Title: Renaissance Art
1Renaissance Art
Credit to Susan Pejer of Horace Greeley HS in
Chattapaqua, NY for original slideshow. This is
an abridged version.
2Five characteristics of Renaissance Art
- Humanist appreciation for individual achievement
- Realism
- Perspective
- Influence of classic art and architecture
- Religious influences
3What is humanism?
- Developed from the rediscovery of Greek and Roman
texts - Humanist curriculum included grammar, rhetoric,
philosophy, and history (aka the Humanities) - Humanism- a variety of ethical theory and
practice that emphasizes reason, scientific
inquiry, and human fulfillment in the natural
world and often rejects the importance of belief
in God.
4Florence, Italy
5The Medici Family
- Predominate Florentine family (merchants)
- Patrons of some of the most famous art in
Florence - Medici Bank was the most prosperous and respected
in all of Europe
6The Medici Palace and the Medici Palace Chapel
7Examples of Medieval art
8Examples of Medieval art
9Examples of Medieval art
10Renaissance Artists
- Brunelleschi (architect)
- Donatello (sculptor)
- Verrocchio (painter)
- Leonardo Da Vinci
- Michelangelo
- Raphael
11Brunelleschis Dome
12Donatellos David
Donatellos David was the first free-form bronze
statue created since Roman times
13Verrocchios Baptism of Christ
Can you identify Leonardo Da Vinci in this
14Da Vincis Vitruvian Man
What is so important about this sketch? How did
it revolutionize art?
15The Mona Lisa
There is much speculation about the Mona Lisa.
Some believe that Da Vinci was inspired by his
own likeness.
16The Last Supper
17Anatomy sketches
18Michelangelos David
How does this compare to Donatellos David?
19La Pieta (the pity)
Besides the obvious beauty, what is so
captivating about this piece?
20The Sistine Chapel
21The Sistine Chapel
Who is represented in this fresco?
22Raphaels portrait of Castiglione
Castiglione is responsible for identifying the
ideals that made for the perfect Renaissance man
23Betrothal of the Virgin
Which of the five characteristics is obvious in
this piece?
24The School of Athens