Title: Measuring scattering lengths at STAR
1Measuring scattering lengths at STAR
- Michal Bystersky (Prague) and Fabrice Retière
- Measuring scattering length at STAR, motivation
and strategy - First look at the scattering length from
pion-pion correlation function. A proof of
principle. - p-Lbar another proof of principle
- Outlook. Beyond the proof of principle!
3Why measuring p-p scattering lengths?
- High precision theoretical prediction
- Chiral perturbation theory
- Main assumption p mass from quark condensate
- Probe property of QCD vacuum
- Experiments trying to catch up
- E865 from kaon decay
- Dirac. Pionium lifetime
4Strategy for measuring p-p scattering lengths at
- Rely on very high statistics
- Calculate coulomb using state-of-the-art code
- Measure purity from ???? CFs
- Measure source size from ???? CFs
- Can the systematic errors be kept under control?
Uncorrelated pion fraction l from ????
Measured by ????
5Can STAR compete?
Yes, if systematic errors can be kept under
6Expected source of systematic errors
- Shape and size of the source
- What is the effect of non-Gaussian source?
- solution imaging, non-G parametrization,
simulations - Purity
- l depends heavily on Gaussian assumption
- solution imaging, non-G parametrization,
simulations - Momentum resolution
- Solution careful study of detector response
- Interaction calculation
- Cross-check models
7kT/centrality dependence provide akey handle on
systematic errors
- 4 kT x 6 centrality 24 independent systems in
Au-Au collisions - We should measure the same scattering lengths
- If we dont, back to square one
- More cross-check with Cu-Cu and d-Au
8First look at the data
9p-p- Correlation function
STAR preliminary
10Fit by build a chi2 map
STAR preliminary
STAR preliminary
Theory predication
Scattering lengths driven to large value away
from theory and E865
Calculations systematically Below data
11Why are we so far off?
- No, it is not physics
- Shape of the source
- So far, Gaussian assume but NA49 Fig.
- Error in parameterization (e.g. wrong frame)
- Issues with the calculation
- This is work in progress. No conclusion to be
drawn at that stage.
12NA49 correlation study of ?? interaction
CFNorm Purity RQMD(r ? Scale?r)1-Purity
??? scattering length f0 from NA49 CF
RL nucl-th/0112011
Fit CF(???) by RQMD with SI scale f0 ?
sisca f0input f0input 0.232 fm
sisca 0.6?0.1 Compare with 0.8 from S?PT
BNL E865 K ? e???
13Twicking the chi2 map to estimate our sensitivity
Rescale purity and size to get the predicted
scattering lengths
1, 2 and 3 s contours
STAR preliminary
Contour made with 1 of the available
statistics The full statistics will be necessary
to reach high precision
14Second proof of principlep-Lbar correlation
15p-L, pbar-L, p-Lbar, pbar-Lbar
STAR preliminary
Analysis by Gael Renault and Richard Lednicky
16From correlation functions to source size
Problem 2 different radii!
STAR preliminary
Known scatt lengths
Unknown scattering length Fit scattering lengths
17The pbar-L scattering lengths
STAR preliminary
Repulsive interaction (negative)
18But problem with baryon-baryonResidual
- Large contamination of p and L
- Decay does not destroy correlation
- p or g do not take away much momentum
- Residual correlations
- Some of them unknown
17 p-L ? p-L 10 L-L ? p(p)-L 7 p-S0 ?
p-L(g) 5 S-L ? p(p0)-L
19Conclusion and outlook
- STAR has the statistics to measure the p-p
scattering length with very high accuracy - The challenge is beating down the systematic
errors - We have a handle varying source size (kT or
centrality) - We will probably need to use imaging to avoid
making assumptions about the source shape - Stay tune RHIC is entering the era of high
precision QCD looking at two-particle correlation!