOSS programs - so it needs to know what
    kind of application is being described. This is
    quite important attribute.

Example ACD File Elements
  • standard
  • A boolean parameter. Value Y indicates that this
    is a mandatory parameter.
  • additional
  • A boolean parameter. Value Y indicates that this
    is an optional parameter.
  • parameter
  • Defines that this parameter appears on the
    command line without its name as a qualifier.
    Also implies that the value is required. Any
    parameter without this attribute will appear
    (unless an attribute template is specified) on
    the command line as a tagged value
  • -ltparameter-namegt ltparameter-valuegt With this
    attribute it will appear as a simple value
    without any qualifier.
  • default
  • Defines the default value for the parameter.
  • prompt
  • Defines briefly what this parameter means.
  • information
  • More detail information about this parameter.
  • help
  • Very detail information, preferably containing a
    URL pointing to a complex description.
  • knowntype
  • A term, usually an ontology term, defining
    semantic of the data described by this parameter.
    It may be used by component-based software to
    find how can individual programs be bound
    together (what data flows between them are
  • template
  • Sometimes not all parameters are expressed on the
    command-line as a simple value or a tagged value
    with the tag prefixed by a minus. For them, use a
    template string defining how the parameter should

Hello World Again
Application Name
Description of Function
  • appl HelloWorld
  • documentation "Classic greeting from the
    beginning of the UNIX epoch"
  • groups Classic"
  • nonemboss "Y"
  • executable "echo"
  • string greeting
  • additional "Y"
  • parameter "Y"
  • default "Hello World"
  • comment "defaults"
  • outfile output
  • additional "Y"
  • default "stdout"

Path or pointer to the executable
Type of Parameter and its name
An optional parameter boolean Y yes
Appears on the command line without its name as a
The default value for the parameter
Service writes to standard out
Exercise 6Deploying a New Service
Deploying a brand new service
  • Download the file from
  • http//
  • Copy it into the run directory in soaplab
  • This script takes two files and concatenates them
    according to the users instructions
  • Try and build an acd file for this script in the
    metadata directory
  • Hint start with writing down the method (the
    command line arguments) These will determine how
    many blocks of code you will need

Writing an ACD file
  • The script contains
  • my input_file_1 ""
  • my input_file_2 ""
  • my iteration "dot"
  • my separator "\t"
  • So the command line would be
  • "method file_1 file_2 iteration
    separator output"

Writing an ACD file
  • Write the ACD code block for each of the method
  • When the acd file is complete, mv to the
    generator directory in soaplab
  • Run ./acd2xml d l Applications.xml
    concat_two_files helloworld
  • This will automatically generate an xml file that
    is deployed into a WSDL and will copy the
    definition into the Applications.xml file in the
    metadata directory
  • Note The helloworld is listed here also
    effectively redeploying both services

  • For the new service to be active, you will need
    to restart the applab server that soaplab runs on
    top of
  • Find the current running applab server by typing
  • Ps U username o args o PID
  • Kill -9 the id of the job running
  • /bin/sh ./run-AppLab-server
  • Restart applab by running nohup
    ./run-Applab-server from the soaplab directory

  • Run the command ws/deploy-web-services d
  • This will create the WSDL file and deploy the
    service within soaplab
  • Look at the axis web page to see if the service
    deployed correctly
  • To see the new service in Taverna. Remove the
    current service from the list and re-import from
  • http//localhost/portnumber/axis/services
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