Title: Financial Brief Everyday Strategies that will make a difference
1Financial BriefEveryday Strategies that will
make a difference
I like the dreams of the future better than the
history of the past. Thomas Jefferson
2Making Money
- Common Sense just not necessarily common
knowledge - Seek out this Knowledge
- Arm yourself with the right tools
- Grow with training
- Learn from someone's mistakes and success
It is better to have an ambitious plan than none
at all. Winston Churchill
3Why Financial Management
- Flexibility to do the things you have always
wanted. - Achieve all of your Financial Goals
- Plan for your retirement
- Plan for your children's futures and their
children's (Generational Wealth)
Plan backwards as well as forward. Set
objectives and trace back to see how to achieve
them.. Donald Rumsfeld
4Insurance for Success
- Learn How To Manage the Money That You Have.
- Learn How You Can Take Control Of Your Own
Financial Independence
Dont be afraid to challenge the pros, even in
their own backyard. Thomas Jefferson
5The Plan
- You must have a Plan
- Write the plan down-(dont just think about it)
- Follow the Plan
- Use it as a road map
- Take charge of your Future
The purpose is clear. It is safety with
solvency.. Dwight D. Eisenhower
I like the dreams of the future better than the
history of the past. Thomas Jefferson
7Quick Strategies to Remember
- Pay yourself first
- Pay off high interest rate credit cards
- Check your credit report often
Remember that credit is money. Benjamin
8Financial StrategyCredit Reporting Agencies
- Experian 888-Experian
- Equifax - 800-685-1111
- Trans Union 316-636-6100
- www.creditreport.com
- www.myFICO.com
Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do
today. Benjamin Franklin
9Debt vs Cash
- You must be able to make more than you Pay in
Interest - Rule of thumb twice as much
Dont be afraid to challenge the pros, even in
their own backyard. Thomas Jefferson
10Learn the Rule of 72
Lack of orders is no excuse for inaction.
George S. Patton
11The Best Investment in America
- Buy a home
- On average a home will double in value every 7-8
years - Interest expense can be written off
- Tight market will change
- New opportunities
- Look for Dont Wanters
Take calculated risks. That is quite different
from being rash. George S. Patton
12KEY WORDSFlexible
I am always ready to learn, but I do not always
like being taught.. Winston Churchill
13Lease Option
- Lease purchase
- Contract for deed
- Rent to own
- TRY before you BUY
It is better to have an ambitious plan than none
at all. Winston Churchill
14Pay Your Rate Down
- 300,000.00 Loan 7
- 3,000.00 1 point (pay an extra point)
- 100.00 Save per month
- In three years you will have saved 3600.00
- And 100.00 each month there after
You cannot push anyone up a ladder unless he is
willing to climb himself.. Andrew Carnegie
15Pay Off Your Loan Early
- When interest rates are rising use a fix rate
mortgage - If you plan to stay in your home more than 5
years use a fix rate mortgage - Use a 30 year and pay off early
Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever
achieve greatly.. Robert F. Kennedy
- Use an Amortization Schedule
- Available Online Free
- Call your Mortgage Company to get yours
- Can be used for any simple interest loan
The purpose is clear. It is safety with
solvency.. Dwight D. Eisenhower
19Always Make your Payment
May 1, 2008
20(No Transcript)
21Second Check
May 1, 2008
22May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008
23SAVE 1,352.94
Pay More than one Principal
SAVE 4,055.12
26Principal Only
27You Must Make a Payment Every Month
28The torch has been passed to a new generation.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
29Planning for Retirement
- Retirement Plans
- 401k
- Max out to Match then control your investment
There are no secrets to success. It is the
result of preparation, hard work and learning
from failure.. Colin Powell
30Preservation vs Growth
- Depending on where you are at you will have
different investment goals
31Stocks/Mutual Funds
- IRAs
- 401ks
- Online Trading Account
- Options Express
- AmeriTrade
- Scott Trade
- E-Trade
Plan backwards as well as forward. Set
objectives and trace back to see how to achieve
them.. Donald Rumsfeld
32Common Mistakes
- 1- Dont Get Emotionally Involved
- It will come back
- Its a good company
- It cant go any lower
- I cant sell it now
- I have a feeling about this one
I like the dreams of the future better than the
history of the past. Thomas Jefferson
33Common Mistakes
- 1- Dont Get Emotionally Involved
- 2- Lack Discipline
- 3- Listening to the so called experts
- 4- Trade against the Trend
- The Trend is your Friend
The purpose is clear. It is safety with
solvency.. Dwight D. Eisenhower
35Time Value of Money
36Buy and Hold
38Sample Channel Stock
4 BUYS-4 SELLS in 4 Months If you invested
1,000 You would still have 1,000 Using Buy and
Hold Strategy Investment Entry Price Shares
Profit _at_ 57.01 1,000.00 50.45 20
130.03 1,130.03 50.45 22
146.94 1,276.97 50.45 25
166.04 1,443.01 50.45 29
187.63 In 4 months you made a 44.3 ROI
39Paper Trade
- Use as a practice account
- Dont worry about losing just develop your plan
- Trade your plan
- Once successful- trade the same way with real
If a man does his best, what else is there?.
General George S. Patton