Title: Derivative Accounting Principles and Rules
1Derivative AccountingPrinciples and Rules
- Derivative Instrument -- Fair Value
- Gain or Loss -- Recognized in Income Statement
- 1/1/01 Cash 3,000,000
- Note Payable 3,000,000
- 12/31/01 Interest Expense 210,000
- Cash 210,000
- Cash 12,000
- Interest Expense 12,000
- Note Interest expense is 198,000 (3,000,000 X
6.6). - 12/31/01 Gain or loss 53,497
- Liability under derivative 53,497
- Note Payable 53,497
- Gain or loss 53,497
- Note P.V. of Difference of interest rate 1 of
3,000,000 for 2 years - 30,000 X 1.783263 53,497
- 1/1/00 Cash 5,000,000
- Note Payable 5,000,000
- 12/31/00 Interest Expense (5M X 8.6) 430,000
- Cash (From Bradford) 20,000
- Cash (To Local Bank) 450,000
- 12/31/00 Gain or loss 124,342
- Liability under derivative 124,342
- Note Payable 124,342
- Gain or loss 124,342
- 12/31/01 Interest Expense (5M X 9.5) 475,000
- Cash (To Local Bank) 450,000
- Cash (To Bradford) 25,000
- 12/31/01 Liability under derivative 124,342
- Investment in derivative 89,164
- Gain or loss 213,506
- Gain or loss 213.506
- Note Payable 213,506
4Fair Value Hedge
- Example Swap from Fixed Rate Mortgage to
Variable Rate Mortgage - Accounting Rules
- Derivative Instrument
- Valuation Fair Value
- Gain or Loss Recognized in Income
5Fair Value Hedge
- Derivative Instrument
- Valuation Fair Value
- Gain or Loss Recognized in I/S
- Underlying Financial Instrument
- Valuation From Modified Cost
- To Fair Value
- Gain or Loss Recognized in I/S
6Fair Value Hedge
- Effective Hedge No Gain or Loss
- Ineffective Hedge Gain or Loss Recognized
- in Income Statement
- Partial Hedge Effective Vs Ineffective
- Classification - Based on Intention
- Compensatory Stock Option Plan
- Stock Option
- Stock Appreciation Rights
- Non-compensatory Stock Option Plan
- With separable (detachable) stock warrants
- Without separable (detachable) stock warrants
- Classification - Based on Tax Law
- Qualified Stock Option
- Not taxable to employees at the date of grant
- Not taxable to employees when exercised and held
the stock - Would be taxed at capital gain tax rate when the
stock was sold - Non-qualified Stock Option
- May be taxable to employees at the date of grant
- Taxable to employees when options were exercised
Employer would be able claim deduction for tax
purpose for the amount taxable to employees - Taxable to employees at ordinary tax rate when
options were exercised
9Compensatory Stock Option Accounting Rules
- The Intrinsic Value at the Date of Grant
- No compensation expense recognized if exercise
price is equal or more than the market price of
the stock at the date of grant - Fair Value at the Date of Grant
- Discounted Cash Flow Method (Present Value
Concept) - Black-Scholes Model
- Fair Market Value determined by market
- Fair Value at Balance Sheet Date
- Adjustment of compensation expense each year