Title: Self Mastery
1Our Ministry of Education accepts it has an
important role in co-ordinating and promoting
environmental education in the country. The
honourable M.R. Molomo Minister of Education,
Botswana acknowledges that, Environmental
Education is fundamental to the future well-being
of the planet and of its inhabitants. Through
the exploration and development of insights,
awareness, knowledge, skills and attitudes it
develops essential competencies that enable
people to make reasoned responses to the
individual and social use of the environment.
(WWF-UK, A common Purpose, 1988)
2Botswana and EE
Environmental Education (EE), which has become an
important component of our school curriculum, has
a significant role to play towards the
realization of sustainable development. It aims
to provide a holistic approach to education.
Botswana views Environmental Education as a
continuous, life-long process that leads to the
acquisition of environmental knowledge and the
development of attitudes, values and patterns of
behaviour which reflect a concern for the health
of the environment as well as the quality of life
for all earths inhabitants. In Botswana,
Environmental Education has been introduced in
schools by infusing it into all subjects at all
3Gaborone Senior Secondary School iEARN CLUB
- In Botswana, we have a trend of organizing
co-curricular clubs and undergoing activities to
benefit teachers, students and administrative
personnel of the schools. For our school, to
satisfy the IT skills needed, we participate in
these international projects actively- - ENO http//eno.joensuu.fi
- Education and Eradication of malaria
(www.iearn.org) - My Hero (www.myhero.com)
- In total we have 30 students coming from various
classes who are participating in these projects.
4Tommie and his ENO students