Title: Census Transportation Planning Package: CTPP 2000
1Census Transportation Planning Package CTPP 2000
2Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP)
- CTPP is set of special tabulations of Census
2000 long - form data designed by and for transportation
planners - It is a continuation of a program that has been
carried - out for the 1970, 1980, and 1990 censuses
- It is a cost reimbursable project paid for by
State DOTs - and Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs)
- through an AASHTO pooled fund
3A Cooperative Effort
- American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials (AASHTO) - Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
- Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
- Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
- U.S. Census Bureau
- State Departments of Transportation
- Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs)
- Transportation Research Board (TRB)
4How is CTPP Different from Standard Census
- Allows customized tabulation units, i.e., Traffic
Analysis Zones (TAZs) - Contains cross-tabulations that are more detailed
than standard census products, consisting of
content specifically requested by transportation
planners - Tabulations are not restricted to residence-based
tables, but include workplace and commuter flow
5Improvements to CTPP 2000
- GIS applications were used to
- Submit and Verify TAZ geography to Census Bureau
(TAZ Update Program) - Update employer locations (Workplace Update
Program) - Access data tabulations (CTPP Access Tool
6Traffic Analysis Zone Update Program (Taz-Up)
- FHWA-sponsored program with Geography Division
- ArcView application using TIGER-Line files
- Prior to tabulation block delineation, so more
precise TAZ boundaries possible - TAZ boundaries present in TIGER before being
needed in CTPP
8Workplace Update Program(Work-Up)
- Used licensed InfoUSA database
- Software developed by ESRI Inc.
- Most records were geocoded, but some were not
- Allowed user to sort file on key variables such
as size, industry, location - Checked and moved locations, changed addresses,
added and deleted records
10Data Access for CTPP 2000
- Pre-defined tabulations
- Residence, Workplace and Flow tables
- Chose two companies to integrate their existing
products to access CTPP tabulations - Beyond 2020 providing data browser, data
management software - Digital Engineering Corporation providing
GIS-type front end for selecting data and
back-end for mapping data
11Geographic Hierarchy
- State
- County
- Metropolitan Areas 2000 MSA Definitions
- Urbanized Area
- MCD (For the 12 strong MCD states)
- Place (State/Place, State/County/MCD/Place)
- Tract
- MPO Region
- Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZs)
12Census Transportation Planning PackageCTPP 2000
- Custom cross-tabs of
- transportation and
- other variables
- Three geographies
- place of residence
- place of work
- flows between home and work
13CTPP Products
Place of Residence Profile Sheets Part 1 -
Place of Residence Tabulations Part 2 - Place
of Work Tabulations Part 3 - Residence by
Workplace Tabulations
14CTPP Profile Sheets
1990 and 2000 data for States, counties, and
in six New England states MCDs Includes 11
items, including tables of Household size by
vehicles available Means of transportation by
travel time All States and U.S. summary
available CD-ROM from BTS On-line at
AASHTO web site http//ctpp.transportation.org
15CTPP Part 1 - Residence Tables
120 tables for all geographic levels from State
through TAZ, covering workers, persons,
households, and housing units. All data will
be rounded Data to be distributed on CD with
integrated viewing, browsing, mapping software
and exportable to various formats including
.shp Electronic guidebook from U.S. DOT to
assist users Distribution to public to begin
in November 2003
16CTPP Part 2 - Workplace Tables
66 tables for all geographic levels from State
through TAZ, tabulated for workers (total and
in households). Data will be rounded Only
product to show characteristics of workers by
place of employment Data to be distributed on
CD with same software as Part 1 Distribution
to public to begin in early 2004
17CTPP Part 3 - Commuter Flow Tables
14 tables for flows between selected geographic
areas Data will be rounded. Most tables will
be subject to a 3-person (sample observations)
threshold Data to be distributed on CD with
same software as Parts 1 and 2 Distribution
to public to begin Spring 2004
18For More Information
http//www.dot.gov/ctpp http//www.TRBcensus.com
CTPP Hotline 202-366-5000
Phillip.A.Salopek_at_census.gov or 301-763-2454
19County-to-County Worker Flow Files
- Accessible from journey to work topic page
- www.census.gov/population/www/socdemo/journey.h
tml - Available in Excel, ASCII, or zipped ASCII
- Residence sort or workplace sort
- Entire U.S. or single state files
- County data for all 50 states and D.C.
- MCD data for 12 states available in additional
set of files - County data for other 39 states
- Municipio data for Puerto Rico