Title: CS3006N Revision Class
1CS3006N Revision Class
- Exam structure
- What to revise
- What is not in the exam
- Exam technique
- The mark per minute rule
- Little words matter
- How not to answer a question
3Exam Structure
- The exam is in one part
- Answer 3 questions out of 4
- Each question is 33 marks so the exam is out of
99 - If you answer all 4 questions only the first 3
will be marked even if the second question could
have got more marks. - Each question starts on a new page
4What to Revise question 1
- Question one is entirely Rogers Process
- You will be asked to
- Take a set of concrete classes ands apply Rogers
process - Demonstrate polymorphic method calls etc.
5What to Revise question 2
- Question 2 OOP theory
- You will not be asked to write a complete Java
- constructors
- Abstract classes
- Overloading, overriding, polymorthism
6What to Revise question 3
- Question 3 Testing and programming in the large
- You will be asked to think and problem solve
- 2 and 3 tier architectures
- Web applications vs traditional applications
- Performance of web applications
- Discuss potential problems with writing a web
application to perform a certain task - Discuss potential problems of the request reply
protocol - Discuss sessions and cookies
7What to Revise question 4
- Question 4 Architectures
- Client server
- Request reply
- Publish and subscribe
8Exam technique 1 mark 1 minute
- The exam is 2 hours ( 120 minutes ) and contains
100 marks. Thats 1 mark per minute which is
standard for an exam. - So if a question is worth 3 marks don't spend 10
minutes on it and don't write 2 pages answering
it! -
9Exam technique Order of questions
- You do not have to do each exam question in
order. So if you are not sure about question 1 do
question 2 first. - Make sure we know which question each answer is
for! If we can't tell you will not get the mark!
10Exam technique Diagrams
- Sometimes diagrams can save lots of writing but
make sure we can understand the diagram! - Label it and make sure the diagram answers the
question - For example what messages are sent between a web
browser and client to fetch a web page. What
order are they sent? ( 4 marks) - This is not a good answer!
- What is it? Two rectangles with two arrows in
between them? Does this answer the question? NO - LABEL YOU DIAGRAMS
11Exam technique Diagrams
- This is a good answer
- The client sends the request first
- The server sends the reply
- This is a good answer
1. Request
2. Reply
12Exam technique Wording of questions
I don't want to know how a cookie works or what
are its disadvantages or advantages I want to
know what it is used for!
- What is a cookie?
- Cookies can only store 4K of data but you can
have more than one cookie per client - A cookie is a way of storing data on a per client
basis. The information in a cookie stays alive
between requests
- This tells me what I want to know.
- Mark for stores information for each client
separately - 1. Mark for information does not die between
13Exam technique Wording of questions
This does not tell me that you understand how
cookies allow the client and server to remember
- How does a cookie work?
- A cookie is a way of storing data on a per client
basis. The information in a cookie stays alive
between requests - A cookie is created by the server and sent to the
client as part of the request. Next time the
client makes a request it passes the cookie back
to the server
This is clear, and could also have been explained
in a diagram. But the diagram must make all the
points clearly
14Exam technique Wording of questions
This answer does not mention sessions at all and
does not compare them NO MARKS even though the
information is part of the answer
- Compare Cookies to Sessions
- Cookies can only store 4K of data but you can
have more than one cookie per client - A client can have more than one cookie but only
one session. A session can store lots of objects
a cookie can only store up to 4K of data
This compares and makes the differences clear
15Exam technique Wording of questions
I don't care about this! Half of what was written
gets no marks gt waste of writing and time.
- What are the disadvantages of Cookies?
- Cookies can only store 4K of data but you can
have more than one cookie per client - They can only store 4K. They can make
communication slower because each request or
reply will contain all the cookies for that client
16How to not answer an exam question Keyword
- Its very easy to not read the question and just
focus on individual keywords - Cookies are one way of storing data between
requests what is another way? - Cookies store data on a per client basis.
The keyword search says what is a cookie!
ZERO marks Answer The Question
17How to not answer an exam question Brain dump
- Its very easy to focus on one word and write
everything you know about it - Would you use the ApplicationContext to store a
shopping basket? (1 mark) - Application context allows you to store data
which is global to all clients. This allows you
to implement shared things such as a hit counter
or a keep a total of the number of clients or
purchases made. The application context can only
store object but you can put simple things like
an int into an object and store that object
ltblah blah blahgt - NO
Lots of effort 0 MARKS
Little effort 1 mark!
18How to not answer an exam question
- Its tempting to try to write the perfect answer
to a question, to make sure you definitely get
the marks for it. - Ask yourself which is easier and which will get
you the most marks - To polish part of a question to get every
possible mark out of it like squeezing the last
drop of juice from a lemon - Do more questions reasonably well