Issues in Evolutionary Robotics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Issues in Evolutionary Robotics


evolutionary approach to the design of robots will supercede design by hand? ... wheels as outputs, whisker and bumper touch sensors as inputs ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Issues in Evolutionary Robotics

Issues in Evolutionary Robotics
  • Harvey, Husbands, Cliff (1992)

  • evolutionary approach to the design of robots
    will supercede design by hand?
  • exploration using an extended genetic algorithm
    to evolve control architectures
  • application based on a simulated version of a
    physical robot
  • viable in highly simplified simulated worlds
    also viable in the complexity of the real world?
  • evolution in the form of a Behavioural Language
    vs. artificial neural networks?
  • current simulations are not naïve
  • based on observations of a real robot
  • attempt to model the physics of its interactions
    with the world

  • problems with traditional approaches implicit
    assumption of functional decomposition
  • that perception, planning and action can be
    analysed independently of each other
  • ? leads to fragile and computationally very
    expensive methods!
  • vs. behavioural decomposition (e.g. MIT)
  • analyse independent behaviours
  • wire in each behaviour all the way from sensor
    input to motor output
  • simple behaviours first, more complex behaviours
    on separate layers
  • ?
  • can suppress/inhibit earlier layers
  • BUT to foresee all possible interactions with the
    environment between separate layers of the
    robot ? inherently explosive complexity!
  • ? places limits on real robots doing useful

Evolving robots instead
  • if some objective fitness function can be derived
    for any given architecture
  • ? possibility of automatic evolution of the
    architecture without explicit design (e.g. in
    natural selection)
  • ?
  • Genetic Algorithms (GAs) use ideas borrowed from
    evolution in order to solve problems
    in highly complex search spaces
  • ?
  • may provide a solution in this case?
  • artificial evolution approach
  • maintains a population of viable genotypes
    (chromosomes), coding for cognitive architectures
  • interbreed and mutate according to selection
    pressure ? task-oriented evaluation function
  • i.e. the better a robot performs in its task,
    the more evolutionarily favoured is its cognitive
  • ? leads to a gradual emergence of a suitable

  • benefits of artificial evolution
  • no need for any assumptions about how to achieve
    particular behaviours
  • (as long as the behaviour is directly or
    implicitly included in the evaluation function)
  • no need to commit to an exclusively behavioural
  • artificial evolution allows either type of
    decomposition ? will determine which, if either,
    should characterise the cognitive architecture

An incremental, species approach
  • animat simulated animal or autonomous
  • animals are not solutions to problems, they
    merely represent species adaptations that solve
    particular problems in the short-term
  • ? GAs based on evolutionary ideas should search
    the space of possible adaptations of the existing
    animat (not through the complete space of
  • ? evolution cannot choose from any adaptation
    ever, only the ones possible for the present
  • this method implies that the evolved population
    is always a genetically-converging species
  • increases in genotype length (associated with
    increases in complexity) can only happen very
  • similar to other incremental approaches, except
    that evolution is used instead of design

Using simulations
  • artificial evolution requires that members of the
    population be evaluated over many generations
  • BUT this would take far too long in the real
  • ? most evaluations should be done in simulation
  • (though doubts about this approachs long-term
  • must keep simulations as close to reality as
  • calibrate simulation at regular intervals by
    testing architectures in real robots
  • base simulations of inputs to sensors and
    reactions of actuators on empirical data
  • take into account noise at all levels ? use low
    resolution sensing
  • use a range of unstructured, dynamic environments
    in the simulation
  • ? the cognitive architecture evolved is more
    likely to be robust
  • (more like real worlds)
  • use of adaptive, noise-tolerant units (e.g.
    neural nets)
  • ? 100 accuracy not required as discrepancies can
    be treated as noise, and the system will adapt
    and cope accordingly

What to evolve?
  • at least 3 useful ways to implement the control
    system of an animat
  • 1. an explicit control program in some high-level
  • 2. a mathematical expression mapping inputs to
  • 3. a blue-print for a processing structure, a
    network of simple processing elements

1. High-level programs
  • if the language supports partial recursion,
    programs to be evaluated may never halt
  • ? need to impose some arbitrary time-out
  • seems reasonable to use a program, without
    partial recursion, in which genotype changes are
    restricted to small steps
  • BUT
  • this approach treats the brain as a
    computational system ? produces a set of motor
    outputs for any given set of sensor inputs
  • vs. alternative view ? agents as dynamical
    systems, perturbed by interactions with a
    dynamical environment
  • primitives manipulated by the evolutionary
    process should be at the lowest level possible,
    in contrast with the use of higher level
  • (supported by simulation results)
  • ? any high-level semantic groupings necessarily
    restrict the possibilities available to the
    evolutionary process (incorporates human
    designers prejudices) ? leads to a much more
    coarse-grained fitness landscape
  • ( is harder to justify injecting noise into
    anything other than the lowest levels)

2. Polynomial transfer functions
  • close relationships with artificial neural
  • e.g. input-output associations of most neural
    nets can be arbitrarily closely approximated by
    a polynomial function and vice versa
  • BUT
  • even for modest numbers of inputs/outputs ? most
    useful transfer function may be a highly complex
    non-linear expression with many terms
  • ? search space is potentially very large
  • simulation suggests that the search space (except
    for low dimensions) lacks structure ? GA
    degenerates into random search
  • real world robustness will demand some degree of
    adaptation (requires auxiliary systems
    identification algorithms, seriously complicating
  • OR an expression complicated enough to cover a
    wide enough range of situations (see problems

3. Neural nets
  • approaches take various forms, but all include
    that the
  • basic architecture has been defined with some
    parameters left as variables
  • GA is used to tweak these parameters to optimal
  • evolvability of connectionist networks is clearly
  • can concisely specify on the genotype of
    sub-networks or modules which may be repeatedly
    used (though require a mechanism to interpret
    such specifications several times)
  • artificial neural networks obviously allow for
  • parallel nature ? enables very fast
    implementation in the appropriate hardware
  • (vs. serial interpretation of a behaviour

Type of connectionist network
  • good reasons why a generalised form of
    connectionist network could be appropriate
  • 3 basic principles
  • 1. brain as a physical system, with a physical
    volume and a finite number of input and output
    points on its surface
  • 2. interactions within brain should be mediated
    by physical signals
  • ? travel with finite velocities through its
    volume from inputs to outputs
  • 3. excluding the lower limit of an undecomposable
    node, these principles apply to any physical
    subvolume of the whole brain
  • (linked to incremental development of the whole
    by alterations/additions over evolutionary
  • product is a network model with internal nodes as
    the lower limit, and signals between these and
    inputs and outputs taking finite times
  • can be arbitrarily recurrent

Details of the network
  • simplest assumptions (of a standard connectionist
  • input signals weighted by a scalar quantity
  • all output signals are identical when they leave
    the node (calculated from the weighted sum of the
  • pass the weighted sum through a sigmoid or
    thresholding function
  • ? produces non-linear behaviour
  • timelags between nodes need to be specified
  • difficult to analyse (compared with standard
    feedforward networks)
  • BUT
  • dont need to analyse how it works!
  • ? only need to be able to assess how good the
    behaviour it elicits is!
  • (with the internal complexity of the brain
    being dependent on the history of interactions
    with its world)

  • the robot will have timing circuitry to
    synchronise sensing, control and motor activities
  • ?
  • as long as they operate using discrete time
    intervals, even complex recurrent networks can be
    handled straightforwardly
  • (asynchronous continuous time networks are more
    difficult but pose no significant problems)
  • arbitrarily complex polynomial transfer
    functions are certainly more difficult to handle,
    as are potentially non-halting high-level

  • autonomous robots require sensors in order to
  • exteroreceptors detect stimuli external to an
    animal e.g. light
  • interoreceptors detect stimuli that arise
    inside the animal e.g. blood pressure
  • successful navigation depends on finding a
    satisfactory combination of exteroreceptors and
  • exteroreceptors
  • proximal only provide reliable data for the
    immediate surroundings e.g. bumpers
  • ? forced to employ primitive strategies e.g.
    wall following
  • ? loss of contact results in sensor-blindness
  • ? degradation/loss of navigation ability
  • distal provide reliable data for surroundings
    further away e.g. vision
  • ? necessary for more sophisticated navigation

  • animate vision the approach of mounting
    computer vision systems on mobile robotic
  • provides a rich source of information concerning
    an agents external environment
  • factors to be considered
  • discretization of the sampling of the optic array
    (how many pixels in the images, the geometry of
    these images etc.)
  • angular extent of the vision systems field of
    view (360 etc.)
  • visual angular resolution of the optics (uniform
    vs. nonuniform/foveal)
  • many animals (e.g. insects) use low-resolution,
    low-bandwidth vision as a primary source
  • ? worth exploring within this context of
    evolutionary robotics
  • need to ensure that the simulated visual systems
    correspond in a useful manner to the physical
    visual systems that the robot will be equipped
  • ?
  • possible in principle, but computational demands
    soon become considerable
  • require availability of necessary processing

continued again
  • in order to equip a physical robot with a vision
    system that has variable capabilities, the
    mounted camera must offer performance at the
    upper limits of what is seen as necessary
  • worse visual capabilities can then be produced
    under genetic control e.g. using subsampling of
    the image
  • BUT difficult to see what is necessary for the
    robot until experimentation has been carried out
  • ? require some iteration between simulation work
    and the building of real robots

  • simulation of real robot assembly in Sussex (UK)
  • wheels as outputs, whisker and bumper touch
    sensors as inputs
  • low-resolution, insect-type visual system
  • tasks leading towards the goal of navigation
    using learnt visual landmarks
  • Current Paper exploring the methodology using
    careful simulations
  • robot in simulation (see Figure 1)
  • cylindrical, with two wheels towards the front
    and a trailing rear castor
  • wheels have independent drives, with five
    settings (full speed forward etc.)
  • aim to evolve neural-style networks to control
    the robot in a variety of environments

The neural networks used
  • continuous, real-valued networks with
    unrestricted connections and time delays between
  • ? can support a range of behaviours and is
    highly adaptive (without requiring Hebbian-type
  • 1 input node for each sensor
  • 2 output units for each motor (providing a range
    of -1.0 to 1.0 for each motor)
  • each unit is a noisy linear threshold device ?
    simulates naturally occurring noise in the
    physical world (see Figure 2 for input-output
  • 2 types of connections
  • normal weighted link joining the output of one
    unit to the input of another
  • veto special, infinitely inhibitory connection
    between two units (above a certain threshold) ?
    crude but effective model of natural phenomena
  • some number of hidden units (not prespecified
    genotypes vary in length)

The genetic encoding
  • specifies properties of the units and
    connections, and connection-types emanating from
  • genotype interpreted sequentially (see Figure 3
    for details)
  • method makes sure that offspring produced by
    crossover are always legal
  • process allows for any number of internal nodes

Simulating movement
  • the continuous nature of the system was modelled
    by using a fine-time-slice simulation
  • at each time step, the sensor readings are fed
    into the neural network
  • simulate continuous nature of network by running
    it and then converting the outputs to motor
  • (calculate new position of robot using kinematic
    equations, with noise injected into the
  • collisions are handled as accurately as possible
    (using observations of the real system)
  • ? not a perfect simulation, but realistic enough
    to produce useful results!

The experiments
  • each experiment was run for 50 generations
  • population size of 40
  • crossover rate of 1.0
  • mutation rate of 1 bit per genotype
  • experiment in which a control network was evolved
    using an evaluation function which encouraged
    wandering in a cluttered environment (see Figure
  • scored on how far away from its starting position
    it moved in a fixed time period
  • see results in Figure 4
  • found that more and more robust networks began to
    appear, with very good abilities for this simple,
    specific task

  • second experiment in which a control network was
    evolved using an evaluation function which
    measured the area of the enclosed polygon formed
    by the robots path over a finite time period
    (see Figure 6)
  • robot started at random locations with a random
  • see results in Figure 7
  • found that by taking the fitness to be the
    average of the small number of runs in the
    evaluation set, the robots produce a better
    average performance but a very poor, noisy worst
  • evaluating from the worst pushes the worst and
    average closer together, providing a more robust
  • see example of network in Figure 8 (looks messy
    as there is no term in the evaluation functions
    that penalises unnecessary links)
  • ? experiments have clearly been successful!

  • no reason to think that humans are good at
    designing systems involving many emergent
    interactions between many constituent parts (e.g.
    robust control systems for robots)
  • artificial evolution seems a good way forward (as
    this paper demonstrates)
  • results from realistic simulation experiments
    support the claim that an incremental artificial
    evolution is a viable methodology

Other information
  • University of Sussex -
  • Informatics Centre -
  • To e-mail one of the authors -
    (my tutor next year!)
  • Good introductory book Ive read
  • An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms by
    Melanie Mitchell
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