Title: Web Access to Database
1Web Access to Database
- Tom Whaley
- Department of Computer Science
- Washington and Lee University
- Part 4
- Web Access to DatabaseUsing Active Server Pages
2ADO - ActiveX Data Objects
- Provides high level way to access data of many
kinds - Provides objects for
- Connecting to database
- Executing commands
- Dealing with sets of records
- Dealing with errors
3ADO Objects and Collections
4ADO - Recordset Object
- This is the main object that well use for our
examples. - Represents
- A base table from database
- Result of a query or SELECT statement
- Result of an executed command
- Note There are several ways to execute commands
with ADO - well work with Recordsets, primarily
5ADO - Recordset Object (cont.)
- With Recordset object, we can
- Open and close recordset
- Add and delete records
- Cancel the recordset
- Save to file
- Open from file
- Move to different record
- Locate specific records
6ADO - Connection Object
- Represents a connection to the database
- Makes access more efficient if you are doing
several operations on the database. - With Connection object, we can
- Open or close connection to database
- Execute query
- Cancel connection
7ADO - Command Object
- Allows you to execute a command against the
database. - Command is associated with a Connection
- Command has CommandText with the appropriate SQL
command - With Command object, we can
- Execute command
- Cancel
- Create a parameter
8ASP and ADO Models
ASP Model
ADO Model
9The examples
10Example Suite
- Displaying a specific column from a table
- Function for displaying contents of any table
- Displaying results of a canned query
- Adding a record via Form submission
- Using a simple SQL query
- Building a query on the fly
- Updating a record in a table
11The Sample Database Hollywood(Arizona State
database course)
12The movieStar Table
13Include files
- Well make use of two include files
- This simply allows us to put common code in one
place and not have to type it into each file - adovbs.inc contains ADO constants for VBScript
- Datastore.inc contains a string we use to
connect to Hollywood.mdb
lt strConnect "DriverMicrosoft Access Driver
(.mdb) DBQC\Inetpub\wwwroot\Hollywood\Holly
15Example1 - Stars Names
- This example will illustrate
- Creating a RecordSet object
- Populating a RecordSet from a database table
- Looping through the records
- Using the Response object to display the raw data
from one of the columns - Closing the RecordSet
16 ltHTMLgt lt!-- INCLUDE FILE"DataStore.inc"
--gt lt!-- INCLUDE FILE"adovbs.inc"
--gt ltHEADgt ltTITLEgtHollywood Stars
lt/TITLEgt lt/HEADgt ltBODYgt lt Dim objRec '
Create the recordset object Set objRec
Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset") ' Open
the recordset, move forward only, read
only, ' and tell it that its a table we are
opening objRec.Open "movieStar", strConnect,
adOpenForwardOnly, _ adLockReadOnly,
adCmdTable While Not objRec.EOF Response.Writ
e objRec("starName") "ltBRgt" objRec.MoveNext
Wend objRec.Close Set objRec
Nothing gt lt/BODYgt lt/HTMLgt
Link to page
17(No Transcript)
18Example2 - General Purpose Table Function
- In this example, well see
- Use of a general purpose function for creating an
HTML table with data from RecordSet - Use of the Fields collection for the RecordSet
19 ltHTMLgt lt!-- INCLUDE FILE"DataStore.inc"
--gt lt!-- INCLUDE FILE"adovbs.inc" --gt lt!--
INCLUDE FILE"RecToTable.asp" --gt ltHEADgt ltTITLE
gtADO Fields Collectionlt/TITLEgt lt/HEADgt ltBODYgt lt
Dim objRec ' recordset object ' create
the recordset object Set objRec
Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset") ' now
open it objRec.Open "movieStar", strConnect,
adOpenForwardOnly, _ adLockReadOnly,
adCmdTable ' now pass the recordset to the
table function Response.Write RecToTable
(objRec) objRec.Close Set objRec
Nothing gt lt/BODYgt lt/HTMLgt
Link to page
20(No Transcript)
21lt Function RecToTable (objRec) Dim strT '
table html string Dim fldF ' current field
object ' build the table header strT
"ltTABLE BORDER1gt" _ "ltTR
ALIGNCENTERgt" ' each field as a table column
name For Each fldF In objRec.Fields strT
strT "ltTHgt" fldF.Name "lt/THgt" Next strT
strT "lt/TRgt" ' now build the rows While
Not objRec.EOF strT strT "ltTR
ALIGNCENTERgt" ' add the fields For Each
fldF in objRec.Fields strT strT "ltTDgt"
fldF.Value "lt/TDgt" Next strT strT
"lt/TRgt" objRec.MoveNext Wend strT strT
"lt/TABLEgt" ' and finally return the
table RecToTable strT End Function gt
22Example 3 Multi-Table Stored Query
- Here starFilm is a stored query that involves
joining data from several tables. - Well see that stored queries are handled much as
regular tables.
23 ltHTMLgt lt!-- INCLUDE FILE"DataStore.inc"
--gt lt!-- INCLUDE FILE"adovbs.inc" --gt lt!--
INCLUDE FILE"RecToTable.asp" --gt ltHEADgt ltTITLE
gtADO Fields Collection with Querylt/TITLEgt lt/HEADgt
ltBODYgt lt Dim objRec ' recordset
object Set objRec Server.CreateObject
("ADODB.Recordset") ' now open it - Note that
Query is given as adStoredProc objRec.Open
"starFilm", strConnect, adOpenForwardOnly,
_ adLockReadOnly, adStoredProc Response.Writ
e RecToTable (objRec) objRec.Close Set
objRec Nothing gt lt/BODYgt lt/HTMLgt
Link to page
24(No Transcript)
25Example4 Insert Row
- In this example, well
- Make use of an HTML Form for user input of data
for a new row in the Critics table - This input is passed to another ASP page
- This page makes use of the Request object to get
the data - The page then inserts the new row
26 ltHTMLgt ltHEADgt ltTITLEgt Form for New Critic
lt/TITLEgt lt/HEADgt ltBODYgt ltH1gt New Critic Entry
Form lt/H1gt ltH3gt Please fill in the form and
click Submit lt/H3gt 'On Submit, CriticInsert
will be executed ltFORM ACTION"CriticInsert.asp"
NAME"CriticId"gtlt/Pgt ltPgtCritic name ltINPUT
TYPE"TEXT" NAME"CriticName"gtlt/Pgt ltPgtltINPUT
TYPE"Reset" VALUE"Start Over on this
Page"gt ltINPUT TYPE"SUBMIT" VALUE"Submit these
values"gtlt/Pgt lt/FORMgt lt/BODYgt lt/HTMLgt
27The Critic Insertion Code
ltHTMLgt lt!-- INCLUDE FILE"DataStore.inc"
--gt lt!-- INCLUDE FILE"adovbs.inc"
--gt ltHEADgt ltTITLEgtInsert New Critic
lt/TITLEgt lt/HEADgt ltBODYgt lt Dim objRec Dim
strCriticId, strCriticName strCriticId
Request.Form("CriticId") strCriticName
Request.Form("CriticName") Set objRec
Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset") objRec.Op
en "critic", strConnect, adOpenStatic,
_ adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable objRec.AddNew o
bjRec("cId") strCriticId objRec("cname")
strCriticName objRec.Update Response.Write
"Sucessfully added " Response.Write
strCriticName objRec.Close Set objRec Nothing
gt lt/BODYgt lt/HTMLgt
Link to page
28(No Transcript)
29Example 5 Using a simple SQl Query
- In this example, well see how to use an SQL
query from the ASP file without building a query
in the database.
30The Critic Insertion Code
ltHTMLgt lt!-- INCLUDE FILE"adovbs.inc" --gt lt!--
INCLUDE FILE"DataStore.inc" --gt lt!-- INCLUDE
FILE"RecToTable.asp" --gt ltHEADgt ltTITLEgtFind
Contactslt/TITLEgt lt/HEADgt ltBODYgt lt Dim strSQL '
SQL String Dim objRec ' Recordset
object strSQL "SELECT starName,title "
strSQL strSQL FROM movieStar,actsIn,filmProj
ect " strSQL strSQL "WHERE gender 'F'
" strSQL strSQL " AND actsIn.filmIdfilmProjec
t.filmId " StrSQL strSQL " AND
movieStar.starIdactsIn.starId" ' create the
recordset Set objRec Server.CreateObject
("ADODB.Recordset") objRec.Open strSQL,
strConnect, adOpenForwardOnly, _ adLockReadOnly
, adCmdText ' write a table of the
recordset Response.Write RecToTable
(objRec) objRec.Close Set objRec
Nothing gt lt/BODYgtlt/HTMLgt
Link to Page
31(No Transcript)
32Example 6 Dynamic Query
- In this example, well see
- User input used to build an SQL query string
- Execution of the SQL command
- Specifically, the user will indicate which fields
from the Stars table to display and will indicate
the gender (M, F or both) to display - A use of the Fields collection to make the Form
33The Critic Insertion Code
ltHTMLgt lt!-- INCLUDE FILE"adovbs.inc" --gt lt!--
INCLUDE FILE"DataStore.inc" --gt ltHEADgt
ltTITLEgtFind Contactslt/TITLEgt lt/HEADgt ltBODYgt ltFORM
NAMEStarInfo ACTION"StarsQuery.asp"
METHOD"POST"gt ltH2gtFind Stars by
Genderlt/H2gt Enter the Gender (M/F) to
find ltINPUT TYPETEXT NAME"Gender"gt ltPgtPlease
select which fields you would likeltPgt lt dim
objRec Set objRec Server.CreateObject
("ADODB.Recordset") objRec.Open "movieStar",
strConnect, adOpenForwardOnly, _ adLockReadOnly,
adCmdTable ' create a checkbox in the form for
each field in the recordset For Each objField in
objRec.Fields Response.Write "ltINPUT
vbQuot " VALUE" vbQuot objField.Name
vbQuot _ "gt" objField.Name "ltBRgt"
vbCR Next objRec.Close Set objRec
TYPERESET VALUE"Clear"gt lt/FORMgt lt/BODYgt lt/HTMLgt
34The Critic Insertion Code
ltHTMLgt lt!-- INCLUDE FILE"adovbs.inc" --gt lt!--
INCLUDE FILE"DataStore.inc" --gt lt!-- INCLUDE
FILE"RecToTable.asp" --gt ltHEADgt ltTITLEgtFind
Contactslt/TITLEgt lt/HEADgt ltBODYgt lt Dim strSQL '
SQL String Dim objRec ' Recordset object Dim
intCount ' number of fields selected ' find out
which fields are to be selected strSQL "" For
intCount 1 to Request.Form("Field").Count strS
QL strSQL Request.Form("Field")(intCount)
", " Next ' strip off the trailing comma and
space added in the loop strSQL Left(strSQL,
Len(strSQL) - 2) strSQL "SELECT " strSQL "
FROM movieStar" If Request.Form("Gender") ltgt ""
Then strSQL strSQL " WHERE Gender '"
Request.Form("Gender") "'" End If Set
objRec Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset")
objRec.Open strSQL, strConnect,
adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly,
adCmdText Response.Write RecToTable
(objRec) objRec.Close Set objRec
Nothing gt lt/BODYgtlt/HTMLgt
Link to Page
35(No Transcript)
36(No Transcript)
37Example 7 Updating a record
- In this example, well see
- Use an HTML form to specify id of movie star to
update - An ASP file to check that star exists and return
values in a form - Another ASP file to do the updating
38Update - Get stars id
39Update - Get stars info
40Update - Do the update
41Go to next presentation