Title: Index Models
1Chapter 10
2Advantages of the Single Index Model
- Reduces the number of inputs for diversification.
- Easier for security analysts to specialize.
3Single Factor Model
- ri E(Ri) ßiF e
- ßi index of a securities particular return to
the factor - F some macro factor in this case F is
unanticipated movement F is commonly related to
security returns - Assumption a broad market index like the SP500
is the common factor.
4Single Index Model
Risk Prem
Market Risk Prem
or Index Risk Prem
the stocks expected return if the markets
excess return is zero
(rm - rf) 0
ßi(rm - rf) the component of return due to
movements in the market index
ei firm specific component, not due to market
5Risk Premium Format
6Security Characteristic Line
Excess Returns (i)
Excess returns on market index
Ri ? i ßiRm ei
7Using the Text Example from Table 10-1
Excess Mkt. Ret.
Excess GM Ret.
Jan. Feb. . . Dec Mean Std Dev
5.41 -3.44 . . 2.43 -.60 4.97
7.24 .93 . . 3.90 1.75 3.32
8Regression Results
rGM - rf ß(rm - rf)
Estimated coefficient Std error of
estimate Variance of residuals 12.601 Std dev
of residuals 3.550 R-SQR 0.575
-2.590 (1.547)
1.1357 (0.309)
9Components of Risk
- Market or systematic risk risk related to the
macro economic factor or market index. - Unsystematic or firm specific risk risk not
related to the macro factor or market index. - Total risk Systematic Unsystematic
10Measuring Components of Risk
- ?i2 ?i2 ?m2 ?2(ei)
- where
- ?i2 total variance
- ?i2 ?m2 systematic variance
- ?2(ei) unsystematic variance
11Examining Percentage of Variance
- Total Risk Systematic Risk Unsystematic Risk
- Systematic Risk/Total Risk ?2
- ßi2 ? m2 / ?2 ?2
- ?i2 ?m2 / ?i2 ?m2 ?2(ei) ?2
12Index Model and Diversification
13Risk Reduction with Diversification
St. Deviation
Unique Risk s2(eP)s2(e) / n
Market Risk
Number of Securities
14Industry Prediction of Beta
- Merrill Lynch Example
- Use returns not risk premiums
- a has a different interpretation
- a a rf (1-b)
- Forecasting beta as a function of past beta
- Forecasting beta as a function of firm size,
growth, leverage etc.
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