Cognitive Load and Planning' - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Cognitive Load and Planning'


All variables are labelled in the Variable View window in SPSS. Computing Overall Scores. ... Human memory and the medial temporal region of the brain. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Cognitive Load and Planning'

Cognitive Loadand Planning.
  • To plan is to model a sequence of actions in
    preparation for carrying out a particular task
    (Shallice, 1982).
  • Before embarking on an action sequence which is
    novel or complex, we usually spend some time
    thinking what we are about to do, how best to
    achieve the goal, in what order to perform the
    individual actions, and how much time and effort
    will need to be allocated to the task. Memory is
    involved in formulating such plans, holding the
    elements and sequence in mind while the plan is
    being assembled, evaluated, revised and
    implemented (Cohen, 1989, p. 50).

Reducing Cognitive Load.
  • Therefore, planning places a heavy load on
    cognitive resources.
  • How can this cognitive load be reduced and
    planning facilitated?
  • Performance is dependent on
  • i) an individuals WM capacity.
  • ii) the cognitive load made by the task.

External Representation.
  • Common view that all representations in cognition
    occur solely in the mind and that external
    objects are, at best, peripheral tools (Zhang
    Norman, 1994).
  • But external representations (ERs)
  • Can give access to knowledge and skills
    unavailable from internal representations.
  • ER formalisms include tables, lists, and set
    diagrams (e.g., Venn diagrams).
  • Graphical ERs influence cognition by reducing
    search and working memory load by organising
    information by location (Cox, 1999).
  • In choosing to represent cognition externally,
    benefits must outweigh costs (Zhang, 1997).

External Representation contd.
  • Scaife and Rogers (1996) identify three aspects
    of external cognition
  • computational offloading- how differential
    external representations reduce the amount of
    cognitive effort needed to solve problems that
    are informationally equivalent.
  • Compare solving geometry diagrams to sentences
    containing the same information.
  • Re-representation- how different external
    representations, but with the same abstract
    structure, make problem-solving simpler or more
  • Compare the ease of multiplying LXVIII x X to 68
    x 10!
  • Graphical constraining- graphical elements in a
    graphical representation can constrain the kinds
    of inferences that can be made about the
    underlying represented world.

The Experiment.
  • Will examine how external representation supports
  • Will control for memory span.

The Debrief.
External Representation and Problem-Solving.
  • External representation
  • reduces the load on internal working memory.
    Storing less information in internal working
    memory means there is less chance of forgetting
    information. This reduces errors.
  • may make the task seem to be less cognitively
    complex, because of the reduced load on working
    memory. Hence, participants feel more confident
    about solving it.
  • allows the user to become more focused on solving
    the problem as opposed to remembering the rules.
  • (Noyes Garland, 2003 p. 580).

Working with Plans.
  • Five specific types of cognitive load in
  • The memory load required to store the plan.
  • Identification of options for action at each step
    of the plan.
  • Decision about which of these possible actions
    should actually be chosen as the next step in the
  • Keeping track of dependencies between planned
  • Keeping track of the effect of the plan as a
    whole with respect to overall goals. Analysing
    the combined effect of multiple actions.

Working Memory.
  • Limited capacity memory system involved in the
    temporary storage and processing of information.
  • Maintains, integrates, and manipulates
    information from different sources.
  • Model of Baddeley (1986).

The Multi-component Model of Working Memory.
Central Executive
Phonological Loop
Visuospatial Sketchpad
Long-term Knowledge Structures Visual
Language Semantics
Measuring the Working Memory System.
  • Simple span tasks require only the storage
    operation of the PL or VSSP.
  • Working memory span tasks require storage in the
    PL or VSSP and simultaneous processing which
    draws on the CE.
  • Key
  • CE Central executive.
  • PL Phonological loop.
  • VSSP Visuospatial sketchpad.

The Importance ofWorking Memory.
  • Working memory involved in, for example
  • language acquisition (Gathercole and Baddeley,
  • reading comprehension (Daneman Carpenter,
  • mental arithmetic (Logie, Gilhooly, Wynn,
  • problem-solving (e.g., Johnson-Laird, 1983) and
    hypothesis generation (e.g., Gilhooly et al.,

Planning and the Tower Tasks.
  • Shallices (1982) Tower of London planning task.
  • Objective move from start state to goal state.
  • Constraints
  • Only one disc can be moved at a time.
  • All discs not being moved must be placed on a
  • A larger disc must not be placed on a smaller

External Representation and Tower Tasks.
  • Role for working memory in Tower tasks
  • Involvement of executive processes (planning) and
    spatial working memory (e.g., Goel Grafman,
    1995 Phillips et al., 1999).
  • External representation aids performance
  • Zhang and Norman (1994).
  • Noyes and Garland (2003)
  • Participants most successful and fastest with
    computerised display on Tower of Hanoi. But more
    trial-and-error approach.
  • Mental solutions led to more strategies and fewer
    moves to solution.

External Representations and Planning contd.
  • But this is one, very abstract, planning task.
  • Designed to have very little specific domain
  • Is there a similar influence of ERs and working
    memory on other types of planning task? And in
    more realistic domains?

The Experiment.
Overview of the Experiment.
  • Designed to examine
  • the relative contribution of verbal and
    visuospatial working memory to planning.
  • the impact of external representations on
  • which aspects of the interface may help planning.

  • Working memory measures
  • Simple span tasks-
  • Verbal digit span.
  • Visuospatial Corsi block span.
  • Working memory span tasks-
  • Verbal verification-digit span.
  • Visuospatial spatial working memory span.
  • Planning task.

Order of Presentation.
  • The tasks were presented in two orders
  • Digit span, verification-digit span, Corsi Block
    span, spatial working memory span, planning.
  • Corsi Block span, spatial working memory span,
    digit span, verification-digit span, planning.
  • i.e. presentation was blocked by modality
    (verbal, spatial) and then simple span task
    followed by working memory span task.

Verbal Working Memory Measures.
Digit Span Task.
  • Recall a series of digits in the correct serial
    order by entering them on calculator-style
  • Number of digits to recall increases gradually
    over the course of the task, with 2 trials at
    each level.
  • Span level defined as the last level at which 1/2
    trials are answered correctly.

Verification-Digit Span Task.
  • Adapted from Shah and Miyake (1996).
  • Processing component indicate with a
    button-press whether simple sentences are true or
  • e.g., Trees are living things. (True)
  • Butter is a snack. (False)
  • Storage component remember simultaneously
    presented digit for later recall in serial order,
    using keypad.
  • Span level increases in same way as digit span.

Visuospatial Working Memory Measures.
Corsi Block Span Task.
  • Corsi Block span task (Corsi, 1973).
  • Blocks highlighted in serial order in an array,
    with two trials at each level.
  • Remember spatial sequences.
  • Reproduce them by clicking on blocks in an empty
  • Span measure (progress to next level if at least
    1/2 correct).

Corsi Blocks Span Task.
Spatial Working Memory Span Task.
  • Spatial working memory span task.
  • Processing component indicate whether more cells
    highlighted in top or bottom half of screen.
  • Storage component recall positions of cells
    marked with checked pattern, by clicking on
    blocks in an empty array.
  • Span level calculated in same way as for Corsi
    block span.

Spatial Working Memory Span Task.
The Planning Task.
The Medical Planning Task.
  • Initial familiarisation with interface.
  • Graded problems of increasing difficulty, with
    increasing constraints (pregnancy, surgery) and
    number of illnesses to reduce risk of
  • Task instructions presented on paper.
  • Different levels of planning support offered by
    the interface timeline, timeline graph,
    timeline graph constraint warnings.

  • For both tasks, the IV is interface support (3
    conditions timeline, timeline graph, timeline
    graph constraint warnings).
  • Span tasks
  • Dependent variable span recall accuracy.
  • Planning task
  • Dependent variables
  • Time -Time taken to solve the planning problem.
  • GraphAarea Final area under Graph for Line A
    (i.e. overall success of the plan- lower score
  • Insertions Number of events inserted into plan.
  • Deletions Number of events deleted from plan.

Statistics Note.
  • Note Due to a design flaw, many participants
    failed to contribute a spatial working memory
    span score. Therefore, instead of analysing span,
    use the recall accuracy measures for each task
    instead. You could also look at the verification
    (processing) component for both of the working
    memory span scores too, if youre feeling keen.

Null Hypotheses.
  • Null hypotheses (H0)
  • No relationships between span and planning tasks.
  • No difference in planning scores between the
    three interface support conditions.

Alternative Hypotheses.
  • Alternative hypotheses (H1)
  • Relationship expected between span tasks and
  • Planning task to have stronger correlations with
    working memory span tasks than simple span tasks.
  • Strongest correlation between spatial working
    memory span and planning, due to visuospatial
    nature of interface.
  • Significant difference in planning scores between
    conditions. More interface support should lead to
    more successful performance.

Data Analysis.
Variable Definitions.
  • The data are already formatted as an SPSS data
  • All variables are labelled in the Variable View
    window in SPSS.

Computing Overall Scores.
  • Use SPSSs Compute function to calculate
  • mean verbal and visuospatial spans and an overall
    mean memory span.
  • an overall mean for each of the planning
    dependent variables (i.e., collapsed across the
    three problems).
  • To do this
  • Pull down the Transform menu,
  • select Compute,
  • then Name your Target Variable (e.g. PlanTime),
  • select MEAN(numexpr, numexpr),
  • then enter (between the brackets) the DVs you
    want to convert into a mean value. For example,
    MEAN(PlanTime1, PlanTime2, PlanTime3).
  • A new variable should appear with the mean value
    in it- check the calculation is correct and then

Planning Task Analyses.
  • Run one-way ANOVAs on each of the converted
    planning DVs to determine whether the level of
    external representation has an influence on the
    planning task and on which dependent variables it
    has most impact.
  • Use post hoc Bonferroni comparisons to determine
    which of the conditions differs significantly
    from the others.
  • Plot group performance for each planning DV.

Working Memory Analyses.
  • Run an ANOVA to determine whether there are any
    differences in overall recall performance between
    the three conditions.
  • Use post hoc Bonferroni comparisons to determine
    which, if any, of the conditions differs
    significantly from the others.
  • Report the group accuracy means for each span

Planning Working Memory Correlations.
  • Run bivariate correlations on the accuracy scores
    for the four working memory tasks and the
    converted planning scores.
  • To determine whether there is any relationship
    between planning and working memory performance.
  • Which of the four working memory measures
    correlates most highly with planning ability?

Planning Working Memory Linear Regression.
  • Run linear regression analyses on any of the
    planning DVs that correlate significantly with
    span tasks (using recall accuracy on the span
    tasks as the IVs).
  • How much variance (r²) in planning ability can be
    explained by the span task?

  • To include a discussion of
  • how strongly do the various span tasks correlate?
    Is there a dissociation between verbal and
    visuospatial working memory?
  • how did participants do on the working memory
    tasks? Were they better on the simple span tasks
    or the working memory span ones?
  • how did external representation influence
    planning performance?
  • what contribution did recall accuracy make to
    planning performance? Is it a good predictor of
    planning ability?

Discussion contd.
  • Consider any flaws in the design and how they
    might have influenced the results. How could the
    design be improved upon in the future?

Applications of the Work.
  • Greater understanding of
  • role of working memory in planning.
  • support offered by external representations to
  • Medical planning
  • REACT (Risk, Events, Actions, and their
    Consequences over Time).
  • Supports communication of risks and implications
    of planned courses of actions.
  • Interface split into 3 main sections planning,
    outcome measures, and argumentation.
  • For an overview, visit

  • Baddeley, A.D. (1986). Working Memory. Oxford
    Clarendon Press.
  • Cohen, G. (1989). Memory in the real world. Hove
    Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Cox, R. (1999). Representation construction,
    externalised cognition, and individual
    differences. Learning and Instruction, 9,
  • Corsi, P. (1973). Human memory and the medial
    temporal region of the brain. Dissertation
    Abstracts International, 34(2-B), 891.
  • Daneman, M., Carpenter, P.A. (1983). Individual
    differences in integrating information between
    and within sentences. Journal of Experimental
    Psychology Learning, Memory, and Cognition,
    9(4), 561-584.
  • Gathercole, S.E., Baddeley, A.D. (1989).
    Evaluation of the role of phonological STM in the
    development of vocabulary in children A
    longitudinal study. Journal of Memory and
    Language, 28, 200-213.
  • Gilhooly, K.J., Logie, R.H., Wetherick, N.E.,
    Wynn, V. (1993). Working memory and strategies in
    syllogistic-reasoning tasks. Memory Cognition,
    21(1), 115-124.
  • Goel, V., Grafman, J. (1995). Are frontal lobes
    implicated in planning functions? Interpreting
    data from the Tower of Hanoi. Neuropsychologia,
    33(5), 623-642.
  • Johnson-Laird, P.N. (1983). Mental models.
    Cambridge Cambridge University Press.

References contd.
  • Logie, R.H., Gilhooly, K.J., Wynn, V. (1994).
    Counting on working memory in mental arithmetic.
    Memory and Cognition, 22, 395-410.
  • Noyes, J.N., Garland, K.J. (2003). Solving the
    Tower of Hanoi does mode of presentation matter?
    Computers in Human Behavior, 19, 579-592.
  • Phillips, L.H., Wynn, V., Gilhooly, K.J., Della
    Sala, S., Logie, R.H. (1999). The role of
    memory in the Tower of London task. Memory, 7,
  • Scaife, M., Rogers, Y. (1996). External
    cognition how do graphical representations work?
    International Journal of Human-Computer Studies,
    45, 185-213.
  • Shah, P., Miyake, A. (1996). The separability
    of working memory resources for spatial thinking
    and language processing An individual
    differences approach. Journal of Experimental
    Psychology General, 125(1), 4-27.
  • Shallice, T. (1982). Specific impairments of
    planning. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
    Society of London, 298, 199-209.
  • Zhang, J. (1997). The nature of external
    representations in problem solving. Cognitive
    Science, 21(2), 179-217.
  • Zhang, J., Norman, D.A. (1994). Representations
    in distributed cognitive tasks. Cognitive
    Science, 18, 87-122.
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